GE Dishwasher Won't Start? Replace Door Latch #WD21X10490

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This video provides step-by-step instructions for replacing the door latch on GE dishwashers. The most common reason for replacing the latch is when the door won’t latch or the dishwasher won’t start.

All of the information in this door latch replacement video is applicable to the following brands: GE

Tools used: 1/4” socket or nut driver, channel-lock pliers, 5/16” socket or nut driver, Phillips head screwdriver

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I just want to share my experience in case it helps someone else out there who is having problems with their GE dishwasher. My dishwasher was not working and when I tried to hit the Start button it gave me the open door warning.

I looked at my manual and there is a Consumer Error Mode which you can enter by holding the "Cycle Select" and "Start" button together for 5 seconds. If all of your lights blink then it means that it's interpreting that your door is open which it did even though my door was closed. I assumed from there that my latch was messed up which brought me to this video. I decided to clean the door latch and then I turned off the power to the dishwasher from my circuit breaker and left it off for 5 minutes. After I turned it on everything works again.

I can't say that this will solve the problem for you but it worked for me and it's a good first step for you to try before you start replacing things and taking things apart. Good luck!


This video just saved me a $95 diagnostic fee and who-knows-how-much for the repairman's time. Thank you so much.


So I was so upset about our dishwasher not working. And then I watched your video. Is exactly as you described. I shimmed it and it started! Thank you so much. It saved me from spending money and having to wait for a repairman. You rock.


I just wanted to follow up on my previous comment and suggestion about turning the breaker on and off to your dishwasher to clear the error codes. It has been 6 months since then and I have had a lot of problems with this dishwasher. I have replaced the latch and also the control circuit board because I kept getting the open door error codes but I realize now that I probably didn't have to replace either.

There is something in this machine which randomly triggers an open door signal to the sensor and board. I don't know if it's a capacitor that is holding on a charge or something but sometimes you'll have to leave the circuit breaker to the dishwasher off for a while before the open door signal will clear. I had problems and got tired off dealing with it last night and left the circuit breaker off and went to sleep. I got up this morning and it's working just fine.


How do I know this is the problem with my dishwasher??? Maybe you could show how to check with an ohm meter to make sure it is bad.


This question was asked but there was no reply to why do you need all those steps just to remove the latch? I can see opening the CB, but removing the wires, water tube etc, etc?


Turned off the circuit breaker and turned it back on again 2 minutes later... and it was magically fixed. Do that before ordering any parts or calling a repairman


I fixed mine by reseting it by turning the power off at the breaker, wait 20 seconds, put breaker switch back in, Fixed!


This is the best video I have watched to repair an appliance. Even I could do this. Where do I get the replacement latch for a GE GDT695SMJ2ES?


Adora GE Dishwasher Door Latch WD21X10490
Genuine OEM Part # WD21X10490
10/29/2021 GE Dishwasher was displaying flashing Orange light 💡 and beeping every 1min. this means your Dishwasher latch is not working. Replace the latch, part# above. after installing the new latch the orange light 💡 and beeping will still be there. next step go to your breaker on the side of your house 🏠 and turn off the main or dishwasher switch for 10 sec and turn the switch back on. go back into the house into the kitchen and the dishwasher will be working. don’t ask me why but it worked 😂 I guess it needed a hard reset.


My dishwasher was not turningon at all. It's on the same breaker as the disposal that was working. I turned the breaker off for approximately 10 minutes and turned back on. The dishwasher hard reset and is now working again.


Thank you! Fixed my issue for $38 instead of a new one for a grand!


If you have a GE dishwasher and the start light keeps blinking and will not turn on, and you replaced the doorlatch asm, then your next part is the control board. My issue started with a lighting storm. The door latch did not solve the problem. I had a gdf520pgj2cc dishwasher.


Question is this... If you turn off your breaker why cant you skip disconnecting the 3 wires down below??? Seems like you can just un screw the top sensor and replace it..???


Thanks brother! Disassembled the switch and blew some electronics cleaner in the two switches on the circuit board and bingo.


You should revise this and tell people to turn off their breaker in the electrical panel prior to dealing with any of the electrical components... thanks for the video though!


GE POS. I replaced the door latch a few months ago. It worked. Now the damn thing is beeping and won't run again. Tried fixes like holding start and cycle. It won't run. I'm going to try ordering another latch, and if that doesn't work, out the GE goes for another brand. It isn't that old! Problem is I bought all the appliances as a set. I'm already on my second microwave too!


Good video but I would start it with showing what the flashing lights look like. I replaced the latch and nothing happened, am still getting the same flashing lights (orange in the front, green on the start button on the panel). Knowing what the dishwasher is showing may have saved me the installation time.


The latch may be out of alignment. I placed some shims above the latch and it started working.


Hi, I have a GE Tall tub dishwasher and was wondering if you knew how to replace the door latch actuator inside the door handle part of the machine? I took out 3 to 4 pieces including a spring after removing the inner cover of the door in order to take out the actuator, since I ordered a new one, but I don't really know how it goes back in
