INTJ Secrets: The Art of Independence

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I think INTJs would unanimously agree that they feel loved when they feel deeply understood. But each in their own way with their own words, of course ❤️.


I have a "no trash" rule I strive to apply for everything: people that care about you and positively influence you, activities that help you maintain/reach high levels and obviously consuming things that impact you. Remove all the remaining unnecessary trash that doesn't help you grow and/or stops you from being better you.

Biggest struggle was taking action instead of constant daydreaming and thinking about what will be, but after regulating emotional issues and quitting videogames and binge watching, productivity levels are at all-time high and I'm not stuck in my head anymore.


INTJ here. The crazy thing is the large majority of rules have no consequences when broken. The only thing keeping the population following them is fear. People just have to hear a story of someone else getting in trouble and they will be obedient. 🤯


As an INTJ I learn the system used by whatever situation I’m in, so that I can go against it and do things my way, without getting into trouble.


There is a biological need for INTJ’s that is often overlooked. We are capable of restarting a society. If for example, a terrible natural disaster we’re to happen, INTJ along with whoever survived or through migration can carry the biology of their people. Due to their qualities of independence, less need for the group, planning, intelligence and the ability to let their mind control their feelings creates a person who is a strong survivor 💪. I have come to realize that is why INTJ’s don’t fit. If we fit like other personalities we might not want to survive after so much loss. I came to this perspective while talking with a friend from South Asia who lost her whole family, neighborhood and city to a tsunami. She had gone out of town just before it happened and had nothing to come back too. My friend already had for a person from her area a bigger view and was traveling so she moved to America and with typical INTJ grit opened a business but when we talk the pain of her loss is there but she was able to pickup and start a family, business and new life. Not many people think of independence and self belief as necessary but as a survival trait particularly in INTJ’s it is necessary. So my fellow INTJ’s nature gave you an extra responsibility ❤


As an INTJ I sometimes feel... Like the only one who fights for truth and justice - if not for others, then at least for myself. This leads me to a lot of conflicts and I am usually alone against the group who does something very wrong [because if they were right then why would I argue with them?]. Altough I don't mind being outside of a project or doing everything on my own. I am doing it better than them anyway and needing help is a rarity for me and probably most of INTJs.


Commercials: "Every [insert social group] needs this!"

INTJ: "No, you need me to buy your product. I will decide for myself if it's useful or not."


Nature always covers every base it can. When the tribe is charging off a cliff, INTJs evolved to say, "why?"
Follow us if you want to avoid the madness of the group!


You really get us INTJs more than any other channel. I am my own authority.


Healthy intjs are such chads, I often envy their self awareness, visionary ideas and how effortlessly yet unintentionally hilarious they are when they bluntly state their opinions, leaving the dullest of knives completely speechless -IxTP


Even before i knew typology or i am INTJ, i always used to say to myself. I hate being powerless, i hate being dependent on other people,
Eventually i am at the place where I don't need to trust anyone because people seem incompetent and don't think through thingse, i have even mastered the Fe after some insane amount of effort maybe 5000hrs of reading+reflection etc and i can handle people's ego pretty easily


This is the best ending ever! If I weren't already subscribed, I would.


After 40 or so years on this spinning marble as an INTJ, the tendency (or just having the courage) to go against the tribe has evolved into something more extreme.

There have been enough times that "the way it's always been done", "what everyone else is doing", "what everyone knows", etc. has been so wrong (or outdated, or no longer applicable, or whatever)--and on such a grand scale--that the slightest twinge from Ni that something doesn't quite feel right leads to a reflexive contrarianism.

Simply put, this feeling alone is enough to make me (us?) see that assuming everyone else is wrong is the most efficient way to approach matters--not just being the devil's advocate for the sake of the argument--but to actually trace back "what is" to the "whys". That is, to determine the first principles and underlying assumptions that lead to the status quo, filter out the good from the bad/obsolete, and re-extrapolate to see if we end up in the same place.

Does this sometimes lead to "reinventing the wheel"? Yes. But I'm okay with that, because in so doing, I can arrive at not only a better understanding of the underlying subject, but a more confident path forward in acting/deciding/judging a certain way in relation to it.

And, even if that weren't the case, the number of times it's turned out that we can see that someone's put wheels on a boat (and shout into the darkness in frustration that we're the only ones who can see it) make this a net net winning strategy.


I'm an INTJ, and I approve this message


This might be the most irrelevant comment ever written by an INTJ, though I do not think I should feel ashamed to post it. Nathan: you made me cry with the description.
Thank you for such a succinct yet accurate analysis. Most importantly though: thank you for your understanding.


In regards to not wanting to be part of a conventional system, speaking as an INTJ, if the system were to align with my goals in a way that's optimal for my purposes, I probably wouldn't have any issue with it. The problem comes when it's not optimal for my purposes. If it's not optimal, it feels very wasteful and I don't like doing it. It's hard to have any appetite for doing superfluous things when Se is your inferior function.


As an INTJ, I subscribed but I've never felt fully committed to it


How other people figure out the new coworker’s name: ask them

How INTJ does: Look at the timeclock/schedule and see what name I don’t recognize.
Save time trying to find the person, save energy provoking a draining social interaction, do it on my own and thus without any outside complications, quick and logical, save effort mishearing name.


As always your videos give me concepts that I can use everyday and enhance my life as INTJ.
Keep the up the good work!


Video tries to get me to subscribe
Me: Nope, not gonna do it
Video admits defeat and doesn't try
Me: ...subscribes
In admitting defeat, you have won. Well played.
