👉Four Signs A Friendship Might Be Coming To An End #shorts #youtubepartner

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I'm Dr. Julie thanks for being here. Subscribe for more videos on mental health and psychology.
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the worst part is when you want to end the friendship but you're afraid of hurting them even when they've hurt you so much


Thanks for chatting on friendships. Many people focus on romantic relationships but understanding friendships and how to be a better friend is missing in this generation. I wish you could go into more depth


If you start to feel like you have to “keep up” a friendship instead of being excited to spend time with them, it’s good to stop and think


5. When you friend makes you feel rejected or discarded.


Another sign:
Your friend doesn't have time for you anymore. You have to start making plans three or more weeks in advance and they still cancel a few days before because others are more important.


I’m so glad you didn’t use the word ‘toxic’. It’s so unhelpful these days labelling people and relationships as toxic when everything is much more complicated than that and has many layers and reasons for a bad relationship - partly you and partly the other person, maybe neither of your faults or perhaps both.


Another sign is when you don’t feel excited or inspired by them. They criticise you or bring you down yet talk non stop about themselves. Say away from these vampires.


I feel this so hard. I had a friend I was close with but after a while I felt like I could no longer be myself with her and any action of mine would be judged. We still kept in touch now and then, but even phone conversations with her made me feel quite low and bad about myself.


I've had many "close friends" and none of them last longer than a year or two. The longest one was five years, and the shortest was around a few months. I've learnt to enjoy my own company now, but I still do need friends, though I am much more closed off now and I don't let myself become vulnerable to friends.


Lost so many friendships cuz of the mismatching energies. I pray that I find people that match my energy and I wish that the same goes for everybody else ❤️


I’m literally about to cry, I have been best friends with my best friend for 10+ years we have gotten through so much together we are like sisters.

I just realized a couple of those sound like us, I don’t want to loose her


It took me so long to stop hanging out with my best friend because I had known her for so long, and didn't think I could find new friends. I realized that I needed to leave when I realized that I was more lonely around her than when I was just alone. I have a new friend group now though, and I feel so much better because they actually make me happy :)


The fact that you want to end the friendship but don't want to at the same time


Thank you this is helping me to end my toxic relationship with my "bestfriend"


I had a friend, she has always struggled with stuff, and I always tried my best to help her. The reason I left is because it was weighing down on me, and I never felt like I could share my own issues with them. Like yes, you can be depressed, but that doesn’t mean you are the only one who deals with hard things. It should equal out in the end.


There is so much needless shame surrounding this subject. I love how this short vid breaks it down in a way that doesn't make either person in the friendship bad or good.


Absolutely right. I've been there and years ago I ended a friendship that had been lasting for 25 years. For a while I've been struggling with the thought that I might have done the wrong thing BUT I understood I was right when facts showed me that person looked for me only as a last resort. I must say now I have no problems in cutting off all relationships that are parasitic...


I honestly needed this, I’ve been stuck in a toxic friendship where they bully me and no longer care for me. I’ve even created a whole separate personality for when I’m around them, it’s honestly painful especially since one of them did something unspeakable to me causing me mass amounts of trauma that I still can’t fully comprehend. It’s also exhausting to only be yourself when your alone in your room.


I'm literally feeling this during this period.
I'm really struggling with trying to fix a friendship i really care about but there are so many misunderstandings and i don't feel accepted, understood and loved anymore. All apologies. I'm really sad and exhausted.
But how can you end an important friendship in which other important friends are involved?

This video was a sort of a sign to me, thank you so much. I really appreciate this.❤️
