TRUTH: Why Japanese Worship White/Caucasian: WHITE SUPREMACY?!!

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Amount of subconscious media & social programming/conditioning for Caucasian fantasy/supremacy is INSANE. And it's been engrained in Japanese culture throughout the history, Hollywood movies, anime comics, and most notably, Studio Ghibli IMO.

Main points:
1. Through medias, magazines, TVs, commercials, animes, movies, etc
2. Studio Ghibli whitewashing
3. Color contact lens
4. Dying hair to brunnete
5. The grass is always greener on the other side

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Hi/こんにちは/Hora/Jak se mas!



I’m Sashi, a vlogger and software engineer from Canada. I'm Japanese and I lived in Japan until 20 but moved to Canada and studied Computing Science at university. I make videos about fitness, travel, photography, dogs/cats, and anything Japanese. I love Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese foods. I also love travelling and making travel videos.

I knew life was too short to regret things I didn't do. After realizing that life is really too short and I could die tomorrow, I decided to create this YouTube channel to explore, share, and express what I want and like.

I'm really here to share lots of Japanese stuff from my perspective. I love photography and videography.

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I mean Naruto is Blonde with blue eyes, you can't go any more white then that.


It’s ridiculous how some here are denying it even though the one’s admitting in the video is Japanese.


Finally, a truthful response! Unfortunately, China and Korea also suffer from the same complex.


This phenomena is not exclusive to Japan. We Arabs have a complex about skin color too. We can range from dark brown to very pale skinned and guess which side is considered more attractive?

I'm from a small town in Saudi Arabia and one time an aunt with little world experience said I look a Hollywood actor as a compliment. She meant well but it shook me.

The media (Hollywood, fashion and advertising agencies mainly) has really fucked up our notions of what constitutes beauty. Not just in a physical sense but also on a deeper level. We feel ourselves inferior to Western peoples in almost every way.
The solution isn't to hate Caucasians or Western ideals but rather to find a way to attain dignity and self-love for ourselves.
Thank you for this video. I am often dismissed by white friends and acquaintances when discussing racism in Japan and elsewhere. They'll say things like, "no! We had no issues and everyone was lovely, " while not taking into account how Japanese people would perceive a dark skinned person like me as opposed to a fair skinned Westerner.


I have a ton of respect for you for telling the truth. I tell people this all the time and they deny it. Having been stationed in Korea for four years and traveled to Japan many times, I used to see it all the time.


It's sad that this is a thing. It's sad that so many people of different races are brainwashed to not value or see their own beauty.


Interesting! It’s not only in Japan but Mexico too!


This is happening around Asia I think. Such a interesting topic!


This generation not falling for the BS so easily....this world is FINALLY waking up


Asians have mass Stockholm syndrome after white people bombed them, Asians fell in love with all things white ever since. why does goku from dragonball z goes from being a black haired Asian guy only to transform to a blonde haired, blue eyed Super Saiyan ? His Best form?


I like this guy he stay woke you need to have a Japanese version to this video so you can tell your brothers and sisters and wake them up


What bugs me is that as a lover of anime, I know that a lot of anime characters do not look Asian at all, there are some art styles that do, of course. But I wish there were more anime/manga with more diverse art styles that didn't have same face syndrome all the time.


This brother is making a whole lot of sense. Myself being a foreigner in Japan I constantly see Japanese girls fall head over heels to date white men even if his old and ugly.- Nothing wrong with that but most seem to prefer whites over their own race. This puts the girls in my option in a bad light as many expats I speck to see most of them as gold diggers.


At least someone is honest, I ask this question to myself but everyone in the comment sections of anime wants to spout some bullshit saying, "No they're Asian duh!" as he describes a girl with pale skin, blonde hair and green eyes. It's ridiculous anyone with a pair of eyes in their head can see the truth, but anime fans bruh I'll tell ya they ready to excuse all types of bullshit.


The like to dislike ratio really shows how many people refuse to accept such a blatantly obvious fact


As a half European, I feel violated when people fetishize European people. Its honestly wrong to fetishize ANY ethnicity and It's very creepy. I mean it's okay to enjoy other cultures, but not fetishize it.


Because of media, I think Japanese people tend to think white people are attractive because they're mostly exposed to abnormally attractive white celebrities and I think the same is actually true with westerners too. Like, I have friends that think that average Koreans look like K-pop stars for instance. Celebrities on top of usually already being born attractive, have very skilled makeup artists and plastic surgeons that make them look much more attractive than average people and are a very bad representation as to how the average people of their race/ethnicity may look.


This video is truly unique. Watching Japanese dramas or certain animes they do appear to be mixed raced but I was always taught Japanese people pride being full Japanese but NOW they pride half race? Wow


Thank you for being honest about this situation, I’ve heard too many times that the anime characters are seen as Japanese but they are clearly Caucasian’s.


Never knew Japanese too were suffering of white worshipping too damn
