Colorism: Why Asian People Want to Be White | Cheyenne Lin

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In this video I talk about colorism in the Asian American community and why Asian people want to be white.

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#Colorism #AsianAmerican
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"But I understand the need and want to latch on to that white privilege but lets just stop it". Thank you for so eloquently speaking truth to light. Colorism is derived from white supremacy which is rooted in the fallacy that believes anything white or closest to white is superior. But most of us including white people know this is not true, unless we are miseducated. Instead it's a social construct that's been implemented to oppress certain groups of individuals(minorities) and uplift other individuals(white people). I am African American and recognized colorism at an early age. Noting I was often oppressed in spaces by my own race due to my darker complexion. But beauty and intelligence exist among all races and skin tones not just one. So whenever I have the opportunity I challenge colorism and hope others will began to due the same.


I'm part Asian. I worked indoors in America and had fair skin, things were fine. Then I took an outdoor job and tanned -- a lot. People started talking to me in spanish.


OMG. I am a dark Filipina. I love that I am brown. It's sad that people have racist attitudes.


The media definitely intensifies the colorism that already exist in Asian countries.


Thank you for your videos presentations. I am African -American ("Black & American"), and I want to say that your critique, analysis, commentaries are very informative, helpful in raising awareness, and appreciated. Keep doing this important work perhaps the world will be a better place for it. Thanks for being, YOU!


#tradition Dead people’s baggage.
You are criminally under subbed. Keep up the great work.


i'm a darker skinned asian woman and it always bothered me how ppl've always assumed i was less feminine bc i had darker skin/a larger jaw. it sometimes feels like, no matter what i say or do, i'll always be seen as rude, unintelligent and abrasive lmao


I wish more people would talk about this


I have such a weird relationship with colourism as a lighter skinned Filipino immigrant. When I moved from the Philippines to Canada, my identity as a Filipino had been so frequently questioned by my Filipino peers who were born in Canada... Even though I was born in the Philippines, they often implied that I wasn’t “Filipino enough” because my skin is not and will never be as dark as theirs. My skin tone was often the butt of jokes; most of them involving me being “pale for a Filipino”. It’s definitely a bizarre situation and I honestly still don’t know what to fully make of it... I’m glad that you’re bringing up discussions about colourism and it’s relationship to beauty and class standards because these issues are so internalized and at times, are very hard to navigate.


My mom also had said that it shows higher status, her mother whos Japanese always said that white showed this because Japanese with darker skin colors showed they were of lower status and worked in the fields.


“To make imperialism and exploitation seem ok” is probably the most succinct and accurate explanation of white supremacy and colonization I’ve ever heard anyone actually say. Yes!!!!


Growing up, my east Asian parents weren't in agreement on how I looked as a girl. My skin tans easily and I'm naturally slim but muscular. My mom wanted me to watch my diet, wear sunscreen, and not get too muscular by playing too hard. My dad, on the other hand, encouraged me to eat protein and become strong. In my teen years, asian friends called me white washed. My features are a bit ambiguous and I grew up in the South and am kind of country Asian. My family is mostly tall, with more pronounced nose bridges and large, double lidded eyes. Asian boys from high school I was interested in said I was too brown, too muscular, not dainty enough. They were generally into the kp feminine look.

Later on, I ended up dating some asian men, but also men of other races. I never had a type physically. That may in part be due to never fitting a type easily. I experienced conversations from my asian female friends on how degrading it was for asian women to date white men. Some of them were the same people who called me white washed. Lol you just can't win with some.


It has always confused me the conscious erasure of Japanese features from their own wonderful artform of Anime.


The way people think that because Asian people think it's okay that we white wash Asian roles is like if you broke a vase in someone's house and then told them that they did nothing wrong because the neighbor wouldn't care if you broke their vase.


The same thing happens with Latin-Americans, here in Chile we are the country of "I was blond when I was a boy", or the aunt who congratulates you when you arrive with a white boyfriend for going to "fix the race." This is how stupid the whole situation is. Sorry my English, is not very good.


Thank you lille sis! As an older African American living abroad, its been difficult trying to communicate with some Asians for years on these topics. It is really only this generation that has started conversations on these subjects and traumas, peace!


Dear Young sister.. Thank you for your great social service. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and needed. You are so courageous, bold and clear. Like the ripple effect, your comments have made a powerful impact on the conversation.


Thank you for this as an african-American woman it's just really frustrating because I really love my Asian shows but every time I watch them, they always mention, "I can't get tan, if I do oh my God it's horrible " Is it though? .It's just so frustrating to hear that every time. I'm in an interracial marriage and, and I'm so thankful for my husband not having a colorism issue. He loves my dark tan in the summer, he thinks it's beautiful. Thank you for your blunt honesty, and your awareness.


I’m of Mixed Filipina background and wish more Asian people could open their minds to what’s really going on in the world like this YouTuber. She is accurate with all of her videos.


I really appreciate your video!
But I also believe that human behaviors are very complex. There are just too many factors that contribute to this colorism issue. When I was in 9th grade, I called one of my classmates/friends "chocolate" because she was naturally born dark skin. Then, she returned it back calling me "vanilla" and "flour prince". In my culture, "flour prince" has a negative connotation for someone who stays at home all the time, which explains why they have fair skin. Years later, I realized that her skin became less dark. I asked her, and she explained that she used whitening products to make her skin fairer. Honestly, I think that my remark did affect her insecurity. It kinda explains how social pressure can be very bad.
