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Have you ever wondered about the origin of Asians, people with slanted eyes? Did you know that the Bible mentions who is the ancestor of the Asians? Watch and discover the origins of Asians. By delving into the genealogy of Noah's sons and grandsons, we'll discover how ancient history unfolds and connects diverse Asian civilizations. The Bible offers us a unique perspective on the origin and diversity of peoples, and our aim is to bring a detailed look to this part of the world.

From Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's three sons, to the descendants mentioned in Genesis 10, we'll explore the historical and geographic contexts that shaped the Asian nations. Follow us as we delve into topics such as migrations, languages, cultures and the impact of these factors on the formation of Asian peoples.

Our approach will be based on historical research, taking into account different interpretations and academic points of view. We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery, where we will unite the richness of the biblical narrative with the available historical evidence.

We want to encourage respectful and enriching dialogue, so please feel free to share your questions, opinions and contributions in the comments. We look forward to connecting and learning from you.

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Disclaimer: This video is intended to provide historical and biblical information, but is not intended to impose any specific religious views or beliefs. We respect all perspectives and invite you to do the same.

#bible #AsianOrigins #noah

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📚 Reading Recommendations Related to the Topics Covered in our Videos:

🔵 Book of Enoch (Hardcover):

🔵 Book of Jubilees:

🔵 Testament of Solomon:

🔵 Kindle (eBook Reader):
🔵 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible:
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🚨🚨🚨fun facts of mythology is now "Unraveling the Scriptures to better represent the content of our channel and respect the main subject which are the sacred scriptures🙏🙏


We all have similar genetic markers because we are all descendants of Adam and Eve .
After the tower of babel incident the people were divided by the different languages they spoke and people who spoke the same languages moved away from others .
The farther they moved the more they intermarried and thus their physical features changed to reflect this and differed from other groups while still maintaining the genetic markers of Adam and Eve .
The eyes and skin colors are adaptations to the climate where they made their permanent settlement .
It is is well known that a person of light skin colour resettling in a warm and hot climate will within months have a darker tone and a squint in his eyes .
A person of a darker skin tone will become a lighter shade if they move to climate where the sun has a weaker presence and the eyes will enlarge to let in more light .
These are my personal observations which to me are logical and explains how the different races came about .
Our DNA make up is truly miraculous in that there are no two people who are exactly the same, not even ' identical ' twins who even have different finger prints .


God of all hope, we pray for those who are fighting cancer, that they may never lose sight of the hope that lies within them. Even in the darkest of times, may your light shine brightly, illuminating their path with possibilities for healing and restoration. Give them the strength to keep believing, the courage to keep fighting, and the endurance to persevere through the challenges ahead. May they find hope in your promises, knowing that with you, all things are possible. Amen.


I am Chinese … listening to this video with an open mind. Jesus bless all .


Very good, continue with this informative work, which is really and impeccable. For me, the best series on your channel, the suggestion of origins of indigenous peoples would be interesting. Who agrees likes


You forgot the Khmer, Lao, Filipinos, Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese and Thais. We are the same race as these people


Hi there, really love your your bible origin videos😊
Can you please make a video on the origin of Indian people according to the scriptures. God bless you.


Loved this video. Very informative. We truly are one race- the human race.


Asian is not made up of only Eastern Asians.

If you want to only talk about Orientals, then call them eastern Asians.

I'm surprised nobody consider it an insult to generalize the full Asian continent to be only korean, turks Japanese and Chinese.

Indians are Asian and many more region people on the Asia continent are still Asians.


Thanks! This is so interesting. So the human race truly started from the bible "go far and multiply." I can't wit to see your up coming videos!😍


Your information was all wrong. The father of asian People was Shem, one of Noah's son, then he got son named Arphaxad, and from Arphaxad came Selah, and from Selah came Heber (which was the Word Hebrew came from), then Heber got two sons, Peleg( Hebrew from West, Ancestor of Abraham) and Yoktan ( Hebrew from East), and Yoktan got sons named Ophir, Havilah and Sheba which the ancestors of Asian People ( Philippines also known as Ophir), China, India etc..


Can you do one about the origins of Austronesians and Polynesians/other Island peoples? We’re often kind of overlooked yet our DNA is interesting as well as the cultural knack for traveling really far by boats


1. The history of China is 5, 000 years old
2. The history of Christ is 2, 000 years old
So, to say Asians are the descendent of Noah's son is incorrect unless you failed your Maths. Where is the IQ of humanity gone?


Thank you very much for this information.
I have subscribed.
God bless you and AMEN 🙏🏻✝️


Hi.Nice video. Ma small suggestion: while unfolding the line of generations it would be nice to see like a graph, with ancestors and branches. At the end of the video then there could be a complete graph with all the tree starting from Noah. Thank you.


Im from Northeast India and my ethnicity is a mixture of Asiatic and Indian caucasoids. I belong to Naga tribes who were headhunters for centuries untill the light of Gospel reached our hills in 20th century and now 99 pc of Nagas are Christians. After Christianization, Nagas are also one of the most educated tribes in India and excel in music, fashion, armed forces, bureaucracy, politics, etc.

There is a stone monolith near my mother's village which contains an ancient prophecy that all the Naga tribes will come together to unite and form one large territory. When the Nagas migrated from China where they were employed as slaves to build Great Wall of China, they became scattered after reaching India and strangely, after Christianity was introduced, these tribes came together to form the present state of Nagaland in India.

Our neighboring tribes like the Kuki Zo tribes are considered as one of the lost ten tribes of Israel and called Bnei Menashe Jews many of them have relocated to Israel as part of the 2nd phase of Zionist Movement


Asian or pulled eyes have the same eyes as the Khoi San people in South west Africa which is the oldest tribe on earth


Gomer's descendants according to Josephus are the Galatians, (Gauls) or also known as the Celts. There is a place in Spain called La Gomera. So Gomer is the father of the Celtic people. Riphath according to lots of places named in Google maps seems to be Scandinavia. Lots of places in Scandinavia have "Rip" in their names.


I have recently found YOU !
I have always wondered about our / my heritage- and now I found you, who has done all the hard work, has put 2 and 2 together and - here we are, not in the darl any more! 😊😊that you for your enthusiastic research and best of all, you back up your findings. .. ... you have really 'got me' so interested. I can't wait to see more..
God bless you.


Kind of confusing, since Asia in the bible or Greek literature does not refer to present day east asia, it refers to present day turkey. The wife of Japheth is the mother of the ancient inhabitants of turkey
