I feel guilty spending money

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Do you ever feel guilty about spending money? I had and here are some things I did to GET OVER IT.

Snail Mail:
Lydia Senn
P.O Box 572
Creola, AL 36525

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Lydia you are so right. Budgeting does give you freedom to spend. We are 1 month away 🤞 from being debt free & I am counting down the days!!!


Feel like we need a to see this awesome ceiling light.


Thank you for this. As someone who suffers from anxiety I need to remember that its okay to treat myself as I deserve to spend money on myself once in a while


Thank you! I needed this! I feel guilty even buying a humidifier when my kids are sick cuz it wasn't budgeted for. I need to remember it is ok to use my emergency fund


There's so much wisdom in yours words. I sometimes get caught up in the idea that if I can control my finances, then life's bumps and bruises won't effect me. But you're so right. Life happens!


You say you didn’t need the light in your kitchen. Girl, you cook for your family and you need to be able to see and a good light is kinder on your eyes!! 👍


Our bathroom vanity needs replacing, over 18 years old. I just had my husband repaint it. Cost $18.00. Good video topic.


I will speak about myself rather than pointing a finger at others: I was in debt because my impulse purchasing was way out of control. The result was reaching my mid 50s with no emergency fund, no retirement savings and no any other type of savings. So I think for people who have a shopping problem, spending is a slippery slope. Obsessively paying off debt is the flip side of obsessively shopping. I owed $25k+ three times - got down to zero debt then went right back up. I think people who struggle with extremes need to seek balance. Also we need ground rules when we let ourselves buy things like 1) save up and pay cash; 2) cool-down period so no impulsive purchases; and 3) don't buy unnecessary things to the detriment of paying for a necessity that needs to be paid for. Debt is not straightforward. Good luck everyone.


I needed this SO BAD right now. I just bought myself a laptop, not an expensive one, 150, paying 16 a month on it. And I feel like garbage. I bought it because I want to become an author. But money is tight right now and for some reason I can’t stop beating myself up over it even though it’s for a good purpose


Now that I use a budget I feel much more freedom and permission to spend. For me, I see it as organizing my money and giving it a job. And I’m like the lens of telling my money what to do. I’m the CEO. It serves me, not the other way around, which was how I used to feel.


I went through 14 months of self deprivation but at the end of it, I will have my 1 year emergency fund. (Frugal living year, that is). Now I can begin to save for specific purchases. Having that emergency money will give me that freedom. I am already debt free. My next big purchase goal is a house or condo and I’m saving for a down payment. In my area, that will take awhile. In the meantime, I will allow myself the little luxuries like a garlic press (instead of chopping garlic all the time) and a new duvet next Christmas. This Christmas I’m buying myself a Dutch oven. I saved for it, so I can ☺️


I love Wendy too. I struggle a lot with this too. Especially because I am chronically ill and have to have another surgery. I feel like my poor husband has a lead weight on him. I know that feeling is not from God but I do have to spend time chasing it away from time to time.


What, we don’t get to see the light fixture? 😉 Thank you, Lydia.


The problem I always run into when I budget, is that my monthly costs outweigh my income so I'm constantly living in debt due to my student loans. It's just a matter of managing this debt with credit cards etc which I'm pretty good at. Anything I buy for myself or that isn't groceries or bills is putting me farther in debt. I just have to be cognizant of how I want to balance it and eventually pay it off. Still, I can't escape the guilt even though I know that I'll always figure it out somehow when I want to treat myself to something. I find that budgeting just gives me more stress because I'm constantly looking at negative numbers and I feel like I have less freedom with my money. It really affects my self-worth. Instead, I just check my accounts regularly and make plans as I go along to manage my spending, keep my credit utilization down and make sure to pay all my bills while saving a little when I can. It may not be the most efficient but it works for me.


Oh wow! What a great video. I'm out of debt, I've doubled my yearly income, have an emergency fund and yet I don't spend money on myself... Rarely. However, I'm treating myself to a massage tomorrow 🙂
Thank you for the video it's really given me something to think about x


We are financially free but I am still obsessed with saving money...just became a lifestyle for us. But I also have taught my kids to budget their money. Great video and I love the bloopers!


Thanks for your honesty, Lydia. I am a newlywed, and my husband & I have almost always been relatively smart with money. We combined our accounts, have no debt, and are learning how to pray and budget together. However, I've moved away from my parents for the first time, and I'm a homemaker for the first time, and I sometimes feel insanely guilty about money even though I KNOW we are genuinely doing our best (and that we have savings! And planning for more savings!). My husband is the sweetest and turns the heat on because he notices me bundled up too much or he encourages me to buy the food that I admit I've been drooling over for days or weeks.

Help. We're in our 20s. How do I stop being paranoid about this? When do I give myself permission to stop researching "money saving tips and diys"? It's a never ending cycle. It sometimes makes me scared because I feel I'm supposed to pick between grad school and having kids in the future, which is frankly silly because we're actually quite stable, and I think it's a little too early to be paranoid over everything. But it's this tension between wisely allocating money and exploring & funding this new journey together.


Hi Lydia,

I just wanted to say thank you to you. A few months ago I purchased a bassinet online from a company that had 50% off for an item that I really really wanted to the point that I was obsessed. I woke up in the middle of the night to pay for it. Although I was grateful that I was lucky enough to get this discounted purchase afterwards I didn’t like the feeling of anxiety that I had in the lead up to this sale. The company kept sending ads out which made it worse, raising my need to have this item like it was the end of the world.

This week another company has a sale on another item I need and want and instead of only purchasing the item I wanted (which they had no stock of) I was looking at setting for something else just so I could have it. I got so a Worked up at having to pick something just so I could get the sale price.... until finally I was able to step back and say, actually this isn’t what you wanted and why are you tying myself up in knots over this. If you wait they will restock and yes you will have to pay full price, but it will be what you actually wanted. I was able to close the laptop and walk away from it and I was so proud of myself.

I just wanted to share this with you as you played a part in this for me. Watching your videos has made me a more reasonable consumer and makes me this able to think about my needs and what they actually are.


Lol Lydia you make me laugh. I laughed when you said you can flip that switch, your new lol. Now being serious your so correct on everything you discussed in this video! I love you Lydia Senn! I'm a control freak with my money but I was not always like that, so I feel so blessed.


Great advice! I can personaly relate to a lot of what you said in this video - the why did I wait so long? and the over analysis... I am also so grateful for husbands that speak common sense to our over analytical minds 😉❤ x x x
