I Feel Anxious When I Spend Money!

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I Feel Anxious When I Spend Money!

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Feeling anxious when spending money is okay, especially if you haven't always been financially stable. It's important to reward yourself or to do things with your family every now and then because life is much more valuable than money.


I will never understand how easy it is for people to spend money. I do live for today but I also view it as if the more we spend now the longer we have to work.


This is a problem I struggle with too… I am a 25 year old engineer with very little debt making around 150k in a low cost of living state… I have been stressing for months about getting a car and currently drive a vehicle that’s worth 300$ and has 300k miles.

I have been watching Dave since I was 19. I understand saving for later in life but I really wish I could enjoy spending while I’m young without being so stressed about it


My husband and I have a system were we put $5 every day for (depending the amount) months before we want to go out for a trip or to buy something nice we will like. By the end of months we go out without worrying how much we are spending. We are young and also need to experience things. You never know when you will die. You just need to feel the moment and ve responsable on your spending.


He took my words out my mouth. It's just like childhood. Real Parents told you do your homework then you can go out to play. I always made sure my homework was done as fast as possible so I can have more time to play later.


Love it when John and Dave are together and on the same page. It's education meets wisdom. There is a lot to learn from both.


Great advice. Make sure you have all your other bases covered before you enjoy the rest of your money. Another thing to consider is to make sure that if you are worried about spending your money on something, make sure it's for something special. Going out every weekend can get boring really quickly, but if you just go out for special occasions (birthdays, holidays, etc.) then it makes those times more memorable and then you won't regret spending that money as much.


I think the way you grow up influences it a lot too, I brew up with immigrant parents so even though I have money now, it’s a deeply built attitude towards money where I like saving money, or using it on assets/investments. Spending it is harder for me to do. Great topic!


It’s about having a plan. A part of that plan is planning on spending. It’s just your budget.


That’s because you don’t have cash flow. You work to earn. People don’t want to spend and work more hours to replace the money you spent


I still always feel anxious with spending. I always remind myself to budget and use excel to keep track on what I spend weekly.


As a dad/husband/saver, I have 2 baby’s a dog and a wife. I always have a fear of running out of money and always feel like I have to save for a disaster situation such as an unexpected medical bill or needing a new car or a busted pipe that needs to be fixed. With inflation I feel savers like myself go into extra crazy mode due to the cost of living .


Money is just a tool, it has no value in itself. All those little bits of paper or numbers on a screen shouldn’t run your life. It’s ok to spend some of it from time to time to enjoy yourself, just as long as you know your limits and ultimately save more than you spend.


Dr. John Delony: “my wife says, ‘we can fff-‘“

Me: 😳


I’ve been living in a hardship post and I’ve been in overdrive for YEARS. I have a couple of months before I am 100% debt-free, but I’m on work/vacation time right now and I have spent a lot. I feel bad because I broke a promise to myself, but I feel goood that I’ve rewarded myself and I’m spending money on the people I love. I’ll kick it right back into overdrive when I get back to post, but I’m gonna enjoy this moment. Scratch that. I HAVE BEEN enjoying this moment.


I realize saving n scared to spend on urself always result in u spending it on somebody else’s problem


I feel like I have this exact struggle bc I'd like to have more than just debt freedom. I truly no longer enjoy spending money.
I've gotta take this advice.


I think the best lesson I have learned about this topic was from a book called I will teach you to be Rich by Ramit Sethi. Budget for your investments, savings, and expenses, but also leave some room for guilt free spending each month that you can use to go out with friends, travel, or just enjoy life. I made the mistake of trying to be too strict with my budget and savings goals so whenever I ended up spending money I was always upset about it and it was starting to strain my relationships. Now I leave some money there to have fun and if something comes up that I don't really want to do or cannot afford I just say no.


I am 100% only saving my money for security, nothing else unfortunately.


I still struggle spending. I have a saver mindset however Dave is right, “what are you saving for?” I’m saving “so that” I can buy things I need
