I Spend 10% of My Income on Fun and I Feel Guilty... (What Should I Do?)

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I Spend 10% of My Income on Fun and I Feel Guilty... (What Should I Do?)

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Thanks for this video!! So many ppl need to hear this😊🙏🏿🙌🏿


My first reaction is to accuse this guy of being a Scrooge, but I must admit I have difficulty spending money on one thing in particular - vacations! I’ve always considered them to be a bit of a waste and would much rather spend my disposable income on “things” that you can feel and touch and use long term. 

I think a trip to DisneyWorld started it all - never in my life have I spent so much money to be so miserable for an entire freaking week…….😱


Financially speaking, we still have another 3-5 years of catchup before we can really have 'guilt free' money to spend. BUT, we will get there, and I am going to feel guilty about spending it.
I grew up on the lower-middeclass end of the spectrum, and most of my adult life has been there or lower. Everything needs justification in order to be spent.
The kids need new computers? Well, if I can find a good enough deal on parts... and if they can mine in the background to pay for themselves... and if the hardware is good enough to learn programming and content creation... and if it is going to get almost daily use... and they will last a good 8-10 years... well, then we can justify that purchase pretty easily.
My wife wants us to go on a trip, so we finally bought tickets... and we will visit family. There is a grandma who this may be our last visit with. I have a niece I have never seen in real life, and nephew I only met once, and a sister I havent seen since her wedding 10 years ago. And my parents moved to that area, so it would be good to see their new life. But all the reasons to go are duty based. There have to be reasons to do it. That isn't to say that I won't enjoy my time or anything, because I am sure we will have a great time... it is just that if I spent that kind of money on a vacation somewhere just for the fun of going somewhere? Oh man... I would feel so much guilt. If we had even a moment of unhappiness I would feel like the whole trip was a waste of time money and effort, and I would get grouchy, and kill the mood for the rest of the family.
Point is, even when you know it is a problem... it doesn't make it any easier. Ive got almost 40 years of 'no, we can't afford that' stuck in my head, and its going to take some time to un-learn that even when it no longer applies. The idea of buying something... just because I want it... It is such a weirdly foreign concept. I don't think anyone really understands it unless they have dealt with being poor for an extended amount of time.


So if I am saving/investing 20-25% of my gross income, I can spend the excess to degree and have fun? I want to buy a tesla and can afford it, but worry I should be doing something else with the money I would be putting down on the car.


I wonder if maybe it's not the fact that he's spending that's causing the guilt, but what he's spending it on. "Tech and toys" give a short term rush and then sit on a shelf collecting dust. Perhaps instead he could focus the money towards experiences, such as vacations, or a hobby, or charity work. Or if he really likes the tech, maybe he can start a side gig reselling the things he's used. I love video games but sometimes it seems silly looking at the shelves of games I'm never going to play again. So the first step is ask himself *why* he's feeling guilty.


Why be miserable if you can get some enjoyment after everything is taken care of


Do you count employer match towards savings rate ?


Rejoice about your fun... now go back to work!


I'm no longer waiting for the EDIL GRANT LOAN because I earn $ 26, 700 every 10 days recently.


The single guy needs to stop buying tech and take a woman out on a date. Maybe then he can get out of mom's basement and have sex instead of playing video games.
