Defeating Adventism #16 – Is the Seventh-day Adventist my Brother in Christ?

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This is the sixteenth video in the series of Defeating Adventism. This video discusses a common exchange I encounter with Adventist who often refer to me as “Brother.” I never accept this phrase because those Adventists who believe Adventist doctrine are not my “Brother in Christ.” Adventists have a different Jesus fand a different gospel and these two key doctrines qualify the Adventist as a non-Christian.

The false Jesus of Adventism and the false gospel of Adventism are the subject of this video.

I left Adventism this past August and now attend a reformed Christian church. The difference in the atmosphere and overall presence of this church versus the SDA church is almost indescribable. I never felt like I had brothers and sisters when I was in Adventism. All I felt was awkward, cold, and super spiritually oppressed around Adventists. So much anxiety about end times and constant judgement because you aren't keeping the law and Ellen White's rules perfectly (even though none of them do either lol). They're also hard to hold conversations with because they're super sheltered. I'm beyond blessed to now have genuine brothers and sisters in my life now who LOVE the Jesus of the BIBLE. I will never forget the pure joy and peace the first time I went to "Sunday" church service and worship. Oh thank you Lord for taking the scales off my eyes and for setting me free into the love of Christ!
Thank you for all of these articulate, passionate videos. They have helped me deprogram tremendously. SDA Jesus and gospel are BLASPHEMOUS, FALSE, and HERETICAL. They completely pervert Christian language and mix it with their doctrines of demons from their satanic prophetess to disguise their teachings as Christian. This is serious stuff and it isn't talked about enough in comparison to other cults like JW and Mormonism...Doctrine matters! Bad theology hurts people!


I would love to hear you talk about : Michael the archangel.
I love your presentations, I have learned a lot. I used to be sda from birth and my wife started reading only the Bible, and God did a miracle, we were blind and we start to see it the truth as in the Bible. Them they kick us out of the Church, because we asked questions and they didn't have a biblical answer. Glory to God.


You are spot on brother. They are NOT brothers in Christ. NEVER!!! I truly appreciate these nuggets which comes in small bites to deconstruct this heretic cult. Its been a year now since i left but i still get messed up sometimes with the mind control they had on me. So im grateful for channels like these, and yes the evangelical has let the body of Christ down in not exposing this group. Keep on Christian Soldier!!!


"Brothers" Thanks for highlight that part, for we need to do discernment and if we can't, we are in jeopardy of hell fire.


The Adventist mindset concludes this: "If you have heard about it then you are accountable for it."

Hearing/knowing about it automatically creates a "salvation means, if you have heard about it and reject it (or try to classify it as a non-salvation issue) then you will go to hell over it.

If you know that you are supposed to "grow into" vegetarianism then that becomes a salvation issue. The gospel message gets longer and longer the longer you are Adventist.

It's starts out with "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved".

After your initial introduction to Adventism it becomes, "believe in Jesus Christ, and keep the Sabbath (and if you keep it well) then you might be saved."

After years of indoctrination, salvation issues evolve even further: "Believe in the the Lord Jesus Christ, keep the Sabbath, believe that you will perish before you get eternal life, believe in the prophecy of a woman who fell unconscious on the floor many, many times and awoke to tell a story which contradicted her last one almost every time (and who would have the power to empty a church in under 60 seconds if the same said woman entered a SDA church today), give up all meats (and replace them with imitations loaded with more fat than the real thing), forsake the idea of looking for the return of Christ and look for the anti-christ instead, shun all contact with others who do not keep the Sabbath, never have an alcoholic beverage, abstain from caffeinated drinks (eat caffeinated chocolate instead, only caffeine in beverages appears evil), give up all jewelry, (this only applies to jewelry that touches your can wear giant and gaudy pins, etc...or if you can find a bracelet or a necklace with a watch face in it then it doesn't really matter if is touches your skin!), abstain from watching movies in public theaters (these same movies may be viewed in Adventist gyms, schools, fellowship halls or in private homes but never in theaters), do not go to war as a soldier (only other believers in Christ who do not keep the Sabbath should do this; however, you may mend their broken and bleeding bodies as medics), work for the SDA church if at all possible (all the finest SDA's work to earn wages just above poverty level so they can be perpetually persecuted because they are Adventist. We will give you fine silver platters, DVD players (got to watch those movies at home), waterford crystal, business trips padded with extended personal paid vacations in the finest hotels (airfare for your spouse included) and much more if you can endure..if you can fight your way to the GC level we will give you all these fabulous extras to compensate for the miserable salary) and if you can do all these things then if you haven't forgotten to ask me to forgive you of any forgotten indiscretions before you die or Jesus returns (which ever comes first) then you might be saved".

Adventist salvation is based upon any and every rule that was ever learned about at any given time in Bible history. If you've heard it then it's a salvation requirement!! One exclusion--no animal sacrifices are required!!


That's exactly what I would say, another gospel and another christ.


Here is the Apostle Paul speaking regarding the church:

"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus ".(Gal. 3:27-28).

Here is Ellen White speaking regarding her cult:

"The breaking down of distinctions between the white and the colored races unfits the blacks to work for their own class, and exerts a wrong influence upon the whites (The Southern Work p. 96: Manuscript 90, 1899).

"There is a work to be done in opening schools to teach the colored people alone, unmixed with whites, and there will be a successful work done in this way (The Southern Work, p. 73: Letter 73, 1895).



No hard feelings here. Much better is a friend who is willing to tell you the truth.


This particular presentation (and I love all of them) has an extra element to it that I think is the most profound ‘counter’ to adventism that I’ve seen. Well done.


I believe that God wants every true Believer to understand what 7th Day Adventist are. Who are they what do they believe. Exactly what you are teaching and warning about. But I don't think many believer want to study these things so they can warn and be prepared for giving account of what they believe and being able to see how wrong wrong wrong Adventism is.


This is an excellent template to use for many different defenses against heresies. Why their Jesus is false, why their gospel is false, and the penalties and curses for them. Thank you


Great work brother!
Amazing study revealing the blasphemous Levite representation of Jesus


I went to a church where the Pastor have known a SDA and he considered him "bother in Christ". That left me stunned! The SDA's jesus of the IJ is a false christ!!. Now, if a SDA truely believes in the jesus of the IJ, then he is not and cannot be a true brother in the true Jesus Christ.
Also, why would a SDA consider me a "brother in christ" when I do not share the same jesus as him. There can be absolutely no mincing words on the are not brother's in Christ if they hold dear to the jesus of EGW's IJ.

There are some statements from Jesus that exclude EGW as a false witness.
I will explain what I mean another time when I have the time.


Hebrews 9:26-For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world;BUT NOW ONCE IN THE END OF THE WORLD HATH HE APPEARED TO PUT AWAY SIN BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF.Thers is no accumalating of sin in heaven.God will not abide sin in his presence.


Why is your program about defeating a church? that what you are call to do?..what's your agenda?
What about Matthew great commission


I'm so glad I found you!!! TRULY, my fingers are trembling!! I can't believe I fell into this 17 Episodes of Dung, but Hey! It is Sabbath after all! LOL! God knew I was really needing something like this! I can tell from your looks and demeaner, the wedding band on the correct finger, and hand, the sweater kinda dressy, but the T-shirt regular casual dude look, with a square watch, catchy groovy guy Vibe, BUT what really jumps out at us ALL Looking IN, is the super Fancy Bookcase, and look at the Line of Legal books, they're pushed in Beyond Perfect!! and the Giant Hour Glass and a lectern, Hooey! and all those fancy Degrees of Higher education on the wall !! Oh Yah we got us a real Player here. You and Your Room just REEK in education, NO Wonder You're from an Academy!! and the drape is all pulled down tight tight tight, can't let nobody see what you're doing in there!!! Only 96 Likes But I just clicked on DISLIKE Thumbs Down, so now you have 97, and you can look me up on YouTube an see who I am. BUT You don't say who you are??? I guess you must be scared people might not "Take to You" so that's why you can't let your name out, or your Blind up??? We know you're hiding things there, you don't want nobody to know about, 17 Dung Hill Heaps of Baloney Sandwiches, or B.S. for short, now I like using B.S., I do, But this thing you're doing reeks more than B.S., Nobody knows you from ADAM, and you make sure you don't let on who you actually are, SO you're HIDING, AND you are SO SURE people are dying to hate others right along with you all. So you must Think Your Side is Big and Powerful, BUT you gotta Hide BECAUSE what you're doing AIN"T RIGHT !!! I''ll check out your other videos, and then we can have a good old time on here back and forth, gettin the thumbs ups goin for you, just like real bro's do, we're gonna be best of friends, you'll see. Adios infiel.


It was the blood of Jesus that filled the required she'd blood to pay the penilty for sin. You should be concerned that you are falsely teaching people error. The Bible teaches Jesus is our high priest. Hebrews 4:14-16 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.


Can you explain to me how someone who says they are SDA, the father is a pastor, yet has never had any teachings on EGW but believes in the Investigative Judgment and thinks they will be part of the remnant church at the end. This person also said Sabbath believing is not a requirement for salvation. EGW said it was chained to salvation if I remember what you said.


I got my butt kicked even threatened by them so NOOO theyre not MY brothers or sisters!
Thankyou for your truth as the Bible as it keeps me in the truth.
Thank U BROTHER. May God Bless you abundantly.
