6 Arthritis Trigger Foods To Avoid | Foods That Make Joint Pain Worse | Healthy N Happy Life

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Avoid certain foods if you’re trying to lessen joint pain.
Sugars and refined grains, including white rice, pasta and white bread, are the worst food culprits when it comes to reducing or relieving joint inflammation.
Try limiting daily added sugar to six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men. When using sugar, choose natural sources like honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar.
Here are six foods and beverages to avoid if you have arthritis.
1. Red Meat
Red meats are higher in fat, particularly saturated fat than white meats or plant-based protein. Research studies have associated red meat intake with increased levels of inflammation, which may worsen swelling in the joints and arthritis symptoms.
2. High Fat Dairy
avoid full fat dairy and products with added sugar when you have arthritis, because research has shown a link between a high fat diet and inflammatory reactions.
3. Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Soda, fruit juices, sweet tea, and other sweetened drinks often contain a large amount of sugar. Try to limit your total added sugar intake to 9 teaspoons per day.
4. Processed & Fried Foods.
Fried foods are overcooked and have had all or most of their nutrients destroyed. They also contain many known carcinogens. Many foods that come fried also contain a number of heavily processed ingredients. All of these will cause inflammation by triggering the body’s defense mechanisms, which will set of an arthritic flare up.
5. Eggs
Consuming eggs regularly can lead to an increased amount of swelling and joint pain. The yolks contain arachidonic acid, which helps trigger inflammation in the body. Eggs also contain saturated fat which can also induce joint pain. If you can’t give up eggs completely, pass on the yolks and simply use the egg whites instead.
6. Refined Grains
When grains are processed and refined, they lose most of their fiber, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. Refining grains depletes them of almost all the inflammation-reducing nutrients, which leads to joint pain.
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Sugars and refined grains, including white rice, pasta and white bread, are the worst food culprits when it comes to reducing or relieving joint inflammation.
Try limiting daily added sugar to six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men. When using sugar, choose natural sources like honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar.
Here are six foods and beverages to avoid if you have arthritis.
1. Red Meat
Red meats are higher in fat, particularly saturated fat than white meats or plant-based protein. Research studies have associated red meat intake with increased levels of inflammation, which may worsen swelling in the joints and arthritis symptoms.
2. High Fat Dairy
avoid full fat dairy and products with added sugar when you have arthritis, because research has shown a link between a high fat diet and inflammatory reactions.
3. Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Soda, fruit juices, sweet tea, and other sweetened drinks often contain a large amount of sugar. Try to limit your total added sugar intake to 9 teaspoons per day.
4. Processed & Fried Foods.
Fried foods are overcooked and have had all or most of their nutrients destroyed. They also contain many known carcinogens. Many foods that come fried also contain a number of heavily processed ingredients. All of these will cause inflammation by triggering the body’s defense mechanisms, which will set of an arthritic flare up.
5. Eggs
Consuming eggs regularly can lead to an increased amount of swelling and joint pain. The yolks contain arachidonic acid, which helps trigger inflammation in the body. Eggs also contain saturated fat which can also induce joint pain. If you can’t give up eggs completely, pass on the yolks and simply use the egg whites instead.
6. Refined Grains
When grains are processed and refined, they lose most of their fiber, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. Refining grains depletes them of almost all the inflammation-reducing nutrients, which leads to joint pain.
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