Calvinism vs Christianity and the Denial of Jesus Before Men: Limited Atonement Refuted by Scripture

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Limited Atonement is a doctrine in Calvinism / Reformed Theology that is a perversion of Biblical Christianity regarding Jesus Christ, the Gospel and salvation and their dangerous doctrine results in a false gospel that is good news only to few, the elect.

We look at Matthew 10:33 in which Jesus said that those who deny Him before men, He will deny them before the Father which is in heaven and I explain to two types of people who this applies to, who are denying Jesus before men.

I provide many Bible verses that give us undeniable proof and irrefutable Scriptural evidence that Jesus died for all and that the Calvinist doctrine of Limited Atonement is totally false. Nearly all of Christianity has always believed that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world, but not Calvinists. They say no, and teach that Jesus is only the Savior of a few, the elect.

Then we look at the issues facing those who are 4 point Calvinists rejecting Limited Atonement but still believing the other Calvinist doctrines.

Lastly, we look at a summary an episode of The Twilight Zone that has an unexpected ending and I explain the relationship between this episode and the show itself with Calvinism.

Video Chapters:
0:00 Video Topics Intro
1:47 Matthew 10:33 Denying Jesus
6:56 Biblical Proof Jesus Died For All
18:50 Stealth Calvinism
24:25 4 Point Calvinism
32:54 Twilight Zone

#christianity #ChristianBelief #Calvinism #Faith #FaithonFire
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Going hard at Calvinism!! I like it!! Some really, really, really, really, need to hear what you (Brian) say here!!
If you really believe what God/Jesus says in His Word, you will no longer believe in the limited atonement (wrong/false doctrine)
Keep up the good work Brian. Few say it with clarity and passion like you do!! A true gift!!


I’ve never noticed before, the significance of “THE sheep” and “MY sheep”. He layed His life down for ALL sheep, desiring that ALL will be saved. But, HIS sheep are those who come to Him in faith.
Thank you for pointing that out.


Limited atonement is such a slap in the face of Jesus and what He did for us. How selfish and prideful must a person be to cook up a doctrine such as limited atonement.


Gospel used to be so simple when I was a child. Then I drifted into Calvinism, and have been harbouring doubts whether I am one of the elected. I kept looking into myself, every little act, my thoughts, my attitude… I tried to produce fruits of the spirit… because these were evidence that I was really saved. It seemed to me repentance, believing Jesus and getting baptised was the entry ticket - to be justified and declared righteous. Thereafter, it’s a whole lifetime of sanctification, keep confessing and repenting, living a life of humility and love and service… it really felt like I was working out my salvation with fear and trembling.


How can a doctrine that teaches, Jesus Christ died for some people, be biblical?; when God’s Word teaches that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.


- people will be wondering if they are part of the elect because that’s how they will believe they are truly saved -

^ pardon my paraphrase, but you could not have hit the target better than you did concerning what is, in my opinion, the worst part of calvinism.

it’s faith in election rather than Jesus.
absolutely well said, and thank you.


"Calvin's ideal of a Christian state, in which the authorities and the church monitor and uphold the basic commandments of Christian morality, was now to be realized through the use of force. “ The state is obliged ”, he believed, ‘ to assist the church in the realization of its ideals, just as ’ conversely ” the church promotes the purposes of the state by administering morality. “ Using the secular arm, the new order of church discipline was implemented with unprecedented cruelty, even using torture in the harshest form."


The Twilight Zone episode, "Its a Good Life" displays an omnipotent force through a 7 y/o boy -- Anthony Fremont -- and everything that he does is "good" because the characters fear being cast to the outer darkness/cornfield.

They must think "happy thoughts" and say "happy things" since the child can reas their minds, because if the boy is displeased he might set them on fire spontaneously or transform them into to some grotesque-looking horror.

In the beginning he creates a gopher with 3 heads. When the child is done playing with it, he speaks and commands the animal to die, and it does die.

Anthony's sovereignty is a perfect example of God's sovereignty according to their Westminsters Confessions and Theologians where "God has decreed whatsoever comes to pass", whether morally good or evil, for "the manifestation of His glory" and "good pleasure of His will."


Brian i love ur videos great explaining of biblical doctrines.its so much out there and without people like u lives will be lost thank you so much.thank u brother may Lord Jesus Christ be with you always


I reject Calvinism now that I know more about it. Definitely constricts the grace of Jesus. So much deception in the modern church. I give up on teachers, I go straight to the Bible.


@Faith On Fire. This is an excellent BIblical critique of the false "gospel" of Calvinism! --Bible Professor Al, Ph.D., Th.D.


He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
John 3:18

Who is responsible for unbelief? (He, she, they) - the person.

Reinforced by the word: BECAUSE -(cause of, the reason being) - He, she, they, has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

No such thing as limited atonement and calvinist predestination 🫠


God bless you. Very clear to anyone in the world who really wants to understand


No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief.
John Calvin, Commentary on Acts 2


calvinism: start with a non-Christian definition of God’s sovereignty. interpret the Bible through that. make it fit at all costs.


The Calvinist view of “atonement” is skewed. Ie they don’t understand that Christ died for the sins of the world, and the atonement is applied when anyone believes.

They have to attach atonement to individual people. Hence it being limited.

This belief is designed to remove man’s requirement to humble himself, come to Christ and believe.

Ie if Christ died for individuals only, there’s no need to believe (except they know you have to believe, so they say God makes them believe, because they’re elect).

This is why LA is a despicable tenant of Calvinism. Some say it doesn’t matter, that LA doesn’t affect the salvation message. Clearly it does, and as a consequence says man can’t believe despite the Bible saying he must believe.


I dont get why they do this. I mean why gamble with your eternity? why can't they read the text plainly and listen to us who are trying to help them?


I appreciate the long form videos, brian. Hope all is well, brother


Again, another excellent video on such a red flag problem I have with Calvinism. The gatekeeping of the Gospel.
Limited Atonement;
Who do you think you are to tell Jesus who He was allowed to die for or not?


Great debunking of the heresy of calvinism as usual!
