Debunking the Nordic Socialism Myth

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Whenever socialism has been tried, it has failed, and often spectacularly so. When faced with this historical argument, socialists often point to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and other Nordic countries as their alleged proof that socialism can work. But the truth is, these nations are not "socialist" and they aren't the utopias so many on the Left claim they are. In fact, in some respects, the citizens of these nations are freer than Americans are.
Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain in their latest episode on Stopping Socialism TV.
Base photo credit: Miguelb/WikiCommons. Graphic design by Donald Kendal.
Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain in their latest episode on Stopping Socialism TV.
Base photo credit: Miguelb/WikiCommons. Graphic design by Donald Kendal.
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