ADHD & Masking #adhd #neurodivergent #adhdbrain

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I just finished your book this morning and I loved every insightful word of it. I wept with relief a few times because I finally realized that I am not an utterly broken person. Thank you both for sharing all that you do.


I read your book and then gave your book to my adult daughter who then got a formal diagnosis. Frankly, I need it more than she does. I also wish my husband would read it and stop judging me *sigh*
But at least I have stopped judging myself, and that’s huge! Thank you for your videos and book and for caring about your fellow human beings!


I feel like it's not even just being unknown, but it's actively tiring to mask and when you can't even relax in your own space... The relationship itself becomes a source of stress and exhaustion.


I'm only trying unmask now and it's given me identity crisis. But those who accept me for who I truly am are so special to me. They're aren't many, but there's some and it feels good


Awesome book!! ESPECIALLY the connections to addiction and how it is handled by ADHDers


your book helped me take so many steps towards being more open and less masked with my boyfriend. thank you!!!!


nerveshattering truth, thank you for everything, without you i would also have gone on undiagnosed❤


So many things to process around all of this. I've been going through my fathers stuff from before he passed away and I realized just how much he suffered from many of the same issues I've been dealing with, only he never had any help or support for his ADD. He was quite a bit more functional than I am but in a way that made it worse. I am facing a new chapter in all this myself - accepting the limitations of available medications and beginning to identify myself as someone who is neuroatypical and simply has to do things differently. It's a painful awakening and quite a lot of emotional turmoil around approaching this topic...


I developed obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
Learning to be neutral about myself was my first step.


Y’all’s videos truly have helped me understand myself better and not feel so alone or downright negative about my adhd and other things. I also love y’all as a couple I wish more people who didn’t have this could be more understanding and willing to learn and what works best for their neurodivergent parter. Thanks for being here and making these videos ❤


I love this clip! And your posts - they have encouraged me to step out of the shadows and admit that I struggle with this!


This is so incredibly relevant. Everyone in my life is finally starting to see who I am. Hell, I keep discovering things about myself I didn’t know. As someone who is autistic and ADHD, I was trying to fit into a mold I felt society wanted from me; conforming, restricting, and expressing myself in ways which society values. This happened to the point where I was diagnosed as major depressive. Now I live as authentically as possible and I’ve never been happier. There’s still challenges, but I’ve realized not masking is critical for my well-being.


My twin sister bought this book for both of our individual households. I absolutely love it. Thank you for being here. 🤗♥️♥️♥️


Thank you for your commitment to bringing relief, comfort, and understanding to those managing their ADHD and the loved ones they interact with. Much Love


Gosh, your eyes are beautiful. Thank you for this lovely reminder today 😌


It’s so beautiful. I cried several times. Finally, I felt wholly seen. Thank you for your vulnerable, honest, love-soaked words.


I just love you two! It surprised me that I burst into tears when I saw that you have a book out (can I order a copy from the local bookstore?). If only there was any kind of awareness 60 years ago. Back then ADHD was considered a personal flaw. But then in those days the only mental health treatments were Thorazine, shock treatments, and Librium for manic depression. So I always felt utterly alone in my ADHD (with the exception being my 3rd grade teacher who understood what I was going through and responded with kindness. No surprise that hundreds of people attended his funeral)


You're amazing. I LOVE the message of acceptance.


I love you guys!
I understand myself so much more now… me and my sister
Are now healing from feeling sloppy slow late and absent minded 😅🎉🎉 we are laughing with you !


Can I just say, I'm so thankful that you and Rich both narrated the book for audible, made it a pleasure to listen to and I've recommended it to practically everyone in my life since.

Thank you! from the bottom of my heart, thank you to the both of you for being so absolutely incredible ❤❤
