The SINGLE BEST Squat Tip I’ve Ever Used!

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If you are looking to improve your squat, then this video is mandatory viewing. When it comes to squats, there are lots of tips used to help you perform the lift better, safer and with more weight. The problem is, the wrong tip can get you focusing on something that you don’t have much control over and can set you off down the path of compromising elsewhere in the lift and getting hurt. Here I show you the best tip for getting out of the hole and explain why it works so well.

Firstly, nothing is more important than the setup of the squat. If your body is out of alignment and the bar is not braced in the appropriate place for you then you are going to struggle on the lift no matter what else you do. The same can be said about your hips. Your hips need to be squared off when initiating the lift in order to ensure symmetrical loading of the legs during the descent.

I actually covered this in a previous video that has been helpful to many. You can view that here and it will be linked at the end of this current video.

The key to any good tip is that it solves a problem quickly (on the first time you try it) with minimal focus on the minutia and details that are hard to control once the weight is added to the bar. Similar to a back row, we are often given a tip to extend our arms back behind our torso to ensure a good contraction. That is not necessarily the case. I can pull my arms back but still lack thoracic extension which is going to prevent the full contraction of the back muscles.

Instead, the better cue is to stick your chest out while pulling your arms back. This fixes the issue of kyphosis while automatically allowing you to pull your arms into extension behind your torso and get the best back contraction in the process. Because you can actually see your chest and control its movement much easier, it becomes a more practical tip with much more bang for the buck.

The same can occur on the squat. First, on the descent, we are told to sit back. This is a tough concept to visualize and feel without some form of objective feedback that ensures you are doing it correctly and enough. The box squat provides you with the biofeedback to know that you now have a target to sit back towards while at the same time giving you a physical cue on when you have reached the appropriate depth.

Well, once you get to the bottom of the squat (the hardest portion of the lift) the key is knowing how to get out of it explosively and with maximum stability. Any stability loss here and compromise of your tightened core will lead to a loss of strength and potentially you missing the lift. So, people will tell you to keep a tight core throughout. Once again however, what does that really mean? Are you supposed to just bear down, contract the abs, lean forward?

Instead, if you focus on simply initiating the upward movement of the bar by moving your hips and chest at the exact same time you will nail this every time. Because the core connects the hips and chest together, movement of the two simultaneously demands that the core contracts and braces to keep the two in sync. Problem fixed. Ambiguity gone. Squat improved.

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Honestly it’s always great tips until the bar gets heavy on your back and you forget everything you’ve learned


Why was he squatting on the curl rack?


Me: **Searches for shoulder workout video**

YouTube: “Here’s an AthleanX squat video”

Me: “Yeeaah I better watch this”


''So thats how that fixes that'' - Jeff


VShred's next video "The Best Single Squat Tip I Have Every Personally Used"


Can I just say, this channel has changed my life. Thank Jeff for all of the content you've given. Who knows where I'd be without you. I can never say how good this channel is.


The single best squat tips is: Dont forget your face pulls.


The best tip I've ever received is "point your feet outward and have your knees follow". I started squatting with my feet pointed straight and I only had knee and hip problems until I fixed my form


Been squatting for years and I ended up with the same technique in this video.

I havent had lowerback pain for years since I use this technique. You are more stable, more confident therefore makes squating more fun and enjoyable.

This video is truth. Squatting getting more fun and injuryfree


Why did he wear a shirt the entire video is he sick? Feel better Jeff!


This helped a lot! As a 50 yo doctor just starting to work out, I need all the help I can get!


Your video sounded so stinking smart that I was certain I could squat 400 this afternoon. I'm in the hospital man...


What's that weird... fabric on his shoulders and chest? That black thing with yellow in front. Why can't I see his bare upper body?


I'm lucky enough to go to a gym that's full of competing powerlifters, Olympic style lifters, and instructors just there to work out. Wonderful atmosphere, good cheer, and cheaper membership fees than any damn run-of-the-mill machine-park gyms that's popping up like weeds all over. Not once have they just stood by and let anyone do an exercise in a way that may harm them. Instead they jump in and, with a smile, give instruction and advice on form and whatnot.
Can't really remember where I'm going with this rambling, as I lost my train of though right after I started writing...
Oh yeah: It's nice that this video says exactly what they say. Same about an older video also about squats, among other things. Seeing the same things on this channel makes me even more happy to be at that gym. Also love the fact that here, I get tons of advice on other exercices to strengthen my weak points, and thereby lessen the risk of future injuries.


My God, Jeff is such a blessing. And I haven’t seen any other fitness channel with a humble attitude like his.


Jeff never uses the marker on his ass...


This guy is the only best trainer on youtube currently .. what a GENIUS


"hips and chest together!" although i already did it, i never thought of it as that. excellent and great way to tell people i always see NOT doing it.


2 years later, looking at this video with a injured lower back. CHEST AND HIPS UP TOGETHER! Lesson learned
