10 Signs It’s Time to END ALL Contact (Even If It's Family or Friends)

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Many people overlook the signs it’s time to end all contact, even if it's family or friends, and stay in toxic relationships far longer than they should. They make excuses and stay despite knowing that things are clearly not working out. But, how to know when to quit someone or leave a bad relationship?

When a person does not treat you right, and you always feel stressed, anxious, and miserable around them, your relationship is over, and it's time to end all contact, even if it's your family or a friend.

Letting go of a bad relationship may not be easy, but you're better off ending it now rather than enduring even more hurt and disappointment. So, if someone in your life is constantly crossing your boundaries, using you, or disrespecting you, let her go or let him go.


10 Signs Someone Is Using You And Doesn’t Care About You:

If A Person Has These Qualities, Never Let Them Go:

10 Truths You Need To Accept About People:


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Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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Every one of these hit on my only sister. Sadly, I was left with no choice but to go no contact. I finally feel free after decades of dealing with her. Yes, it broke my heart because she's the only family I had left and I love her. But I had to do it for my mental, emotional and physical health and well-being..


Very true relationships may not be perfect but it doesn’t justify for them to be sources of sorrow and stress even if it’s familial


It's a horrible experience, and I've had many like them, and I doubt I've seen the end of it.


i gotta say that cutting someone off because you would continously feel drained after interacting with them is quite sad especially if the person that you end contact with is someone who is just awkward, shy, and just doesn't have good socializing skills.


As a mom of adult children who has been alienated because of their dad--
PLEASE try to have open communication BEFORE you discard someone.
It hurts more than the loss from death when people you love with all your heart will not even hear your side of a situation.
😢 💔


For me, Filipino culture values reflection on one's roots to reach one's destination, as reflected in the saying, 'A person who does not look back at where he came from will not reach his destination.' My mother was one to remind me of this saying.
Family and friends have up and down, misunderstanding. Relationships is not perfect.


I had to cut off a girlfriend. She only calls me when she needs something usually money related. The last straw was her, asking me to watch her house for a week. While she visits family in Europe. I was like ok? But then she says it will be like staying at an Air bnb, and i get the boyfriend rate of $350 per week. 😅 I'm like, no....😅


What if the family is parents ... and there s no way out to leave the house and stay away from them


That would be my ex gf. She was pretty, I was chasing her


Sounds like my arrogant and ignorant religious conservative sister who always belittles me for not being as rich as she is.


I'm glad 3/4 of the planet is vaxxed. 😂 That will ELIMINATE most of this incommunicado problem soon!
