What is Lordship Salvation? - Bob Wilkin

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What is Lordship Salvation? Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society answers this question.

#lordshipsalvation #freegrace
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Grace justifies the worst person & the Law condemns the best!!


This is where the confusion lies:

No one is saying Sanctification, Obedience, perseverance and surrendering to Jesus are unimportant. They are important. They are just NOT a requirement of Salvation.

To be saved, you must be humble enough to admit that because you are a sinner and fall short of God's standard, there is nothing you could do on your own to earn salvation. Salvation is a free gift of God, paid in full by Christ's death on the cross.

Believing on Jesus - meaning believing that he is the ONLY reason why you are justified - is what gets you to heaven. People call that "easy believism" and scoff at those who think that. But really, it takes humility to accept that there is nothing in your power to be saved. And that is why most people reject the simplicity of the Gospel.

But if you say that you need to persevere, do good, turn away from sin etc. in order to be saved, that is works-based salvation. And if you want to follow that path, then you will be judged according to your works. And no one can live up to the standard of the law.

"Grace" is grace because you don't deserve it. Period.

Just a quick note - when the Bible uses the word "repent" in the context of salvation, it means a 'change of mind'. Every other religion says you need to be good to be saved (or get to nirvana or attain a higher caste etc). Only the Bible teaches Grace. To believe in Jesus IS repentance from your pride - thinking that you are a good person - to understanding that you need God and God alone to be made worthy.

Obedience to Jesus comes as a requirement of fellowship. Perseverance, is a requirement of fellowship. As a Christian, it is in your desire to please God. So yes, turn away from sin by all means. But that is what you do because you are saved - not to get saved or to prove your saved etc.

Also, another misunderstanding is the word "fruit". Because people assume that it only means "works" as evidence. However, "fruit" is also used to mean doctrine. And that is how you spot false teachers - if they are teaching the wrong doctrine, it means they are not bearing fruit.


LS is so prevalent out there in the so called churches. I was duped by it for years. Believe! That’s it. Admit you are a sinner...believe in Jesus...it’s His great gift...everything after that is service and furthering the Gospel because we love Him and it’s His command.


we cannot add to the work of christ.. he said it is finished

some christians still confusing salvation and discleship


I got swept into Lordship salvation and it ruined my love for God. The childlike faith and joy I had in Him--which God WANTS in His people--was replaced by fear and self-righteousness.
I was worrying every minute as to whether or not I was sinning, and since I was partly responsible for my keeping salvation, you bet I had every reason to boast (unlike Abraham).
There was no room for praising God, since I didn't believe I was ever really saved. I wondered if I was "doing enough" to fight sin, whatever that entailed. Lordship salvationists are miserable, bound Christians, back in bondage to the Law. What brings obedience is not our effort, but our allowing God to change us everyday.


Absolutely correct… I was in a system like that when I first became a Christian. I was constantly analyzing my works. It made me feel that I wasn’t good enough.


so lordship salvation is basically WORKS SALVATION.


Not by WORKS of righteousness which WE HAVE DONE, but according to His MERCY He saved us." (Titus 3:5)


when anyone makes a true profession of faith in Jesus Christ, they have every intention of never sinning again... but its to impossible never to sin again.. we have a flesh that desperately wants to sin, and we do fall... like the Apostle Paul said.. oh wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death? thanks God for Christ Jesus our Lord.


It should be called Lordship Sanctification. Because once you are saved/born again/believe, then the cop characteristics will be displayed in your life. Your life will reflect what you believe.


Lordship salvation/Calvinism keeps churches full of tithers and free labor, in other words, slaves.
Free grace salvation keeps churches full of cheerful givers and grateful servants.
Boasting is of the finished work of Jesus on the cross, not of our works.
Make no mistake, the gospel is being replaced with an ancient business model created by satan himself. It is used to control, oppress and make merchandise of people. The truth shall set you free.


One of my favorite preachers (J Vernon Mcgee) referred to it as "Commitment Salvation". God asks the unsaved to do 1 thing, and that is believe in him as savior, to be saved. God does NOT ask the unsaved to do anything. He does not ask them to live a good life, because they have denied the truth.

It's so clear and so simple. Salvation is first CONFESSING Jesus as Lord. LSers love using the term "Easy Believism" or "Cheap Grace". These terms have one purpose but to self-righteously push people into believing they are better than other Christians who still have problems.


excellent. preachers need to speak on this more, because lordship salvationists have invaded the internet and pulpits


I will never forget one anecdote I heard years ago:
A man shabbily dressed wanders into a church. He takes a seat on the most rear pew, and prays on his knees. The pastor walks up to him and says, "Sir, I think you're better suited to another church. You'd better get on your way." He walks outside, shakes his fist to the sky and screams out, "Lord, they won't let me in!" A reply rips through the clouds in lightning and thunder. ""What are you complaining about? They won't let me in either!"
That sums up Lordship salvation right there.


 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. gal 2-16.. Any questions? By faith and faith alone we are justified


This is very true, amen...faith in Christ will produce fruits. It seems you understand that the fruits that will be produced will come from Christ; working in our lives, and not from our own works. Not only is it essential it can't be separated.


Ecclesiastes 12:13 ¶ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


Jesus found fault with the Pharisees not because of how they lived, but rather because they were unteachable with regard to their need for a Saviour. The tax collectors, 'sinners', publicans and prostitutes did not have a great walk either, but they found acceptance in Jesus' eyes because they knew they had a need for a Saviour. The Pharisees did not believe in the high standards demanded by the Law, but felt comfortable in lowering its standard to a level they could achieve. God bless.


You cant have a new heart, a new mind, and the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you with Zero conviction of sin of or change of life.


If you believe in the Gospel that means you understand it which means you understand that Jesus is Lord of all and you live accordingly by doing your best to love and obey him. You pick up your cross daily (die to self) and follow him because you trust and believe. Will you sin sin? Yes, but if you are not convicted when you do that is a red flag that you need to examine yourself.
