My Approach to Using Routine EEG, Sleep EEG and Ambulatory EEG

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This is a modified version of a talk given for the Annual Meeting of the Canadian League Against Epilepsy
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In my hospital what I experienced the 24 hour EEG & sleep deprived EEG of 1 hour is very helpful in the diagnosis as well classification of the epilepsy.
The routine 20 minutes EEG has a very limited role, even 3-4 times in a interval of time is not conclusive many times


Thank you for the nice cases! EEG is a very helpful instrument. On my EEG-lab there are every-year "pearls" - the most interesting and tricky for differential diagnosis are hypermotor movements during sleep with great amount of artifactsand with absolutly normal eeg befor and after paroxysm, and the land of wonder - stereotipe movements and vocalisms in children with any psychiatric and autistic disorders.
So, very frequent funny "Boo!" million times a day in 2 y.o. child were seizures (previously he had several long-lasting seizures and they stopped on medication). This year we met autistic girl with very frequent movements- turning her head to the shoulder many times a day, also we notice, that some times she breath in before, fix position for several seconds, then shortly loose her muscle tone and start to laught with hyperemiaon her face - these were nonepileptic compulsive respiratore stereotypes and streched presyncope (there was an article in Epileptic Disorder that helps us to find several other publications on this topic). Neonates and very old people are also full of unusual findings.


I my experience, I would prefer a video EEG above an ambulatory EEG as it will answer more questions compare to an ambulatory EEG


Thank you very much for this tutorial.


Hi can u explain the technique of EEG with arosal


We don't request ambulatory eeg, but if routine eeg was normal, and semiology is suggestive, we advocate for emu admission to further characterize sxz


Can you please share Python code to deal with EEG dataset for Preprocessing, feature extraction and classification that covers in it?
