We See It Too Late - 103 Year Old Dr. Gladys McGarey's Secrets to Health, Longevity and Love

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▶Interview Guest
Dr. Gladys McGarey

Dr. Gladys McGarey - Home
Tyler Waye - Motiversity Office

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My Grandmother lived to be 107. She was a feisty little firecracker. She was an avid reader, loved TV, adored driving and taking long driving trips and drove her own car till she was 98. She lived in her own apartment until she was 104, then she had to be put in a dementia unit of a nursing home and was relegated to fighting other patients from stealing her Hershey bars. She wore high heel shoes, dresses and big floppy hats till the day she died. She journaled her life daily since 1905. She was an outspoken character who sent a letter to the postmaster general objecting every time the price of a stamp went up. She would have no hesitation wrapping her arm around a 300 lb. Hells angel in a Dennys parking lot and start a conversation with him. When I was a teenager she made me watch the Watergate trials back in the 70’s. I was blessed to have known her and loved her very much, she had lots of love. I miss her. This lovely women reminds me of her. God bless her.


Having been through the death of my dad, when my mom was dying i knew she could still hear when she was in her final phase so I talked to her, held the phone up so she heard a family members' phone call to her, and I played her favorite music. They say the hearing is the last to go, so my Mom and Dad heard their favorite music on their last nights in earth 🌎. 😢❤


I am 89 years old...only!
And got deeply touched with this conversation...
Thank you both sooo much!!!❤


My husband divorced me after 30 years of marriage. I was in my fifties and went on to get a massage license and enjoyed that for 11 years. I'm now in my seventies and know that God wanted me free of that union so I could shine my light. My husband was very controlling so none of this could have been possible with him. I love her stories and they are so inspiring! Attitude is everything and every day is a gift!


I’m 68 years old and feel this was sent to me by Jesus. Thank you for bringing this message to those who need it!


The interviewer is such a good human being.. he is letting Gladys talk with such respect .. salute them both.


her wisdom on dementia is spot on-the person is still there and love is tangible and real-just because someone doesn't respond in a conventional manner doesn't mean they are not worthy of our attention and loving care


Dr. Gladys is on earth for a reason. Love, teaching and giving.


103 yo and mental clarity is evident. HOLISTIC medicine. So no big pharma poisoning her brain and body. Love fill her heart and strengthens her body. What a beautiful woman.


My Grandma lived too 104 back in 1985! She was very much like this amazing woman! 👏 ❤❤


Purpose is everything! About 15 years ago I started seeing a top holistic endocrinologist in my city who taught seminars on homeopathy, adrenal health and the mind/ body connection. She looked to be nearing 70 to me when I met her, and I was impressed by her energy and sharp, focused mind (while I was in my early 40s and struggling with brain fog and adrenal fatigue). Months later, I learned her ACTUAL age; she was *91*!! Ninety one years old, still working full time doing the job she loved, flying out for seminars, writing articles...I hope to find something like that that motivates me to that degree before the end of my days. I thought I had it back when I was an animation artist with Disney, but the company's toxic corporate culture beat it out of me (and most of my colleagues).


I'm 91 and am so impressed with the wisdom of Dr. Gladys -- I've lost three friends in the last few years who were older than I am. We shared many hours of sharing and laughter.


Dear Dr. Gladys, I am 81 years old, I would like to join your community while I am still here on this powerful Earth we are living on. Your 10 years plan will be created by you. I am very happy to watch you video today from Los Angeles, California. Thank You


THIS is the day the LORD MADE
Let us rejoice in it and BE GLAD
Thank you for sharing Gladys. You are awesome 🌹💜🙏🇦🇺. From Australia


My mother. Who lived to be over 96, said that life was interesting.


Divorced last year, now age 73, I’ve experienced walking in the dark night of the soul. I’m starting to feel the freedom in it. I think I’ll write a book about my divorce experience because it was so startling to me. Maybe I can help another person.


This video was meant for me to see. I lost my father unexpectedly, had to take care of my Mom who has Alzheimer's, and 2 days later had my own heart attack. I am so appreciative of this video to show me my light is still there, just dimmed. It is up to me to share my light in order for it to become bright again. Thank God this is reaching people in whatever stage they are in.


We, old people, never are too late. Why, because we live to discover what’s underneath all this glitter and glamour.


Amazing Dr Gladys. Follow that Light of Love. Darkness will always be there, but we have the light in us, so let it shine for you and others. Awesome.


Her voice is peaceful. Thank you …..BE GLAD 💕💕
