We See It Too Late - Alan Watts On The Life We Live

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We See It Too Late - Alan Watts On The Life We Live
A powerful and thought-provoking speech about the life we live.

We are official partners with the Alan Watts Electronic University and MindsetDRM.com. We own all rights to the content used on our channel.
From Conversation with myself.

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Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher, writer and speaker known for interpreting and popularizing Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism for a Western audience.
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“To get rid of your ego is like beating a drum in search of a fugitive, they’ll hear you coming”
-Alan watts


Alan Watts shows us that we are not what we think we are. We are not our ego, our personality, our thoughts, or our emotions. We are the consciousness that is aware of all these things. We are the ultimate reality, the source of all existence. We are not separate from the world, but the world itself. We are the happening that is happening now.


Watts' ability to describe the indescribable is mind-blowing.


Amazing how this is still apparent in 2024 - the world will go on.


I am I
You are I
We are I
We are all one🙏


The 1971 dead end has limped on to the 2023 dead end.... true and amazing foretelling.


Complicated...too Complicated..too deep...for the average person..


The depth of A. Watts on reality, human psychology and life in itself are mind blowing! Furthermore, his verbal delivery is sophisticated and elegant with a slight edge making the listener “all ears” while remaining motionless for fear of interruption!


Alan Watts has two more years on earth. Much thanks to Mark Watts, for following his father around the country, taping his lectures. I just purchased the whole Alan Watts collection. I’ll be off on a 16 hour drive with these lectures to listen to in their entirety. ♥️


It’s been awhile since Alan has made me breakdown into tears so fast, but damn I felt this one. I always get something from listening to him but this one was one of those moments where your heart is touched in a different way. Appreciate you posting this.


The guy answered a lot of questions I was asking myself... before I was even born.


I've learned a lot from Alan Watts. He was my introduction to philosophical topics and helped me see life in a completely different way. I'm always grateful for all of this 💜


Brilliant! What an inspiring and insightful man. His conversation is timeless, yet I wonder what he would have to say about the crazy world that exists today.


Thank you for sharing Alan's words. They are a beacon of light.


This 9min15sec lecture is the only anyone would ever need! Pure gold.


hard to imagine ever getting tired of listening to Alan =]


There is No Person anywhere to be found...the moment you realise this, life itself becomes clear...


Fantastically said, as always. Thank you Mr. Alan Watts as well as the uploader of this video. May be peace with you all ! ❤ 🙏


I love this man his voice his vibration his emotions touch me like I walking homeward inward ❤🙏🌍


If we are not experiencing it all first hand, there is a window or a middle-man inbetween us and it.
Either we are following teachers or scriptures, we are following just another feeling towards the same thing that we are experiencing ourselves right here in this now, in our slightly different but still same imperfect now.
And when learning any kind of passed down information no matter where on the spectrum of truth it is ranging, we are by doing so un-learning ourselves to put ourselves under & add on someone else's innerstanding, which with time are going to make us, our inner being, into more of a copy than an actual self.
Life is live, feel, learn and re-remember and the life that we live is the teacher itself, where by living it we should be growing into living books of knowledge, if we actually live it for ourselves. We are both the teacher and the student, as we are both the observer and the one who project the whole moving picture that we see infront of us and dive into each new day when we open our eyes and the camera is again for us, rolling. On top of this, we are each others mirrors as well, reflecting all that greatness but also all that inner work that we should be doing. So really, we should be grateful for all interaction with life as there is a teacher in absolutely everything.
When breaking it down, all we truly have is our energy and together with our energy all we truly need in this life is good health, good morals and a fine-tuned instrument, as in us, to express ourselves properly with, in order to free our minds.
Let the caged bird fly.
Follow no one who wishes followers but the one's who encourage you to live your life for you and to walk your own path.
Only by doing so we'll truly know who we are and what we are truly here for.
We have it all, need only ourselves and we need no middle-men to stay connected to source. We are all born out of it and were given a slightly different perspective to take in the experience with for a reason.
So not to fall for false light.
Saying that though, one can not escape what one are not first aware of.
We are all god's until it finds a way to change the mind. 💜
