How to cure the clicking jaw: Part 2

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This week, I'll show you what to do if your jaw clicks only when you open a bit wider...and how to gradually guide your body to adapt at your command!

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Omg thankkkk you sooo much i been doin this 1 week and the clickin has gone away a bit


My jaw has been clicking since I was 13. I’m 27 now, so my jaw has been clicking for the majority of my life. I saw this video at the start of the year. I did this and felt significant relief within days so I kept at it. Now 4 months later, my jaw has completely stopped clicking even when I try my hardest to make it click!


omg man, THANK YOU, for the first time in 7 YEARS !!! i opened my mouth without a click i am crying


Just found this vid it is exactly what I needed thank you praise Jesus


i've been clicking my jaw for 4 years and this is the first video that i have found in all this time that is actually useful. i've been doing this exercise for 3 days and my clicking is practically gone! i'm obviously gonna continue doing this exercise for a month but still... thanks for your help, doc! you've taken away the source of so much pain and discomfort that i've been carrying for 4 years in just 3 days. amazing.


I found this very helpful, thank you!! It is very kind of you to offer this advice for free. I went to see a specialist who charged $150 for a consultation and then told me I needed an orthodontic device and braces that would cost $30k in total (mind you my jaw problems are pretty minor). Absolutely nuts to do that without trying some natural techniques first


Thank you soo much I’m getting immediate result. I’m soo happy


Thank You so much for this video. I thought it was too simple to work, but it helped tremendously. I had a click when opening and closing. My jaw would also move to the right ever so slightly as I heard the click. The first 20 times I attempted this exercise I would hear the click. Then about 1/4 of the attempts. Now its been about 4 days of zero clicking or abnormal jaw movement. Thank You again for making this video.


(Older video, but just in case people still find it...)
Thank you for addressing this issue that so many of us face.
I struggled with this for many years when I was a teenager and young adult. I had some especially bad episodes when under physical stress (working out, dental work, etc.) to the point where I couldn't open my jaw more than half an inch or so.

I want to share the solution that worked for me in case it helps anyone else.
Disclaimer: This is just me. I'm not saying it will work for anyone else. If you have any doubt, don't do it. If you can't do it without pain, don't do it. etc. (Do only at your own risk.)

This is what I worked for me:
A few times a day when my jaw is working properly (i.e., just little pops, but not locked), I take my first and second finger together and set them gently on the soft tissue that's over the jaw joint. To find the right spot:
- I set my fingers in the area.
- Then open my jaw and feel for the hard bone under the soft tissue that feels like it's sort of pushing out a bit as I move my jaw.
- Then I move my fingers (together still) very slightly forward and down until I find a softer spot just in front of the pushed out part.
Once I find that spot, I give it the slightest pressure--not much, just slightly more than a simple touch. Then gently open and close my jaw in a normal manner several times.
I typically only had the problem on my right side, so mostly concentrated on that side. But sometimes would also do my left side after the right side.
After a year or two of doing this, my jaw no longer popped.

I also use the same technique to unlock my jaw in the very rare occasions where it still gets locked up.
It almost never happens anymore. It might happen if I'm at the dentist for a long time, like for a root canal and such. If it does occur, I can easily unlock it using this technique (though I do have to warn my dentist that I might have to do so :-).

Hope this helps someone.

Fun side note:
Believe it or not, I learned this technique when I was watching some SF series on TV. The series was pretty bad and lasted only one season, but it's the most valuable thing I've ever gotten out of the thousands of hours of my life I've spent in front of the TV. :-)


I have been doing the exercises for 3 days now and feel such a relief on my jaw. This really works. I did not realize I had a slight left movement to the left when i open my mouth causing my right side to hurt. Thank you so much for this exercise . I am more conscious now when I yawn and it doesn't hurt..


Hey I just wanted to say that this video was the best one for my situation. It helped me a few months back, but I didn't get around to comment. For almost a year I had tinnitus (I found out it was caused TMJ when I noticed some patterns). I went through so many videos about tinnitus, but they were only band aid solutions. When I applied this technique I managed the ringing so easily and then even when it comes back it goes away faster than ever. You really saved me a lot of misery.


Wow, thank you. I'm fifteen, got a jaw injury from rugby and learned it's TMJ problem. I'm relieved to know that it's safe and from a doctor's perspective. Really thank you


Helped almost immediately thank you! I didn't realize that I'm rolling my jaw when i chew instead of going up and down.


Ive been experiencing it for a months. Just watch this video and do it myself, and magicaly it diappears. Thank you so much!!


Technique 2 instantly cured me in a few minutes. Thank u sir.


My husband watched your video as of now and after he tried your techniques it actually works right away, he suffers this kind of clicking for 2yrs and now he can finally open wide his jaw normally. Thanks sir, this video helps a lot!


oh my jesus lord what ancient magic is this, wth, feels better already. Kind of saved me a lot mate, like, a lot. Love it :D


I’ve had this basically for half of my life and after video this video I was so reliefed, after 2 days of using this my lock jaw is almost gone. Much Love❤


What the heck kind of wizardry is this? Been doing this for a month and the clicking is GONE. It’s just vanished! Thanks so much, now I can chew without getting super annoyed!


Thank you so much! My jaw started popping a few days ago and this exercise has provided almost instant relief! I will definitely keep doing it.
