Building My Dream Yacht From Scratch Pt 9 - Coast Guard Stability Tests and Certification!

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Don't get me wrong but the pontoon build is a favorite, the camper build has not been forgotten.


Very exciting. One or two suggestions: First, please consider installing a small porthole into the wall of the head (bathroom). It will add light and more importantly it will add ventilation. Much nicer for users! You can can buy a small rain shield for it, and if it is installed on the outboard side of the structure no one will be able to peek in. Next, please look into top quality marine hoses especially made for toilet discharge use. Hoses not made for toilet discharge use start to reek through the plastic quickly.


Some advice replace those Tee in the electrical conduit with water proof junction boxs, save you some headaches


BTW, the back end of a marine vessel has almost as much impact on the hydrodynamics as the front end. In other words, a flat stern will create nearly as much drag as a totally flat bow (a blunt bow means the vessel has a harder time PUSHING the water out of the way an equally a flat back end literally "sucks" the boat from moving forward. And so, IF you can be bothered to give the front some nautical shape shape, please give the back end some ship-like qualities and do something appropriate at the rear end... or it will go even slower than you currentl expect!!!

The same principles apply to the hot-tub,

You might even notice the difference!!!


I'm a painter of 45 years, if I've leared anything about wood and water over that time, and I was building this boat, I'd be sure to finish that plywood decking with primer, paint, fiberglass resin, something, anything. Even if it's marine grade plywood. It takes much less time at this stage to do, then it does to tear everything apart later, once everything's been built.
Overkill ?
Probably, but thats just me.
Better safe than sorry.


A little tip on running small cables for a plastic pipe if you tie a bit of plastic bag to the end of the cable and get a vacuum cleaner on the other end of the pipe. It will suck the cable through the pipe to where you need to be. You’re welcome.


You should have a separate grey water tank for the sinks and keep the black water for the heads


You do not want your sinks going to black water...that is considered gray water and usually is not a problem going over side....50gal is nothing with sinks attached to it as well as the a bit more checking if you have not already on gray water regulations for your boating


If you don't leave access for equipment repair on the hot tub you will hate yourself later. You will most likely have to drain the unit and pull it out of the hole. just some friendly advice from a 12 year Spa Repair technician.


Don't forget that hot tubs have lots of electrical stuff "exposed" down inside their enclosures. You will need to be sure that water cannot flood that big box you're going to set it in, and that you "will" need access to the pumps, valves, and electrical circuits down under the hot tub. Plus, even though the marine grade plywood is marine grade, it would be smart to paint it, top, bottom and edges before installing it permanently.


If that weep hole is below water level it will also be a fill hole (aka a leak).


I can't imagine the cost you're going to incur when you move this to the water. It's bigger than a shipping container in all dimensions and no doubt you'll need an escort to travel. Good luck


B is for Titanic - I wonder if things will break if that big flat box with a 2000 lb hot tub in it gets above and out of the water and slams back down. My guess is the hot tub will blast right thru the floor and go down to Davey Jones Locker.


That Texas tugs thing is wild, as a boatie I can tell you that would be such an amazing relief to know. Never even knew that was a thing. Good job


Surprised no one has mentioned this. Plywood has different face grades, Chris is using Marine Ply and in his case it's B/C grade. All the sections where the stamp is visible on his deck is C grade and should be flipped so the better B side is showing.


if you run long strings down each path and keep lots of extra at the start to pull multiple sets of wires down each hole you can put it all together so you can run wires as you need them with the deck on


This boat is going to be absolutely flippin awesome when it's finished! Can't wait to see the finished product!


Id make sure there's no baffling inside that black water tank. Shit might get stuck clogged. Im imagining that wouldn't be a fun fix after it's full.


I’m going to make a presentation: this pontoon is probably going to tilt forward and to starboard. The hot tub water looks to be really heavy. Same goes for the stairs and bathroom (head).


I need a neck brace for watching this series. I do so much head shaking during these episodes that I'm going to give myself mild whiplash. There's always something that I think "Well that won't work" and they spend so much time, effort, and talent on fabrication of these pieces of a puzzle that will ultimately prove to be a horribly idea. I see the framing support structure in the bow of the hot tub box and imagine that IF it floats and moves forward through the water you will soon see those supports embossed through the front steel just like a worn out skid plate on a Baja racer. This series is like watching an unnecessary but imminent train wreck unfold in slow motion. I wish him all the luck but my doubts easily outweigh my optimism. I'm quite sure the "Barge Yacht" will not be what he is envisioning. I guess it makes good YouTube though...
