Building My Dream Yacht From Scratch Pt 11 - Installing Furniture!

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Fareoh - Cloud Ten
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I just need to say Kyle is doing a great job.


You should sleeve the bolts going through the aluminum tubing so it doesn't collapse the tubing. Also I remembered that from the lotus build you need some type of sealant/adhesive between the steel and aluminum to prevent galvanic corrosion which I can imagine would be 10 times worse on something on the water.


Space between the seat and the pilot console is perfect for life preserver storage.


I'm not an engineer but that amout of lateral movement of the upper deck is already crazy.


As an aerospace structural engineer, I am concerned about the lateral strength of the steel structure. Especially, after you put furniture and people on the 2nd floor. I think you need much stronger attachments to the floor. What you did is a good start, but I think you need a much stronger joint to react the moment at the base.


"It's not compressing the wood like people were worried about"

That's because you haven't begun to get water absorption and wet/dry cycling.

It will happen 👉OVER TIME👈 and the mounts will fail at some point down the road.

Please cut that wedge of wood out and replace it with delrin or something that doesn't deflect or compress like wet wood will.


Don't forget to paint the underside of the feet where it bolts to the wood on the lower deck. And make sure you put some sort of isolator to keep any steel in contact with aluminum. That way you don't have any dissimilar metal corrosion.Painting the steel is not enough to stop that. Steel and aluminum do not like each other.


With everything off deck, Roll carpet over entire floor, Then install everything over carpet. Same as pontoon, camper/RV manufactures do. No BS cutting.


I would place a icebox in the empty space in the front. Perfect place to leave your bottle or your drinks cold out in the front. 🎉🎊


Dont forget galvanic corrosion between the steel and alumnimum.


Build a nice trash can to put in front of the consol and fill the void


You need to paint frame footings between the frame and wood floor. Those plates will be the first to rust out and there goes your structure when that happens.


Man those black railings are going to be hot in the sun


Just a quick one when welding tubes or box section drill a small hole in the tube, it lets the air escape when it expands (heat) and stops blowing out your welds, also use the small holes to squirt wax oil inside to protect the tubs and bars on the weld joints from the inside


"I'm Not An Engineer" needs to be put on a "B is for Build" T-Shirt.


Cool build. One suggestion from a Mechanical Engineer, make sure you consider galvanic corrosion any where you have dissimilar materials in contact with each other. Look at providing some type of an isolation pad between the steel doubles underneath the aluminum frame where you plan on adding the additional bolts for stabilizing the second story gussetts


You have a problem, the strength of the steel plates and bolts vs the strength of the aluminum tubes. Because of the torsional (side) forces you’re going to be having, along with the twisting forces when the boat is no longer supported by a concrete floor. There’s going to be some deformation of the super structure.
Please be careful during your sea trials and when you get on the gas in a turn.


I recommend gusseting those posts in 3 ways. Strengthen lateral movement


The round tubes used to support the second floor look so small in diameter.I just googled 2 story pontoon boats and even on small ones the tubes look twice as big if not even larger diameter and have much more gusseting than this, the mounting points also appear to be tied into the pontoon structure with the weight spread out over a larger area. I don’t think the pontoons are going to fail but that top floor is going to be continually flexing and moving all the time and will have a lot of weight on it. In some places it’s only bolted into the wooden floor, if that rots out from water ingress then that’s the mounts gone. I’m no expert in pontoon building but I’m a mech engineer and piping/plant designer, im genuinely concerned about it, I don’t think it’s going to instantly break or anything but don’t think it’s going to last long before serious issues start to manifest. Just continually adding chunks of metal to fix problems is adding more weight and changing its centre of gravity. Not following the “design” and just winging it and making do where stuff fits is just asking for trouble. Wouldn’t risk my friends and family’s safety on it but that’s just me. Just don’t try and build a fucking plane or something next!.


that miscalculated small space in front of the captain pit/steer can be used for fire extinguisher
