Biceps Peaks - 5 Best Ways to Build Them! (BOULDERS)

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If you want to build bigger biceps peaks that stand at attention you have to do a few things. First, you must stop listening to anyone that tells you that this is solely due to your genetics. This can’t be further from the truth. If you want to get bigger biceps and more noticeable biceps peaks you need to train the long head of the biceps and change the way you do most of your bicep exercises. In this video, I’m going to show you the 5 best ways to build biceps peaks that stand at attention and get people to notice.

First, you have to make sure that you supinate your wrist fully when performing any biceps workout or exercises. The complete contraction offered by supinating your wrist allows you to generate a strength of muscle contraction that you are unable to do otherwise. With the long head of the biceps at a mechanically better advantage to do this, you will target this head even more by doing so.

Next, you want to be sure that you understand how your grip width will impact your biceps peaks. To start, you have to realize that the long head of the biceps is the one that is responsible for the height of your peak. This can be preferentially hit by keeping your grip narrow on barbell curls or any other biceps exercises. By narrowing your grip and holding your elbows close to the body you will be able to shift the focus to the outside of the biceps muscle more and therefore get more out of that long head.

Third thing you want to do when trying to build bigger biceps peaks is choose exercises that place the long head on stretch by positioning the arm behind the body. This happens very naturally with exercises like the incline dumbbell curl and the barbell drag curl. If you keep the arm behind the body at some point during the exercise, you will put the long head on stretch by virtue of the fact that it is the only head that crosses the shoulder joint.

Fourth, you can actually make the biceps muscle more prominent by training the muscle that lays beneath it; the brachialis. This muscle wraps around the humerus and is positioned underneath the two heads of the biceps. That said, it can be most visibly seen when looked at from behind as it situates between the triceps lateral head and the long head of the biceps. Build this muscle up and you will effectively push up the overlaying muscle group and get a fuller upper arm.

Finally, if you want to build big biceps peaks you have to try to minimize the contribution of the forearm to your biceps exercises. For instance, when you are doing barbell curls, the tendency is to cheat the weight up by allowing the wrist to curl as you lift the weight. This engages the muscles of the forearm and diminishes the work that the biceps are doing. Over time, this will lead to less strength in the biceps and less bicep peak and size overall.

Рекомендации по теме

Jeff, no one in YouTube comes close to you when it comes to providing no bullshit bodybuilding advice. just the truth and nothing but the truth.


Don't watch at bedtime make u want to get up and exercise mans a legend and not weird like a lot of YouTube trainers


you're the only guy who uses a marker to show whats really happening and its so helpful lol


JUST worked biceps yesterday without seeing this first... i totally missed out on a better workout


I used to just skip all the talking to get right to his workouts. Now I've learned to soak in every word he says - this dude REALLY knows his shit


That tip with the wrists is gold. I've came across it a few years ago in an old school bodybuilding book and been doing every since! You definitely notice a difference.


You know shits gonna get real when he gets the marker


According to scientific observations, Jeff is 80% biceps.


Just watching this video gave me 25-inch biceps! People in the fitness industry HATE this guy!


Do a muscle marker for triceps I would love to c that


wow I'm really impressed. lI learned things that no YouTuber, "expert" or book was able to teach me (and I searched a lot). congratz man, you know your job


I've taken your advice and it has made a BIG difference in my workouts and I'm getting better at sixty four and I look forewould to working out MORE.!!! IN THE NEW YEAR AND BEYOND.!!! THANKS JEFF.!!!!


DAMN. I wish I had his knowledge. He got a video for everything, for every single body part and the details. I wish i had a teacher like him at school, it would be awesome.


Jeff, the type of dude who laughs at all the other WACK youtubers while eating sweet potatoes at night.


that moment when ur bodyfat percentage is soo low that ur skin just slides around when trying to write on it lol


I think your arm is attached to your biceps


that little segment at the end was honestly really inspirational.


You are a fucking beast bro! I was trying to build my peak for months and it wasn't showing. 2 weeks after seeing this video my peak is really started forming, always using your channel for advice because you most definitely do not bullshit.


Man... That outro gave me the chills. What a piece of work you are Jeff, an inspiration for all of us mortals.


there is NO bullshit coming out from this channel
