Nicotine withdrawal timeline💨💨

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The hardest part about quitting is when u only wanna quit cuz u dont want it to kill you but love absolutely everything else about it lol


Craving is in the mind. And you don't need 3 months to know you don't want something. You must convince yourself from day 1 that your habit was worthless and void of any positives... After a week and the physical withdrawal subsides you are healed and go about your life


I stopped vaping 4 days and 10 hours ago. I vaped for just over a year, I’ve quit cigs and gone to vaping and vice versa so many times. This is the first time having NOTHING. It is so so strange. I was getting through one of those lost Mary disposal vapes every day.. it was pretty much controlling my life, every time I moved I would check I got my vape.. go for a poop, check I got my vape.. it’s horrible. But, man is it nice to just leave the house and not have that horrible feeling like you’ve left something really important behind, i don’t feel shackled to vaping anymore. I was so ready to give up, I’ve just had to keep myself busy because when I do sit down to chill - occasionally I’ll have a split second where I go to grab my vape and it’s shit when I realise I don’t have one anymore.. but then I get over it. Good luck guys and gals


7 days free from nicotine, the urges are strong but I think I can do it


I just quit vaping been vaping and smoking cigs for 6 years on day 3 right now and its not bad at all thanks for the advice man its all mental


Thank you for posting all of this. You’ve seriously helped me tremendously in quitting. I’m now a few hours short of ten days of zero nicotine and feel no need to go back. Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤


Day 1 is always easy, day 2 it gets tougher, but days 3-5 are terrible. Headaches, insomnia, dizziness, brain fog


Today is my 4th day of quitting. I have feelings that I understand it's from the addiction. First of all, trouble with sleep. Following, yesterday I was really sad I couldn't smoke cigarettes anymore. Yet, I didn't smoke. I feel so bored now that I feel I have nothing to do during class breaks or something. So far, I've been controlling it. I also feel I miss it so much.


I watched his videos when I was quitting vaping. That was 1 year ago. It’s all a mental game, the first three days are hell. I’d rather go through the pain of quitting now then having to tell my love ones I could have prevented this. You can quit 💪🏻


Im at like 44 days, i had 1 relapse when i was drunk. But let me tell you the cravings are already subsised 75%


Glad I started on kicking off this stupid Habit ...4 Days in now !


If you are reading this: Im 2 months in, and you get craving spikes. they can last from 5 minutes up to hours. If you get bored, angry, tired, hungry, or well-fed, even when relaxing or annoyed you will get a spike. The reason is: these are moments when I would have gone for vape and had satisfaction. Driving and stopping for coffee, long drives, being alone. I haven't had one relapse, but I haven't quit either.


3 months? I feel like this number will scare people off. I'm almost at 3 months and there's a HUUUUGE difference between the type of "craving" now compared to those first 1-2 weeks. Now it's not even the same ballpark let alone the same sport. The internal talk after like 4-6 weeks is like "nicotine? nicotine help? lol no, nicotine make you feel worse. ok." Then I move on. if you can call that a craving then yeah I guess I still have them.


I hate when they say "Imagine struggling with the addiction forever" like bro, i started smoking 7 years ago, I loved every second of it. that ain't a threat


Day 5 into quitting, after doing 20mg of nicotine for nearly 2 years, and I really didn't think I would quit!

But I'll be honest, the side effects and withdrawals aren't fun, but they aren't going to kill you. Remind yourself why they are there, why they are happening, and it makes quitting so much fun even when you're feeling down! These 90 days will be easy for what is going to feel like a heavenly life ahead!


I am almost 7 months free from nicotine. Its not been an easy fight at all, its a massive battle of the mind, because i miss the feelings that they brought on, but i dont miss acrually doing them. Something that has pushed me forward is reminding myself why i stopped and cleaned myself up. Something that has helped me personally, is going and working at the gym, and volunteering at a mental health facility. Im here to sya that if i can do it, so can you. Its not going to be a cake walk, its going to be one of the hardest battles you ever face, but i am proud to say that i am almost 7 months free of nicotine. Dont be afraid to use nicotine patches, nic gum, and other things to help reduce your cravings. But be careful to not use them as a crutch, because that can also lead back to square one of your addiction that your trying to kill.


I went 2 months clean and relapsed due to being around so many people that vape and smoke, I felt amazing for those first few months, I literally had to force myself to start vaping even tho it made me sick to even smell it. But when I quit I eat like crazy. I need at least a week off work in order to battle this addiction and need to find new friends


3.5 weeks without
I sudden realize life is without meaning


Ive been without them for 7 hours and im litterally crying in my bed


I feel empty like hell
I feel lost.My head feels numb even it's been 3 weeks
