Crazy Rich Asians 2018 - Ending Scene (Proposal & After Party)

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Copyright by: Warner Bros Studios
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Hearing the entire audience in my theater gasp when he reveals the green ring, is something I'm always gonna remember. And then literally everyone broke out into applause when she said yes.


The lady in the back during the proposal is my spirit animal.


Fun fact: the ring is Michelle Yeoh's personal ring she used for this film. She treats herself to a new piece after every film she does.


The mom's ring is a very powerful moment.


Yes! Yes, yes! She will marry you!!! 😂😂😂😂


I love how the lady in the back went from scolding Rachel for blocking the aisle to being the most supportive


Did you guys notice the way Colin and Nick just jumped up and down when they hugged in excitement? I swear I have never seen anything so pure and wholesome.


I never noticed that Nick invited some of the people Rachel knew from back home. Like the guy she beats at cards at the beginning is there at the end.


I have a feeling Henry Golding really does help people with their luggage when he is on a plane.

He's that much of a gentleman in real life : )


the moment when they walk into the engagement party i just...he's so excited to be engaged to her it's adorable.


I love that moment between Rachel and Eleanor at 3:29. The fact that she’s accepted her into the family, but there’s clearly still some tension there. It felt so real to me, as opposed to just taking the typical Hollywood route by having them completely cool with one another by the end. So much is said without any dialogue.


Hearing the entire audience gasp loudly when Elanor’s ring is shown when I watched this in theatres was an experience I’ll always remember! I had watched Avengers Infinity War about two months before, and the fact that the gasps I heard during Crazy Rich Asians were just as loud as when Tony got stabbed by Thanos in Infinity War was so cool to me! It made me really happy for some reason as an Asian Canadian, comparing the impact it had on the audience. And the fact that the audience had a really great mix of cultures made it even more meaningful! Such a cool experience as an Asian. Good cinema really can make a difference in people’s lives!


Something I love about this is how the setting shows Nick meeting Rachel halfway. He's not in first class on a luxury airline, with room and a bar and beds, he's in the narrow halls of a cramped coach section of a plane used by the un-wealthy, having to bump elbows and make his way around people and climb over seats and duck under sweaty armpits...And he meets the situation with grace and humility, tripping around and helping everyone he comes across and smiling through the inconvenience and remaining courteous.


The whole movie was more than just a love story. Alternatively, it can be seen as a story about three Asian women, how the society and culture they grew up with affected them, and how the events in the movie changed them. Eleanor, who serves as an example of a woman affected by the social norms of Asian women giving up their dreams/aspirations/careers for the sake of becoming devoted wives for their husbands, and who's life is the real reality of the typical love story trope of "poor/generally not wealthy girl marrying into a rich family that still harbors resentment towards her". With Eleanor, to marry her husband, she drops out of college as an attempt to be accepted into the high society that had looked down on her-as a result, she conforms to the norms and takes the role as the "protective, very conservative mother in law" as a way to survive, but ultimately sees that one does not have to follow the old ways she was forced to adapt in today's world, and becomes humbled by not just Rachel's love for her son but also her strength in being her own person. Astrid was born into wealth and raised in the same old ways, but finds problems with the expectation of a woman's place as a wife, as she struggles between maintaining the status quo of being devoted and responsible for everyone else's happiness, specifically her husband's, and her own. After being reintroduced to how love is truly shown and defined in a a way she had either forgotten or never knew, with the wedding scene and seeing Nick and Rachel's romance, and her discovery of her husband's insecurities and infidelity, that all led her to decide that her happiness was her own responsibility and she should not have to sacrifice her own worth for others. And then there's Rachel. It's no surprise that her role as the main character makes her the person that changed and influences Eleanor's and Astrid's tthought- with Eleanor eventually allowing Nick to marry Rachel and Rachel's relationship with Nick indirectly leading Astrid to leave her husband. But Rachel also changed too- she experienced first hand how, despite speaking the same language and being of the same race, she was treated differently simply because of her upbringing. Rachel most likely by the beginning of the movie managed to find a balance of such with her identity as an American Chinese (being able to speak her language with ease and love the parts of her culture she learned from her family but also adapting American ideals of taking pride in her own works and creating her own definition of herself), but goes through that same journey of trying to fit in again when she travels to Singapore and finds herself being introduced into the society of the Singaporean elite. She nearly follows the same path as Eleanor, where she outshines those at the wedding as a means of establishing herself above those that did her wrong, and tries to get Eleanor to like her for the sake of Nick, but ultimately does some things in her own way- by becoming friends with Princess Intan through sharing her interest in economics, and telling Eleanor that she rather leave Nick to marry someone more acceptable than her marry him, ruin his relationship with his family, and feel the reprocussions of the consequences- as Eleanor similarily had with her own marriage and struggled to make amends by conforming- and throughout the movie, Rachel was open about her achievements, taking pride in them. But what really made Rachel grow was her acceptance in understanding that the world will have their differences in how to define others and how culture and social norms can have a lasting impact on anyone regardless of being a Chinese American or non-American Chinese (Mainland, Singapore, etc), but that being true to yourself and choosing your own happiness over society expectations, wins in the end.


I love the moment where Astrid just walked out of the apartment happy to finally be able to live on her own terms.



I laughed when rachel just pushes the dad aside when he goes in for a hug lmao


3:29 lowkey almost made me cry. It was two different characters but who went through the same struggles. You can tell Elenaor and Rachel's relationship isn't near perfect, but the looks exchanged shows that they have respect for one another


I love how if you pay more attention to Eleanor’s story you can see that she subconsciously knows she made the wrong decision by marrying into the rich family. She’s almost trying to protect Rachel from falling into the same fate and protecting Nick from turning into her husband. Once she realise they truly love each other, she accepts and respects Rachel and her relationship with Nick.
Also Astrid needed way more screentime and I would watch a spin off on her.


2:58 his cute little dance with his cute little face is just adorable. Never thought I’d call a grown man adorable


That Emerald ring was everything! Eleanor never got the family’s ring or the inheritance ring from Amma (Nick’s grandma) because she wasn’t the chosen one and Amma refuse to pass her ring, so Nick’s father made an engagement (the Emerald ring) for himself and proposed to Eleanor when they studied in Cambridge. Ttheir engagement & marriage never got blessings from Amma. So to pay for their mistake, they gave up Nick to Amma and never raise him by their hands. Only then Amma feels happy because Eleanor gave birth to her first born grandson of the Young and became an heir. It’s Amma who raised Nick and took control of his life.

By presenting the emerald ring to Rachel, it means Eleanor blessed the relationship between her son & Rachel which once she against of!

This scene tells us that Rachel got the inheritance ring from Eleanor (Eleanor being firm about her decision to allow Nick to propose to Rachel at the end of the movie) but not Amma’s (Eleanor doesn’t care about Amma’s perspective on Rachel because she’s enough of being judged by her mother in-law and she doesn’t want to become the same demon as Amma). It’s all about his son’s happiness.

Look at Eleanor's galnce at 3:38 says "It's my time to choose an in-law, not Amma. Goddamn this is my family and Amma's gonna die in any minute now" 😂
