5 Simple Habits to Learn ANY Language Easily

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Starting to learn a new language can seem daunting but with some simple changes you can set yourself up for success.


👇Want to get better at any language in just 4 minutes a week?

📚Learn a language through the power of stories:

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This guy needs way more recognition. His production quality and knowledge is really helpful!


I think a key distinction which is often lost is that there is a big difference between what the optimal language learning method is, and what works for you as an individual. A sub-optimal method may be perfect for any one person, if you find it enjoyable, or if it’s just something you can slip into your life. For example, I’m not a fan of the Pimsleur method for a variety of reasons, but it so happens I have a half hour walk to and from work every day, so a half hour Pimsleur class (repeated morning and evening) fits perfectly into that slot. I tried podcasts instead (which are probably better), but my language ability isn’t up to following them without a lot of concentration, so inevitably my mind drifts away. So Pimsleur works for me, for that slot. It’s not optimal but… its better than the alternatives.


I would say learning grammar is the closest thing to language learning shortcut you can do because of you learn what makes something past tense future tense, positive/negative you're literally doubling your comprehension because you'll automatically recogonize different variations of the same word

But I agree it's not something to focus on but the basic elementary grammar rules I think are worth learning early


I am a linguist and I love grammar (I read grammatical descriptions of languages I'm not learning for fun) but this is still decent advice.


I find it difficult to find a podcast at my level that isn't boring to me. Like, I don't care about listening to how Samantha decided to buy new shoes.


The production quality and the content made me believe you'd have at lesat 100k subscribers. You'll definitely get there! This is very good stuff for motivation and methods. Keep it up!


One of the BEST videos I've ever watched for language learning! Saving!!!


I totally agree with the comment above. Grateful that you have taken the time to share your experience and value. The rock-climbing metaphor sunk home for me. When contrasted against relying on apps, totally get it. Change my thinking, get real conversations going. Thanks so much. BlessUp 🙏


You are so right about reading! I am not a native speaker of inglés and, though I learned it in school and in the university, my English was, at best, dormant when I moved to the U.S. of A. back in 1995. Being a habitual reader, I kept my favorite pastime—just switched the language. You wouldn't believe what book I read first: "Jurassic Park"! I understood then, perhaps, barely 25–30% of the content, but was pushing ahead, trying to use a dictionary when I couldn't get some word's meaning by context. Of course, watching the movie a few years prior helped. Now I'm learning Spanish and I know I have to read to really learn. The problem is, what to read? It has to be something interesting enough to keep my interest. I've tried some short stories for beginners, but it's just boring. Recently I tried the first of the books about el capitán Alatriste, and it reminded me my reaction to the Crichton's story (though I feel like I understand quite a bit more). I'll see how it goes. After all, I bought the book, now I must read it. ;)


It takes a lot of time to learn a new language.


An excellent summary of my own approach.


I love how damn British you are, Matt. 😆 I feel elevated just listening to you.

As always, excellent video! Breaking everything down into manageable goals is the ONLY way to do large things like language learning. It really IS that simple.

Motivation is huge (as you said). I’m almost at 1, 200 hours in Dreaming Spanish. That’s a lot of time to do ANYTHING so ensuring you like whatever that thing is is critical (tough grammar there, sorry).


Your channel will explode up be patient your production is perfect


Good tips. I like the way u explain it without 'pushing'


You are truly an inspiration ... May Allah bless you 😊


I need weekly videos now on Bjorn's climbing progress. 😆


I learned English mostly by consuming English content on the internet, not in school. I think my native languages (German and Danish) were helpful in learning English


Where are you speaking from sir? I like your accent ❤


imo technically gifted people like engineers and programmers benefit better from grammar learning, but then also applying it so it sticks, while other people learn best from immersion


I am against of the podcast to learn any languages because if you dont understand none you don't will progrese, is better read and then listen the podcast that you readed.
