Are Bodyweight Rows Enough to Build Your Back and Biceps?

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Sample Bodyweight Routine:
Arm circles 10 reps forward and backward
Standing scapular retraction and protraction 20 reps
4 rounds of:
Isometric row at the top position for 15s
bodyweight rows 15 reps at fast tempo
Single-arm rows 6/side
rest 45s
(adjust the angle of your body to change resistance for each exercise as needed)
Arm circles 10 reps forward and backward
Standing scapular retraction and protraction 20 reps
4 rounds of:
Isometric row at the top position for 15s
bodyweight rows 15 reps at fast tempo
Single-arm rows 6/side
rest 45s
(adjust the angle of your body to change resistance for each exercise as needed)
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Are Bodyweight Rows Enough to Build Your Back and Biceps?
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