Все публикации

Myths and Lies From The Industrial Fitness Complex

What Is Chain Training, And How Does It Improve Every Workout You Do?

5 Signs Your Tension Control Sucks

The Innodigym P1 Lite Plus is Great, Except For This

The Falicy of Only Trying to Eliminate Sugar

Why I Ate 3 Pints of Ben & Jerry's At Once

Miraculous Recovery: Paul Teerlinck's Journey with Isometrics Post-Hip Surgery

Building Muscle w/ Calisthenics #5; Core Exercises That Build The Whole Body

Building Muscle w/ Calisthenics #3; Constant Tension, Sleep, and Diet For Growth

Smart Calisthenics Progression w/ Louis Deveseleer of Calistree.com

Using the Grind Style Method to Level-Up Your Weight Training

3 Simple Healthy Eating Habits w/ Kaki Okumura

You Don’t Need to Worry About Muscle Control.

What's the Minimal Training Threshold for Effective Workouts?

Simplifying Over-Complicated Workouts

Update: Why I Still Train Every Day

Training for Aesthetics vs Functional Performance

Do High Rep Push-Ups Cause Real Muscle Growth, or Is It Just a Pump?

How To Quickly Overcome a Weak Pull-Up Grip

Essential Isometric Exercise Programing Principles

Effective Calisthenics Lat Exercises That Aren't Pull-Ups

My Best Isometric Push Chain Exercises For Stronger Shoulders, Chest & Triceps

How I Do Isometric Pull-Ups & Dips

Rethinking Lifting to Failure w/ Weights or Calisthenics