Double Your Pull-Ups In 30 Days (Grease The Groove)

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Want to increase your strength fast? How about going from 10 to 20 pull-ups in a row? Or increasing your handstand, planche or front lever hold time. Grease the groove is a method of submaximal daily training - you'll improve quicker than doing a full blown workout. Pavel Tsatsouline made this training style to get max results quickly. We gain strength fast through improving our nervous system efficiency and effectiveness. Grease the groove works best with exercises you can do with minimal equipment ie push-ups. But if you're motivated and disciplined, you can workout daily with any exercise and make gains such as squats etc.

0:00 - How To Grease The Groove
6:19 - Why It Works
7:44 - Downsides
10:55 - Isometric Exercises
12:44 - Helpful Tips
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Please share your grease the groove results. I'm sure people lurking are curious to know what's possible.


Key takeaway's:
1. Grease The Groove is for strenght and skill increase rather than hypertrophy
2. GTG is addition to your normal workout routine (you do both)
3. You should be doing GTG with a perfect technique
4. You don't have to do warmup before GTG sets (if you start your GTG first thing in the morning then you can have a few minutes walk before)
5. 1 excercise
6. Intensity 50-70% (for example if your max pull-ups is 10 reps - do 5 to 7 reps in a set)
7. 4 to 10+ sets throughout one day with plenty of rest between those sets (around an hour or more is good)
8. 4-6 days per week
9. Feel free to increase from week to week your number of sets or/and reps or/and frequency
10. Don't rush immediately with your intensity, reps, sets etc. It's likely to injure you and you can always increase those later (choose what is sustainable for you)
11. You should be ending every set and also every GTG day with a feeling that you could physicallly do more
12. You do GTG for 4-6 weeks. After that you can do this again with or without changing the excercise or just continue your normal workouts


I got Pavel's 1st book, "Power to the People, Russian Strength Training Secrets" back in December 2001. It changed my workouts forever. I started doing myofibrillar training instead of sarcoplasmic. Training naturally, I went from 175lbs to 200lbs in a year. Low volume, high intensity, training your whole body on consecutive days. It shouldn't work, but it DOES. Pavel is the Master!


Thanks Daniel you have been my biggest teacher in my fitness journey over the last few years and I will be adding grease the groove in with pull ups immediately.


When I started training calisthenics I followed David Goggins method of nickels and dimes (5 pull ups - band assisted, 10 push ups) technically greasing the groove cause it wasnt to failure, it definitely made a difference. Only 8 months into training and can do 11-12 consecutive pull ups now and still supplement my off days with GTG to this day, it works!


You have in this video done more than anyone on the www to explain GTG; most importantly how to practically do GTG in all its aspects, how to integrate GTG with other exercises, plus how GTG actually works. Pavel T. didn’t go into this level of detail keeping GTG a mystery exercise still.

Thank you Daniel, what service and good guidance you give to the community at large 👍


Man I could watch this man do simple pull-ups for 15 mins without any voiceover and not get bored


Another great strategy to implement...thank you Daniel. When I look in the mirror, I immediately recall how smart you are, and how much I appreciate your shared knowledge and wisdom. I have never in my life been this fit and muscular. I will never go back to being out of shape. Thanks again


I actually did something like this when I started at 0 pullups, it took me like 1 year to get to 4 sets of 10 from dead hang to chest to bar...if some one cares, I started with what ever reps I could do at the best form posibly at the time for as many sets I could. I would work till I hit 9 set of that rep range and then increase the reps by one till I got to 9 sets of 6 reps...I also did weigthed pull ups...basically my first year was getting the form rigth and work capacity up. What I liked about it is that I build a lot of strengh, I got my first muscle up with out training it, may have tried high pull ups twice before my first mu, yhe same for front lever...I just have to work on the form


I did somthing like that when i was 16. I went from 3 to 15 Pull-Ups in like half a year by doing them through the day. I build a bit of muscel though. Sadly i fell in with the wrong crowd after that (kids, dont do drugs) and am just now starting to train again.
Great vid, I am definitifly going to start Greasing the Groovethat again.


Awesome video on the topic. I like the part were you addressed the most common questions people may have, and explained them very clearly.
Thank you very much for the info!


i will continue the grease the groove for the rest of my life by my 50s i will be able to do pullups


Magnificent video. Thanks for your knowledge & passion. Will give it a go


I do this kind of pull up workout at the moment and already did it a few times over the last years.
It has always improved my number of pullups.

The program I found says one set a day for the first two weeks and two sets a day with plenty of rest for week 3 and 4 and always leave 1-2 reps in the tank.

I will try to do more sets per day now.

Thanks so much ❤


I thought about doing something like that cause I'm platoeing a bit right now. How nice of you to release this video that confirms my guesses!


3:19 good to know about the warmup! That's always been a big question for me.


Man I’m seeing good progress a WEEK IN! I decided to get better at push ups because my niece and nephew like to sit on my back while I do push ups. I did gtg for a week then they came to visit, and I was able to do like three times as much play with them compared to before.

Gtg is legit!


Great video as usual. Like many people pre-COVID I did not believe home gym sessions were a serious option. With COVID many of us had to change the way we exercised. I had no idea what Calisthenics was until I came across FitnessFAQs. There are some great instructors out there but I still consider Daniel to provide the best advice for beginners and intermediate students (can't comment on expert because I am not there yet!). Now Calisthenics is a fundamental part of my physical and mental health. Will definitely try GTG for front lever from today.


damn this channel is really a blessing. Thank you very much!!


Perfect practice makes perfect! Absolutely! Don’t be sloppy. Do 50-70% perfect reps and the results are so much more satisfying.
