Train Your Staff- Manager & Supervisor Leadership Training- Part 6 -

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Manager & Supervisor Leadership Training- Part 6
Training Techniques That Work

What I want to do is suggest some simple ideas that every manager or supervisor could start tomorrow morning. The more you help another succeed, the more you help yourself.
How to help others:
1. Encourage personal growth: Try something new, work out a new skill set, develop, watch, and give them feedback.
2. Be a good role model: Be aware that you are a training department. Show your employees what to do and what is expected.
3. Encourage personal goal setting: Achievement builds self-esteem and confidence. When they reach these things, they're more productive.
4. Set up a personal development library: Write an article, blog post, etc. so that team members can access material that may help them develop.

I'd like to challenge you to pick 1 of those and put it into place.

Manager & Supervisor Training 9 Part Series:
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