Stop Managing, Start Leading | Hamza Khan | TEDxRyersonU

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According to Hamza, managing millennials and knowledge workers the way we used to manage traditional factory workers can be disastrous. Speaking through his own experience of being managed and alternatively as a manager, Hamza makes the case that millennials must be lead, instead of managed and given autonomy to complete their tasks, so that they may grow and reach their full potential.

If you ask Hamza Khan about his role as a manager, he’ll tell you his approach to managing is to avoid it altogether. Before his success as an award-winning digital marketer and entrepreneur, Hamza was a student struggling to find a practical outlet for his creativity while pursuing a degree in business and political science at the University of Toronto Scarborough. In his third-year of university, Hamza switched his major and received a Bachelor of Arts to facilitate a future career in creative multimedia and storytelling. Since graduating, he has worked as a graphic designer and marketer, and teaches social media strategy at Seneca College. He is also credited with making Ryerson University Canada’s leading university in online student engagement.

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Being a manager very often has nothing to do with being a leader. In my experience, to be a good leader high level of emotional intelligence is necessary. Being self-aware, being able to manage your emotions and emotions of others, motivation, empathy and social skills are the key here.


People are loyal to people, not companies ♥️


Back in the day of old Indonesia, we have Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, a prince who chose to be a teacher for the new nation. His wisdom are really a guidance,
1. Ing ngarso sung tuladha 》 give examplary behaviour when you lead
2. Ing madya mangun karso 》 give encouragement to your team
3. Tut wuri Handayani 》give applaus when your team member fly high


I'm a horrible BOSS coz I'm not a BOSS at all.
I'm just a FRIEND, I'm a MENTOR, I'm a COMRADE, I'm a CHEER LEADER & I'm a COACH.
Coaches don't play Ball, they motivate & Empower teams to win championships & take a step back, watch them do it.

Please don't MANAGE; LEAD.
Because you manage 'THINGS' & you Lead 'PEOPLE'

Loved it !! You nailed it brother...!


This is an excellent way to breakdown how to get the members of your team to outperform the traditional norms. I am a 1969 baby and Hamza Khan is absolutely right. In order for individuals to exceed your expectations and the expectations they have set for themselves, you must lead them! Let them go! People who are managed hate to go work on Monday. They are always watching the second hand tick around the clock and they are not as productive. Individuals who are 'properly' led are inspired [influenced] to be great. They virtually never leave 'work' because they are committed to the success of the organization. You manage systems and processes. You lead people. Great talk @HamzaK


I like his concluding point, where he said: "you manage things and you lead people".


"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things" - Peter Drucker Management is the efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.


This is an AWESOME talk on leadership, I have done what he was expressing from 2004 to 2017 without i relishing which endorse me in achievements of an great Auto Crews of team during my STEC & HGST organisation Era ... thank you to my team and today when listen to HAMZA it make me realise how much perfectly in what he is presenting... thanks to Allah.


Managing the work v. managing the person is a powerful way to unleash potential by trusting the person to make responsible decisions (100% autonomy) and ensure successful, measurable results are delivered (100% accountability). It is long overdue to move away from location/time based thinking and into outcome based thinking. Work is something you do, NOT some place you go.


Managing people and not taking them for granted is a real and useful key.
Excellent communication and pronunciation dear Mr Hamza Khan.


I was at this event, phenomenal speaker. I've actually since become a TA at Ryerson and have folded Hamza's management advice into how I run my classes.


I just got promoted to a supervisor position, I'm so happy but at the same time so nervous, this speech has helped me a lot to get a better idea of what to do.


This is highly useful for my media team. YouTube is gold. ♥️🙏🏼


Excellent talk, thank you. IMV a good manager (I've only ever worked for one), needs four qualities: 1. a good understanding of the business and finance; 2. good organisational skills to ensure people are clear about their roles and carry them out; 3. work hard as expected of employees, lead by example; 4. good people skills, motivating (I hate to use the word 'manage') staff to carry out their jobs effectively. Good management is almost invisible, it goes on behind the scenes, but bad management leaves huge gaps in morale & performance, & leaves a vacuum for the worst of office politics.


Loved your talk! "We manage things and and we lead people." - 100 % spot on!!


The most valuable 18min 12sec of my professional career. Incredible job!


Love your training and your style of delivery. So informative, thought provoking and easy to understand...straight to the point. Will be saving this to watch a few times. Thank you


There are a lot of industries where it is difficult to continuously develop people professional and because of this they lose interest. I've seen see good articles where companies have directed training and focus into other areas of people's life with good results for a more continuous development like in arts or creative industries. I value learning very highly, I wouldn't want to work in a job where I'm treated like a tool to continuing working in the same way until I wear out!

Thanks for the good points about "manage things and lead people"


I enjoyed this presentation and there is a lot of value for many tupe of industries. In my opinion, it is not a one size fits all solution. Customer facing organizations like a retail bank brach for example, would not function with you showing up 15 minutes late, as clients and associates would be impacted. However, businesses like the one you had, sure it does work for certain people. Unfortunately not everyone has the worl ethics you claim to have. Thank you!


Hamza, well done. I begin my first real leadership role soon, and this was exactly what I needed to hear! I am going to empower my team, while they empower me!
