Do this First Thing In The Morning To Burn Stubborn Fat in 1 Week | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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Things to do In The Morning | Dr. Mindy Pelz resume about 5 questions ::
1/ going out into the sun /(if sunscreen, watch out chemical free) / vitamine D 10' in the morning for pale skin, 20' for dark skin or in winter=> try 30 day challenge / vit D supplementation in winter or fatty fish like sardines
2/ weight loss plateau : try the opposite you are doing / try fast longer like 36 hour /
What about work out in a fasted state ? it's up to you but the peak of cortisol & testosteron for men & women, is 1 or 2 hours after get up in the morning, so MOVE ! exception on days of lifting weights => put protein & amino acid in morning coffee in order to build musles
3/ fasting sometimes easy or hard: metabolic switch gap blockers: lack of minerals or amino acids / stress up cortisol / eating the right foods => check blood sugar =>how are you feed microbiome : protein is hero macronutriment
4/ crave food after fasting : change emotional state change / need microbiome repair
5/ athletes bulding muscles ; on recovery days, fast longer / on fasted state, before workout take suffisant nutrients amino acid + creatnine in coffee, and after workout eat 30 to 100 gr of protein to stimultate Mtor.
Danielle from France


The 36 hour fast is amazing! I had been 18 hours, 20 hours, 24 hours. After I did my first 36 hours fast, the weight dropped off! I’m down 41 pounds! Thank you Dr. Mindy!


I just completed my first 3 day fast a few days ago. Wasn't as bad as I thought but the 2nd day was the toughest for me. What got me through the final day was my weigh-in. So I've been on carnivore a little over 6 months now and started at around 290 (288 to be exact but I know before then I was closer to 300). I was 2 meals a day up to month 5 then after month 5 I incorporated intermittent fasting because I had stalled at 242. I fasted 24 hours and went to 240 the day after my 5 month mark. Well I started exercising and like I said intermittent fasting where I would only eat within a 6-hour window. Did this the whole time as well as 1 36 hour fast and a few 24 hour fasts. I set up my 3 day fast to weigh-in on my 6 month carnivore mark. Like I said the 3 day wasn't terrible I just had to keep myself busy. The 2nd day was definitely rough but I pushed through it. I was in awe when I weighed myself on day 3 (month 6 on carnivore). Keep in mind I was 67 hours in on the 3 day fast so still went a few hours of fasting after my weigh-in. But I scaled in at 224 pounds, a 16 POUND DROP in a month. WOW was I surprised! I have never broken a stall/plateau like that before. Talk about some serious motivation to keep me going.. Anyway, starting my 6 months mark I am doing OMAD from here on out at least until I hit my goal weight which is 200 pounds or less before the end of the year. So 24 pounds in 3 months is what I have to deal with. Excited to see what I can do to make that happen. I hope my story helps encourage others on their journey. If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO!


working out in a fasted state and glucose :
1. be careful if you are diabetic and mitigating only with diet
2. starting 20-30m aerobic excersise will spike your glucose
3. pushing past 30m in a low-impact aerobic (hiking or jogging) to 45-90m is the better glucose option for long-term fat loss (some studies)
4. fat burn improves after using up extant glucose in the blood so it has to look for more, again, after 20-30m of mild-moderate aerobics before doing other kinds of workouts (which also acts as a good warm up to avoid injury)

check out some of the research on it - i don't believe there is one for combined workouts (4.) but it worked for me, and i had a diabetic friend who (1-2) started having complications after he started cycling ...


Pink Himalayan sea salt is what helps me during a long fast. Under the tongue just as little pinch whenever I have cravings !!❤❤


Hello from the Philippines🇵🇭
I was fasting for three years dreading it everyday because I thought it didn’t work for me until I found you on YouTube less than a year ago. I love you Dr. Mindy Pelz!!! Aside from losing some weight and trimming my body from a size 10 to an 8, my body suddenly didn’t want to have coffee anymore. I just listened to my body and I feel great. Our family traveled to South Korea in July and I was introduced to Mulberry tea. That’s what I take now when I get back home in the morning after taking my daughter to school. May I just tell you and maybe be able to be of help even to one of your followers who may come across this message that prior to switching to tea, I had to get rid of our Nespresso machine and had gone back to our old French press before I actually started losing the weight. We realized that quality of coffee we take makes a lot of difference.


I'm excited about your new book! I have the Fast Like A Girl, and Menopause Reset on Audible, I've listened to them both 3 times. They help me to remain focused and I've lost 30 pounds. The first time I heard you was on the Diary of a CEO. I also read the book you recommended about rushing women and loved it! I don't want to put a "cheat sheet" about the strategies that changed everything for me because I want the ladies to read the books. Don't cheat yourselves ladies, read the books, put the principles into action. I feel like a new women, the best is yet to come, thank you Dr. Mindy!


Love this woman’s passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge!


I keep learning more and more. Every time I hear more, I’m sure mentioned before but sadly, my mind only takes in so much at a time. Doing intermittent fasting avoiding pop, processed food, sugar, and eating fresh food from my garden. I’m type 2 diabetic, very obese, and have a damaged gut biome. In 6 weeks I’ve lost 22 pounds (a drop in the bucket, but, I’m happy), blood sugars sometimes are ok and sometimes a bit higher, so am weeding out stuff that is affecting it.


I love to fast for healing. I'm on day 13 of a water fast and feel better. Inflammation is going down. 😊


Fast Twice a week (Monday and Thursday), dawn to dusk and eat sensibly. Your weight will melt away.


I just feel like she gives us such a wealth of knowledge that we need so badly. We do have information out there but I really feel like she makes it more comprehensive and clearer what changes can be made to address concerns.
I also love her optimism and energy! Thank you for helping others like myself!


Hello from Switzerland!!! For 14 years after my 2nd child, i’ve been struggling with food! Not only the number on the scale, but food in general. I am not an orthorexic Because I alternate between good days and unhealhy ones, due to depression. And jumping cortisol….5 doctors after… therapist… i gave up on meds! Only kept the ones to high blood pressure. I saw your videos and I did 3 days fasting.. I didn’t see any change right away. But on the 4th day, 4 kgs were gone. But my body had shrunk. Like really a change! The weight of course came back but it was because I didn’t understand then what have happened! Now I do!
I only need to know my Calendar and my best fast time…. But i can fast now! Food does not rule me!! And my relationship with food changed 360 degrees!!!!
Thank you!! Speaking for all women !! 🧡🧡🧡


I’m not afraid to get sun grew up I’m Miami. (20 years ago) 8:30 I don’t use such screen either. BUT I do work inside all day I barely go outside anymore. This simple fact brings tears to my heart. I will take the 30 day challenge. I will answer my morning emails at work
Outside. 62, grandma, belly fat, and have been fasting for 6 months, oh cancer survivor as well 3 years in remission. Don’t ever want to do chemo again. Love Dr. mindy and her passion to help post menopausal grandmother like me.


I found you by that episode “Diary of a CEO’
Life changing that I found you! Thank you Doctor!


Personally i wouldn't supplement D3 without K2 in addition. I don't want to have D3 only taking the calcium out of the blood putting it into the soft tissue. That's where K2 helps to put it into the bones instead.


I had a conversation with a homeopathic nurse one time that she takes care of cancer patients. Every morning, they take them outside and expose their back to the morning sun for Vitamin D. She said that our spine absorbs more of the Vitamin D. I’ve been doing that at home on and off and my vitamin D has always been good.


Great video, I am right now just starting my first 24hr fast I normally am doing 16:8 . I’ll be thrilled if I can do 24hrs. Watching all these videos and getting Fast Like A Girl, I realized even though I eat healthy I wasn’t getting enough protein. And I was counting calories. Now I know why I hit such a plateau .


So gutted that the delivery date of my Eat Like a Girl book is delayed 😔 Can’t wait to get it 🙏🏼


Thank you for another great video!! I am thoroughly enjoying all the videos that I have watched thus far, and I am learning a lot. I heard that your state is experiencing severe fires. I hope that you and your family are safe! Take care
