The ultimate introduction to Godot 4

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A complete guide to Godot 4! This video will cover every aspect of the gaming engine and will teach you all the basics.

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00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:11 - Sponsor NordPass Business
00:02:41 - What is Godot
00:10:02 - Scenes and Nodes
00:36:33 - Working with code
00:57:56 - More on code
01:11:09 - Delta
01:21:34 - Getting input
01:38:38 - More on nodes
01:48:55 - Physics!
02:15:23 - Signals (+Area)
02:38:01 - Creating custom signals
02:51:11 - Creating custom scenes
03:21:07 - RigidBody2D
03:45:54 - Using a camera
03:51:37 - Tilemaps
04:28:11 - Tilemaps and physics
04:49:41 - Emitting particles
05:09:08 - Lights
05:35:54 - Animations
06:07:42 - Tweens
06:29:21 - Connecting the laser to the level
06:39:52 - Inheritance
07:04:25 - Creating the inside level
07:27:09 - Adding a level transition
07:33:26 - Getting started with user interfaces
08:02:31 - Adding the health bar to the UI
08:08:46 - Making the UI interactive
08:25:52 - Adding color to the UI
08:36:45 - Prettier transitions
08:46:16 - Creating items
09:06:15 - SetGet
09:23:52 - Creating crates
09:55:54 - Expanding the inside level
10:17:31 - Creating the scout
10:37:55 - Creating the grenade
10:49:22 - Scout & Health
10:57:43 - Player & Health
11:06:25 - Shaders

#godot #godot4
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Huge thanks again to NordPass Business for sponsoring this video. If you want a powerful password manager to conveniently and securely access your data from anywhere make sure to check them out.
At you can get a 3 month trial to check it out. Doing that will also support my channel and help me make more videos!


As a long-time unity dev, this recent per-install unity fiasco finally made me start familiarizing myself with Godot, which has apparently gotten a lot beefier in the past year. after seeing how Blender, being free and open source, went from garbage to galaxy tier animation and modeling software, I believe in open source and think it's smart to bet on a FOSS game engine like Godot, which can only improve over time, as opposed to some corporate products, which can slowly degrade (like Unity.)


A lot of videos I’ve watched so far have always said “be wary of tutorial hell” but this? This right here? Tutorial Heaven, bro. I’m learning so much, thank you for uploading this.


It's rare for someone to be able to ride the line between detailed info and beginner-friendly info so well. You certainly have a talent for teaching. Thank you!


4:53:30 They've changed where some of the particle customization options are in the menu.
Emission shape is under the spawn
Gravity is under the accelerations menu
Scale is under display


I'm a professional Unity dev of ten years who's hopping engines for Obvious Reasons. I couldn't have asked for a clearer, more comprehensive beginner's guide to Godot than this. Bravo, and thank you.


Fantastically clear and wonderfully paced. I can’t believe I watched a YouTube video as long as the LOTR trilogy and never got bored.


I could cry, and I might cry by the end of this series; I've only finished the first video and I feel like I've finally found the teacher and tutorial that will slingshot me out of this excruciating hell of years and years of trying to understand how any of this works. I'm so sick and tired of bouncing from game engine to game engine, tutorial to tutorial, bashing my head against a wall trying to learn a language that I can understand, and above all else, trying to follow "crash course" videos that go a thousand miles an hour without actually teaching me anything; just mindlessly copying what they are doing and hoping it sticks, even though they didn't tell me what any of it actually does, or how they even got the information in the first place. I don't know what kind of inhuman monster can learn from something like that, but it isn't me. You are an excellent and wonderful teacher. I went from having one of, if not the most shittiest defeating weeks of my entire life, to feeling like there's hope again to do something I've wanted to for 30 years now. My sincerest thank you for this incredible work! I will follow it till the end; I've already learned so much from this past hour or so than I have ever with any other tutorial.


I was in the middle of learning Unity when they made their announcement.

I'm glad there's already a Godot community to help me make the switch.


bro really came back after 3 months with an 11 hour long video 👏🏼 just wanna say thanks because i’ve been following along all your pygame vids and they’ve taught me a lot.


What a phenomenal comprehensive tutorial. You've made learning Godot so easy! 🙌


For anyone using Godot 4.2, 7:33:26 you will get an error in the console while transitioning inside/outside or viceversa. Just create new method "change_scene" and call it with "call_deferred" like this:

func Variant) -> void:
var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property($Player, "speed", 0, 0.5)

func change_scene(scene_path: String) -> void:

I don't know if it something Godot 4.2 specific, but now my errors are gone.


People like you really are really driving the pygame and even godot community forward <3


Some more advices I think could be useful here (disclaimer: I'm only 2 hours into the video and downloaded the final version to check it out)

1. In your game, if you have a bigger screen you can see more, which can be unfair. It's easy to fix this by doing these steps (which will make your game scale if you increase the window size)
1. Project -> Project Settings
2. Turn on Advanced Settings (button on the top right)
3. Go to Display -> Window
4. Set the Stretch Mode to "canvas_items"
2. The things that mess with physics (moving, colliding etc) should be done inside the _physics_process, not _process. For this game it won't change that much, but it can generate some inconsistent physics for some more complex games. Things like timers, which depend on real time instead of physics frames, are usually better at _process.

I will keep updating here with advice I can find, or if someone wants to reply with their own =).


9:43:29 I wanna make a warning about this part, when it comes to changing the collision layers. Godot 4.1.1 here.

Although changing the collision layers for the ItemContainer scene does change the collisions layers in the "crate.tscn" and "toilet.tscn" (as expected), these changes aren't being carried on for the crate nor the toilet in the Outside level.

These two objects were placed in the Outside level BEFORE any change is made in the collision layers of ItemContainer.tscn. For reasons I don't yet understand, that toilet and that crate instances do not update automatically if they were placed BEFORE doing the changes in the "ItemContainer.tscn" collision layers.

I don't know if this is how it should be,
or if this is a Godot 4.1.1 thing,
or if there is some custom option somewhere that determines this behavior.
Saving the scenes after editing the layers doesn't "fix" it by itself. I had to do it manually for these objects placed before the layers were edited in the parent scene.
EDIT: this is a known bug, there is a github entry about it

I ran into that issue into another tutorial too.

However, in this tutorial, no changes had to be made manually after changing ItemContainer.

Anyway, I hope I could get the idea across.

EDIT: changed some writing mistakes



I've been coding for over 15 years professionally. During this period I've tried creating games multiple times, on and off. Unity being my engine if choice, just because the big community and abundance of guides and learning material.

But because of recent events i downloaded Godot for my next dabble in making games.

So, for a professional developer that is interested in making games on my free time, I am mighty impressed with your teaching method and skill.

This content is good, not only for learning Godot, but for learning game development over all.

You explain how to use "X" in the engine, the reason why "X" is important in the making of games in general AND also the logical and mechanical reasons behind "X"!

I'am really impressed.


I'm 2 hours in and honestly Godot feels way more intuitive and beginner friendly compared to Unity. I'm a complete beginner and started learning Unity, got frustrated quite early on. Then the Unity fiasco started and I found this amazing thing, and I love it!


What an incredible tutorial! Rarely do I feel the video can justify having the word 'ultimate' in the title, but this tutorial was just that! I still have so much to learn but it's been really nice to have so much guidance during my first few steps in Godot. Thank you for all the time and effort into making this tutorial, and I'm looking forward to your future Godot uploads!


For anyone at 2:39:00 you can simply right click the gate node and select "save branch as scene". This will import it all into a new scene so you don't have to rebuild it


Amazing work! You actually made me get back to Godot, i tried to understand it many times! watched bad/outdated tutorials and kept feeling lost, the Godot Docs is massive and great but i felt overwhelmed, this video is just perfect for me!
