there is no reason to use godot

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What is the Point of Godot? Someone please tell me I'm actually curious lol

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Personally I enjoy not getting betrayed


Be careful saying "Unity has more features", for some of us that just translates to "Unity is bloat-ware"


I think the point of godot has become a lot clearer recently


Here I will answer your question
1 > It is free!
2 > You keep 100% of your profits and royalties
3 > It is community Driven, so the community determines the path Godot takes
4 > It runs beautifully on any computer, so it dosen't take a 30 minutes to open a project
5 > In my opinion it is the easiest game engine for beginners to pick up and start making games

I picked up Godot earlier this year and just released my second commercial game on mobile, still can't believe that this game engine is free.
By the way, the name of the game is "Brave Run", you might like it.


Unity has a lot of features. Half are deprecated, the other half are in beta/incomplete and full of bugs from like 5 years ago


Godot loads up faster and I am impatient


Because :
1- Godot is Lightweight, Free and Open source, Unity is not
2- Godot provide you with more freedom then Unity
3- Yes Godot does not provide many tools as in Unity but it get's the job done
4- Godot is a true 2D & 3D Engine, Unity is not
5- Unreal was launched in late 90's, Unity launched in 2007, Godot launched in 2014 ( and Godot's devs does not have money as the Epic games or Unity does ) the time and money make huge difference, you are comparing big company with millions dollars and hundreds for workers with bunch of dudes who spent free time working on something
6- Why Godot exist ? it's the freedom that most of Unity and Apple users does not understand ( i said most )


Holy shit, no one expected Unity to drop the little bit of reputation that they still had so fucking hard


I am a very bloat-adverse software engineer... Godot is like candy to me.


For me, these are some of the reasons, roughly in order of importance:

- It has a simple and intuitive interface (from me at least) and some things are easier to setup than in UE for instance.
- It's fast to modify and recompile the entire engine.
- It's lightweight, and fast to update/install/open.
- It has a very integrated scripting language with an internal editor.
- It has a simplified shader language with a lot of built in features.
- It's small enough that you can read and understand the source code quite easily.
- MIT license.
- Very enthusiastic community.
- Free.


As a coder, Godot is much more elegant and cohesive on its design. I can create my objects, scripts for my objects, nodes for my objects and all of those things are easily seen inside the editor. I actually started with Unity, but it was so confusing to me to program that I ended up using Godot because my brain can relax while creating a game on this engine.


I tried Unreal, Unity, and Godot but Godot is the only one that really clicked with me. I liked the language since it's similar to python and python is the first lang I learned, plus it's super lightweight and since it's open source anyone can make a plugin or modify the engine in any way


I've been a software developer for 22 years and have been using C# (the language for Unity) for over 16 years. One would think that Unity would be a shoe-in for me. I've tried Unity many times over the years and it never felt right. Unity has always felt like it is doing something it was never designed to do and everything is barely holding together to work.

Godot may be small (for now), but the way the code is organized and how it works is a programmer's dream. Godot's structure and design patterns makes sense not only on a functional level, but also on a philosophical level. It is an incredibly solid foundation and it'll only get bigger.


Guys I think there’s a reason to use godot


More features doesn't equal better.


Personally, I really appreciate that godot is light and quick to throw.
I have tested unreal and unity but only with godot did I get hooked. The node and scene system offers great flexibility. Also, I develop mostly 2D games, so I don't find any limitations to using godot. I just love godot.


Unity feels like it’s designed to let you do a lot of things, like the feature set is designed around whether or not the end product works rather than how unwieldy it is to use in practice. Godot feels like it’s making the act of creating those things more enjoyable. Scenes and nodes is all I have to say.


The MIT license.
No authentication required.


Soooo, this video didn't age well


- Open source (which comes with massive amount of benefits - e.g. ability to inspect engine API calls and error messages to not be reliant in support, issue tracking, ability to directly open feature requests, ability to directly *implement* features you need)
- Lightweight, instant startup, doesn't hog a massive amount of space on your comp like unreal or unity
- Desire to contribute and work in an evolving ecosystem
- (my favorite) Massive language binding support, you can write Godot in practically any language you like through modules or GDNative bindings. I use Rust, but there are bindings for JS, Kotlin, Haskell, Lua, Clojure, etc, etc.
- More direct access and underlying control due to engine structure and nature of Open Source
- Overwhelmingly positive community and great documentation

I do wonder why you decided to make this about Godot. If your just digging on the lack of features there are literally thousands of homegrown engines and other open source project that people are using that are way behind Godot. And up until the last couple years essentially all triple-A studios used homegrown engines to have better control, so wanting more fundamental access to source code and lower level APIs in your engine is in no way a novel concept.
