Re-entering a Lucid Dream

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Ross was once recruited onto the inception dream team.

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This is real.
I still remember some of my childhood dreams, and even have dreams which recur after 30 years. I can remember them while in the sleep state. They're not completely the same, with outcomes depending on my actions.

When i was a bout 11, I had one about the predator chasing me around my home neighborhood while I am trying to run away and barely be able to run, as couldn't gain traction off the ground, bouncing off the ground slowly like a 🎈 baloon. One night I stopped out of pure frustration and turned around, looked at him while he was on the roof of my house, and I started going towards it. It jumped off the back of the house and never came back.

Later, I slowly started to make these long (again slow) jumps, which turned into flight as i was able to calm down and concentrate better. It also turns into invincibility as you can run through legions of enemies if you are in a fight.

On the other hand, you can return to a dream after waking up.. Also during my childhood, I fell in love with this elusive angelic girl that I chased after but could never quite reach. U still remember the butterflies..

Memory of a dream imprives if you take a minute to remember and think about specific details of it after waking up.

No one ever told me that I speak in my sleep or moonwalk..

My dad had a video store back in the old country in southeast Europe, and I watched many horror movies I was not supposed to at that age. Chucky would always say he's comming back.. There was a period where I was afraid of dark crevices around the house and would fill them with pillows before going to sleep.

Boy, I could tell you stories.. don't get me started on "The clowns from outer space" 💀
