13 Things You Should NEVER Do In Lucid Dreams!

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Lucid dreaming is amazing because you can do whatever you want. But, just because you can do everything doesn’t mean you should, and there are some things that you should absolutely NEVER do while in a lucid dream. In this video I cover 13 things you should avoid when lucid dreaming!

First of all, lucid dreaming is extremely safe and you will be completely fine as long as you are in the right mental state and have good intentions. I don’t want to mislead people into thinking it’s dangerous or bad for you, because the benefits are amazing and lucid dreaming has really helped me out in my life.

The things I list in this video should be avoided because they could wake you up or turn your lucid dream into a bad experience. I think it's really important to know what these things are so that you can consciously make the decision to avoid these things.

That being said, if you do end up doing something bad in your lucid dream chances are you'll just wake up and spoil your experience. When lucid dreaming you are physically safe (because everything that's happening is in your head) and you would really have to go out of your way to cause harm.

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“Don’t look in mirrors because you may see something scary” I feel offended...


lucid dreaming is cool and all, but it really needs a multiplayer mode.


I once manifested my depression into a lucid dream. It took the form of a gigantic storm cloud in the shape of a ball and I just kinda screamed at it through the high winds and lightning. Felt super good waking up from it, like it was very cathartic.


I don't usually do too much when I'm in a lucid dream. I kind of enjoy just watching as everything unfolds around me.


Y'all ever talk to a girl in your dream and act like yourself, but when you wake up you realize you could've smashed


“Don’t look at a mirror you may see something scary” i guess I’m used to it


my first lucid dream went something like this:
so i was in a room and i was talking to someone.
and some how we brought up that this isnt a dream
and i said
"oh really? well, watch this"
and i legit just flew out the window and went like "oh wow, i guess this isnt a dream"

i turned a dream into a lucid dream, just to prove a point to someone who doesnt exist


I have recently started having lucid dreams . . . I hope they continue! During one, I realized I was asleep and still did not wake up. So I decided to have some FUN! I went outside, and one of my dream characters told me to "watch this!" He bent down and scooped up a handful of sand, and threw it up into the air . . . it turned into a spaceship! AWESOME! So, still knowing that I was quite asleep, I tried to use the same technique to create a sports car. I grabbed a handful of sand and threw it and it fell, boringly, to the ground. I tried numerous times, and NOTHING. I think my mind was having a good laugh at itself. But these dreams ROCK. A few nights ago, I dreamed my dad was with me and talking about our guns. During the dream, I thought . . . "Didn't he die five years ago?" And then I looked closer at him and saw that he was much younger than he should be. That's when I realized I was actually asleep, but before I could start having some fun, I went back into deep sleep. DANG!

And I LOVE looking in mirrors when lucid dreaming. I KNOW what I see will be scary! It's like my own personal MOVIE! That guy, by the way, is


I’ve got a tip...don’t use the toilets no matter what


“Dont look in the mirror while lucid dreaming, you might see something scary”

me tell you


Why does this feel like a tutorial video before going into something like the backrooms. So real.


"Dont just jump into lucid dreaming sex" 💀


"Dont look in a mirror. It could be scary" bold of u to assume that my reflection irl isn't already scary


Never play Lucid Dreams while lucid dreaming, or else you’ll see shadows in your room.


Never managed to intentionally lucid dream. But I did get pretty close to it (like I can remember the dream very vividly and feel like I had agency over what I was doing).
I also have had dream memories mixed up with real memories.
And not sneaky, real-like ones.
I remember thinking I went to space as a child, and only realize that I did not when I made a similar dream, years after.
I never really think about this "memorie" but it did feel real. Like a subconscious memory.


The first time I became lucid, I was 100 percent aware it was a dream. I definitely got to excited and woke up lol It was interesting because it was in my old high school with two of my friends. We were walking up the stairs when I became lucid. They kept walking and I just stopped even though I wanted to continue in with them and I slowly woke up.


In lucid dream ur just a normal person in creative mode


I've only experienced a lucid dream once. I walked on the ceiling and ate some fries. 10/10 would dream again


I had a lucid dream where I was aware of what I was doing but I couldn't control much of my surroundings. Best dream I ever had and that was almost 4 years ago.
