Sedevacantism Refuted - (Full Documentary 2023)

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Sedevacantism is a fast growing position in the Church. In this video, the history, positions, and arguments of Sedevacantism are analyzed and refuted.

If you are considering the Sedevacantist position, please watch this video in its entirety. There are certainly a lot of problems in the Church that make Sedevacantism seem reasonable. But, as will be shown in this video, Sedevacantism is not the solution and is ultimately untenable.

Special thanks to:

John Salza

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Notes: 1: I meant to say Priests, not Bishops at 38:40

2: The words I said at 1:42:28 were "did and believed things." But it sounded like I said "didn't believe things, " which would substantially change the point I was making.


Brace yourself, Peter Dimond is probably going to make a 10 hour rebuttal to this video lol


I just want you to know that I'm probably going to spam this video at all the Sedes that show up on CoT. -Kyle




This is such an impressive video. Every Catholic needs to watch this. You need to be on Pints with aquinas.


Found your channel yesterday. Excited to dig into this video. Deus Vult 🇻🇦




🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:10 🕊️ *Overview of Church Issues*
- Faithful Catholics facing problems in the Church.
- Issues include idolatrous practices, divergent preaching by priests, and chaos in the Liturgy.
01:04 🚫 *Sedevacantism Proposition*
- Sedevacantism posits the last six popes as anti-popes.
- Concept suggests the current Catholic Church is false, and the true Church is with sedevacantists.
03:02 🌐 *Church Councils*
- Definition of a Church Council as ecclesiastical assemblies to discuss church doctrine.
- Overview of historical church councils, including ecumenical councils.
04:41 📜 *Vatican 2 Overview*
- Brief description of Vatican 2, emphasizing its different approach from previous councils.
- Mention of Vatican 2 documents covering various topics like religious liberty, ecumenism, and liturgy.
05:50 🎭 *LIturgical Abuses Post Vatican 2*
- Instances of liturgical abuses post-Vatican 2, including changes in the Mass.
- Description of unconventional practices like clown masses and destruction of traditional church elements.
11:11 ⛪ *Archbishop Tuk and Political Turmoil*
- Introduction to Archbishop Tuk, his role in Vatican 2, and the political turmoil in Vietnam.
- Tuk's struggles to return home, leading to frustration and isolation.
13:34 🔮 *Palmarian Church's Unfolding*
- Archbishop Tuk's decision to follow the Virgin Mary's request in Spain, leading to the Palmarian Church.
15:12 🌐 *Spread of Sedevacantism in Mexico*
- Archbishop Tuk's illicit consecrations and the spread of sedevacantism in Mexico.
17:05 🤝 *Formation of CMRI*
- Formation of the CMRI by Francis Schukart and Dennis Shakin after being expelled from the Blue Army.
18:58 🕵️ *Bishop Shar's Legal Issues and Group Practices*
- Bishop Shar faced legal issues, with police involvement and theft accusations.
21:07 🧐 *Bishop Shar's Claim of Papacy and CMRI Takeover*
- Controversy around Shar claiming to be the Pope; conflicting statements exist.
23:30 💔 *CMRI Schools' Extreme Disciplinary Actions*
- CMRI schools faced allegations of extreme and abusive disciplinary actions.
25:39 🌐 *SSPV and Formation of Sedevacantist Groups*
- SSPV's split from SSPX, consecrations without Vatican approval in 1988.
27:06 🎙️ *Set of Aism's Mainstream Impact and Debate*
- Set of Aism gains mainstream attention through the internet and debates.
29:25 🤔 *Key Sedevacantist Claims: Anti-Popes, Vatican 2, Invalid Ordinations*
- Sedevacantism encompasses three main ideas: Vatican 2 popes as anti-popes, invalidity of Vatican 2, and invalid ordinations.
30:36 📚 *Sedevacantist Argument: Anti-Popes and Heresy*
- Totalists claim Vatican 2 popes are not true popes due to heresy.
33:36 🤝 *Sedevacantist Argument: SED Privationism*
- SED privationism argues Vatican 2 popes hold the papacy materially but lack the proper intention.
36:08 📜 *Sedevacantist Critique of Vatican 2 Documents*
- Sedevacantists criticize Vatican 2 documents for perceived contradictions with traditional Catholic teachings.
36:50 🌐 *Ecclesiology and Vatican II*
- Vatican II's passage raises concerns about the identification of the Church with the Catholic Church.
38:09 🕊️ *Sedevacantist views on Priestly Ordination and Episcopal Consecration*
- Sedevacantists argue that the new rites of Priestly ordination and Episcopal consecration after Vatican II are invalid.
39:34 🔄 *Inconsistencies in Sedevacantist Methodology*
- Sedevacantists are criticized for inconsistency and contradictions in their methodology.
41:24 🤔 *St. Robert Bellarmine's Views on a Heretical Pope*
- St. Robert Bellarmine's five opinions on a heretical pope are presented.
43:03 🏛️ *Heresy, Notoriety, and Judgment*
- Discussion on heresy, notorious heresy, and the distinction between notorious in law and notorious in fact.
51:23 🔄 *Sede Vacante's Shifting Positions*
- Highlighting the inconsistency in Sedevacantists' views on the validity of post-conciliar popes' elections.
54:48 🚩 *Reception of the Beatific Vision and Implications*
- Reception of the beatific Vision not dogmatically defined.
55:31 🌐 *Sedevacantism's Universal Acid and Historical Popes*
- Sedevacantism as a universal acid affecting the entire papacy.
56:52 🤯 *Sedevacantists' Obsession with Heresy*
- Sedevacantists' frequent accusation of heresy against popes.
57:33 📜 *Sedevacantists' Reading of Church Documents*
- Examination of Sedevacantists' interpretation of Church documents.
01:00:45 🕊️ *Sedevacantists' View on Loss of Office - Sediprivationism*
- Sediprivationism: Vatican 2 popes hold office materially but not formally.
01:03:16 🛑 *Sedevacantists' Belief in Vatican 2 as a False Council*
- Sedevacantists' claim that Vatican 2 is a false council.
01:05:21 🕵️ *Cardinal Siri Thesis and Ecclesiological Considerations*
- Examination of the Cardinal Siri Thesis and its weaknesses.
01:08:37 🔄 *Alleged Contradictions in Vatican 2*
- Addressing the challenge of reconciling apparent contradictions in Church teachings.
01:10:13 💬 *Unitatis Redintegratio: Vatican 2's Decree on Ecumenism*
- Clarification of Vatican 2's call for ecumenism and the goal of unity.
01:12:03 🕊️ *Vatican 2's Decree on Religious Liberty*
- Church doctrine can be applied differently in changing historical contexts.
01:15:01 📜 *Understanding Religious Freedom*
- Religious freedom condemned in the Syllabus of Errors differs from that in Dignitatis Humanae.
01:17:44 🌐 *Religious Liberty in Catholic Social Teaching*
- Religious tolerance has roots in pre-Vatican 2 Catholic social teachings.
01:18:24 🔍 *Sedevacantist Critique of Lumen Gentium*
- Sedevacantist objection to "subsists in" misinterprets Vatican 2's statement.
01:20:32 🤝 *Catholics and Muslims Worship*
- Vatican 2's statement on Muslims professing the faith of Abraham is misunderstood.
01:22:38 🕊️ *Validity of New Rites of Priestly Ordination*
- Sedevacantist claim of invalidity based on sacrificial nature omission is refuted.
01:25:54 ⛪ *Validity of New Rite of Episcopal Consecration*
- Sedevacantist objection to the phrase "governing spirit" lacks foundation.
01:27:44 ❌ *Sedevacantism as an Untenable Position*
- Sedevacantism is deemed an unsustainable position from its inception.
01:29:44 📜 *Vatican 1 Dogma on Perpetual Successors*
- Vatican 1 dogmatically declared the papacy would have Perpetual successors.
01:31:09 🕰️ *Time Limits on Interregnum*
- Vatican 1 doesn't specify a time limit for papal interregnum.
01:33:58 🤔 *Analogy of Perpetual Successors*
- Analogizing the need for the Church to be ordered toward electing a new pope after each pontiff's death.
01:36:36 📖 *Biblical Predictions and Perpetual Successors*
- Analyzing the argument that a 500-year vacancy in King David's Throne justifies a multiple-decade gap in papacy.
01:38:57 🌐 *Challenges to Future Papal Elections*
- Sedevacantists face challenges in predicting how the Church would elect a future pope.
01:41:44 ⚖️ *Sede Vacante: Individual Rule of Faith*
- Critique of sedevacantism as placing the individual's judgment above the Church.
01:45:27 🤔 *Exploring Ecclesiological Possibilities*
- Consideration of the possibility that an anti-church has operated since the 1500s.
01:47:07 🧠 *Intellectual Litmus Test for Salvation*
- Critique of the intellectual challenges presented by sedevacantist ecclesiology.
01:48:17 🌐 *Divisions Within Sedevacantism*
- Observation of divisions and disagreements among sedevacantists.
01:49:11 🤝 *Magisterium's Active Function*
- Discussion on the historical role of the magisterium in resolving questions.
01:51:45 ⛪ *Authority and Debates Within Sedevacantism*
- Examination of the lack of authority to resolve debates within sedevacantism.
01:54:19 📚 *Private Judgment vs. Living Teaching Authority*
- Critique of sedevacantists relying on private judgment and historical documents.
01:56:24 🚫 *Contradictions in Sedevacantist Claims*
- Criticism of sedevacantists contradicting pre-conciliar authorities on the Church's eternal teaching authority.
01:57:48 ❌ *Sedevacantism Leading to Schism and Heresy*
- Definition and application of schism and heresy to sedevacantism.
02:01:59 🧠 *Sedevacantism and Intellectual Pride*
02:02:41 😠 *Sedevacantism and Anger*
- Sedevacantism often leads to anger, evident in interactions when their arguments are challenged.
02:02:55 😰 *Sedevacantism and Despair*
- Sedevacantism can lead to despair due to the belief in the invalidity of most sacraments.
02:03:53 🤔 *Sedevacantism: A Protestant-like Alternative*
- Sedevacantism, in practice, resembles Protestantism dressed in Catholic attire.
02:05:00 🌧️ *The Church in a Drought of Grace*
- The speaker expresses a personal theory about a perceived drought of God's grace in the world.
02:06:38 🙏 *Trust in the Church AmidUncertainty*
- Advocates humility and acknowledges the lack of a clear explanation for the Church's current state.
02:07:47 ⛪ *Call for Unity: Come Back to the Church*
- Urges various sedevacantist groups and individuals to return to the Catholic Church.

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1:28:02 "modernist and liberals who refuse to follow the pope" the man you claim is the pope is a modernist himself who agrees with the Lutherans on justification, endorses the lgbt james Martin. 1:28:15 also here you make yet again another strawman. yes sedevacantists say due to manifest hersey Vatican 2 "popes" have lost their office so the chair is vacant but you make the mistake by making a nonsensical comparison of us to protestants and eastern schismatics by trying to assert they "refuse to acknowledge a pope". The protestants and others acknowledge the papcy and a pope, they just belive he doesnt have primacy or infallibility where as we sedevacantists do. Because we do we don't accept a man who teaches heresy as the infallible pope. The way you try to morph it like we dont accept the concept of the papacy or we think that this Francis is a pope and reject him anyways is amazing really. another terrible misrepresenting argument. Do better research on what we believe.


Unsubscribed. This video is full of lies, double standards and strawmans. The truth isnt in you. May God guide you away from your errors.


Almost became a Sede and I went searching for answers and I was told the answers. Gloria!


My only recommendation would be to next time include parts for the video so we know which segments are dedicated to certain topics. Overall it was a good video. Congratulations on the baby and God Bless.


They’re gonna call you “Gen Z *quote* Catholic.”


After watching this video my ears almost started to bleed.
Partially because of the nonsense spoken of in this video and partially because of the obnoxious corporate music.

However I feel eager to adress your argument around intellectuality and "pride" of Sedevacantism and how God wouldn't let less intelligent people go to hell for being less intelligent.
You see, you could make this argument an argument for justifying not converting to Catholicism from any sect. For example, a Protestant may not have the time to go through the early Church fathers to conclude that Catholicism is correct, but that doesn't excuse him to not join the Catholic Church or make a Protestant prideful and not respecting of his community if he abandons Protestantism and becomes a Catholic for any intellectual reason he might hold.

Also, I don't hold that you can't be saved if you're not a sedevacantist, because you need to be a Catholic to be saved not necessarily sedevacantist. However, I believe that that's only possible under very special circumstances, since the person would have to follow traditional Catholic teaching and morals, which is very hard to do when surrounded with heretics.

Btw you greatly misunderstand sedevacantism in this video, and think that it is it's own church and it's own religion, when no serious sede thinks that. Sedes believe that sedevacantism is an explanation of the state of the Catholic Church, and that she is the true Church.


As a former Sedevacantist, i thank you for this!! God bless


This is an evil video, full of sophistry, dishonesty and relativizations typical of modernism. Perhaps the author believes he did it with good intentions, but this is not from God.

I will refute the points that seem relevant to me in this regard, and I apologize if I make spelling mistakes, I am not fluent in English.

-Catholic doctrine teaches that the Pope cannot be a heretic, without exception, as follows from Luke 22:32: "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” If the Vatican II "Popes" teach the heresy of modernism they demonstrate that they were never Popes in the first place. Pope Gregory XVI in his encyclical Quo Graviora:
>"The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth — all of which truth is taught by the Holy Spirit. Should the church be able to order, yield to, or permit those things which tend toward the destruction of souls and the disgrace and detriment of the sacrament instituted by Christ?"

-The Church demands full obedience, not only with regard to ex cathedra declarations, but also with regard to the ordinary magisterium, which would imply that all the faithful of the post-conciliar Church should in fact fully accept heretical modernism -but the true Church cannot teach error-. As Pope Pius IX teaches in Quanta Cura:
>"Nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who, not enduring sound doctrine, contend that “without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession assent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to concern the Church’s general good and her rights and discipline, so only it does not touch the dogmata of faith and morals.” But no one can be found not clearly and distinctly to see and understand how grievously this is opposed to the Catholic dogma of the full power given from God by Christ our Lord Himself to the Roman Pontiff of feeding, ruling and guiding the Universal Church."

-The bull "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio" was solemnly declared and is in fact a source cited in the Code of Canon Law of 1917 (188.4). Trying to discredit her for being "disciplinary" is absurd. That it is divine law is obvious, because it simply states that a manifest heretic does not belong to the Church and even less can he represent it.

-You falsify the sedevacantist position regarding Robert Bellarmine on the question of the "heretic Pope", maintaining that the sedevacantists actually defend the thesis according to which occult heresy would depose the Pope from his function, because they could not demonstrate that the post-conciliar "Popes" are formal heretics and would simply be assuming it. But the confusion is that it is assumed that public heresy necessarily implies deliberation or formality of the act, and this contradicts the Canon of 1917 which maintains that it is enough for the heresy to be "public" for the charge to be annulled (188.4) without making any distinction between materiality or formality.
"De Ecclesia Militante" in your quote expresses the same point, referring to the one who "publicly separates himself from the Church" ipso facto loses his position. That is, even if it were assumed that the post-conciliar "Popes" were legitimately elected, even then they could not sustain themselves in office.


By the By, but minute 1 you're already incorrect.

SedeVacantism is not a SOLUTION to the problem, but an EXPLANATION to the problem.

OH MY, I'm sending this video to a friend. You're completely wrong in the NINE minute mark. You have NEVER read Vatican 2! 😂😂😂


Expect a Vatican catholic expose video on you soon


1:21:29 "Vatican 2 never teaches that God is pleased by or accepts muslim worship" Even though it says here:
Vatican II, Nostra aetate 3:The Church also looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves wholeheartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God… Hence they have regard for the moral life and worship God in prayer, almsgiving and fasting.”

This is a supposed infallible statement by Vatican II that teaches that the true Church of Christ esteems and respects a non-Catholic religion. It also teaches that the God of the Muslims is the 'Creator of heaven and earth.' even though, this is complete heresy, as the Trinity is the Creator of heaven and earth, not Allah.


As a cradle catholic and tradcath, the more I see of Vatican II and it's repercussions, the more I realize Sedevacantism is the answer.
