Peter Dimond’s Sedevacantism (REBUTTED)

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In this episode Trent rebuts the arguments Peter Dimond made in a recent Pints with Aquinas debate on the issue of sedevacantism, or the claim that there have been no valid popes since 1958.

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Can confirm Trent has not slept in five days.


Dimond said in his rebuttal video he is willing to debate. Will you take him up on this? Please do!


I can not BEGIN to express the level of grattitude to the creaction of this singular video.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

To stress, because of brother diamond, I nearly killed myself over two years ago with the near irradication of my peace and stability of my mind. Due to the seemingly unbreakable arguments I simply couldn't refute and didn't know or even think there was anywhere to begin to try refuting.
Thank God I had been given enough grace to go to the nearest priest and to talk me through my rapid descent of my crumbling mind. I had honestly stopped going to church as a result, because I didn't know who was right and I just have been paralized from action because- to be frank- I did not want to f up.

So, to say again Mr. Trent,
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you


This was excellent. I like the no nonsense format of Trent's rebuttal videos, every minute being used to progress his rebuttal, rather than 3 hours of video worth 30 minutes of the purpose of the video being respected, like a lot of other Catholic content on YouTube.


Thank you for this video I’m fourteen and a catechumen in the Catholic Church (my parents are atheist) and I can’t wait to be received into the Church this Easter Vigil after a 2 year conversion, but people like this make me feel weird like they have hatred so we must all have hatred. Please pray for me and God Bless!


Thanks for this, I'm a protestant considering Catholicism but sedevacantism has been a stumbling block.


Thank you Trent Horn. I was confused after the debate but kept my faith that a solid rebuttal would find its way to my YouTube. I was an atheist most of my life and your channel has guided me into RCIA and I look forward to being accepted into the church this upcoming Easter! Cheers!


When I was forming my faith and was confused and tempted by Sedevacantist arguments like those from Vatican Catholic, one of the things that saved me was seeing how their rhetoric felt very "Protestant." Like, "The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon! See how Rome sits on seven hills?? And you don't have to go to Church (in this case, since there's no valid apostolic succession), just pray at home!" So I'm glad you brought some of that up. At the end of the day, I think it just shows an extreme lack of faith in God's promises, love, and mercy to say that He would let His Church be abandoned to the point that millions, maybe billions, of otherwise faithful saints-to-be would be doomed to hell, all in the name of some final test which apparently only a couple thousand people around the world have been capable of passing. I know the gate is narrow, but God's not that arbitrary, haha.


Dimond's theology is analogous to one believing they are working on a multi-step math problem perfectly, but arrive at an answer that doesn't match the one in the answer key. Rather than consider the possibility that they may have erred in one of the mathematical steps, they reject the answer key.


Dimond is gonna film a 12 hour rebuttal and say you’re possessed 😂


That's why when I was thinking of leaving the Catholic church, the Holy Spirit told me, to stay because, I needed the Sacraments.


Sedevacantism is when you spend too much time online instead of going to Mass


I hope you consider a formal debate with Bro. Peter Dimond on Pints with Aquinas. His rebuttal to this video insinuated he is open to it!


Great rebuttal, Trent. Sedevecantism almost convinced me until I became more nuanced in my faith. Yourself and Michael Lofton helped me greatly.


Trent I hope you read this. After leaving a Sedevacantist sect ( we didn’t originally know it was sede, just wanted to attend a traditional Latin mass ) this video of yours is the final piece I needed to end that chapter. This quote especially helped me:

“Bishops Separated from Peter and His Successors, Lose All Jurisdiction

15. From this it must be clearly understood that Bishops are deprived of the right and power of ruling, if they deliberately secede from Peter and his successors; because, by this secession, they are separated from the foundation on which the whole edifice must rest. They are therefore outside the edifice itself; and for this very reason they are separated from the fold, whose leader is the Chief Pastor; they are exiled from the Kingdom, the keys of which were given by Christ to Peter alone.”

There’s an incredible ironic justice in this quote. Because the sedevacantists point this exact claim to the entire Catholic Church, while missing the fact that for them to do so is a hypocritical act.

Anyway I have a lot to say but would like to let you know, my entire family are being baptised in two days, officially under the archdiocese of our city. And this video of yours confirms for me that this is the correct decision for my family. There are basically no videos out there with a good rebuttal to the Sedevacantist perspective. And one thing I give them credit for, they are incredible bookworms and miners of quotes (from pre - 1962 popes) to support their agenda. So it’s a taxing and arduous task to rebut them aswell as you did in this video. So god bless you and your family Trent, thank you sir.


Gish Gallop explains most of Dimonds videos as well, and also why people mistakenly think he "won" the debate yet can't explain why they still won't take his view.


Geez that post on the website to not go to church on Sundays is scary. Pray for Peter Diamond and other sede’s that they might see their errors and come back to the church


I’m glad that you highlighted that Diamond’s Sedevacantism, isn’t the same as hierarchical sedevacantism!


Dear Trent Horn, thank you for this calm and detailed rebuttal. Bless you and keep you in health and hope and joy


“Gish-galloping.” No better term exists to describe the way Dimond disguises how ridiculously weak his positions really are.
