What an Ego Death Feels Like | Dissolving the Ego

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An Ego Death, also known as the Dark Night of the Soul, is the awakening and realization of our inner selves. We break down our conditioning, separate from identity, and oftentimes follow a new path in life.

Dark Nights of the Soul does not happen just once, we have many of these phases as we continuously transform and shift into new energetic patterns

An Ego Death can be confusing, overwhelming, and sometimes even scary. In this video, we look at what an Ego Death is, if it's something you should be afraid of, and some useful tips and methods to help you navigate through this difficult phase of your spiritual development journey.

#egodeath #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualawareness #darknightofthesoul







0:00 Preview
0:20 Intro
0:52 What is an Ego Death?
3:11 Sign of an Ego Death
6:30 Should I be afraid of an Ego Death?
8:32 How to get through an Ego Death

❥ #stayblue

#spiritualawakening #spiritualphases #dissolvingego #bluesoulcommunity
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Tell us about your Ego Death experience and in what ways it's shifted your reality 👇


My ego death was forced upon me by some "event"... Now I battle to keep it from resurrecting - and it's trying hard to do just that. But thank you for these videos. Grateful to have found them. 😁


To whomever may read this. The ego is like an onion. It has many layers, but in the centre of an onion, there is nothing. We wear many layers of masks, when the last layer is removed, all that is left is the observer, the presence is that we call “I”

You cannot drop the ego by using your intellect, in fact, the intellect is only a hinderance in this regard. The loosening of ego comes from an intuitive understanding.
We are separate from each other, like waves on the Ocean, but a wave is only a temporary manifestation of the Ocean. The wave will always merge back into the Ocean. Waves come and go, but the Ocean of Consciousness everlasting. We are here for the evolution of Consciousness ♾🙏


Your doing your thing💯. Introspective content🪷


Hi Blue. I can't generally sense auras but I feel you have a very healthy aura. Can't help drowning in your blue eyes. Also I just watched your toroidal fields video and couldnt stop admiring your tatoos on your hands and fingers. It's not about individual things but and all round attraction i felt for you. Stay safe Blue and may God keep blessing you always. And keep spreading God's knowledge.


So i am trying to formulate the thoughts here, so i dont come off as a know it all or just a plain ole jerk.

Ego death is a form of suicide, it is a deletion of an essential part of the person.
You can have a short term form of this, which can be and should be an introspective time.
The thing is, the far greater achievement (unless you plan to live in absolute total isolation) look inwards, find the flaws AND the good parts, see what you have done to yourself as well as wht you have done to others.
Learn to acknowledge the very bad parts of you and keep them close to mind so you recognize when you are acting on them or indulging in them, then learn to stop. If you try to just get rid of them they come back harder and stronger, most times you dont even realize (because you got rid of them after all)
This is only part of the recognition and integration of the shadow self.

The one part that i absolutely believe is that meditation is 100% necessary, if for nothing else then to still yourself and to contemplate in an abstract way the events that have gone on since the last session.
Journaling is another wonderful adventure that is absolutely helpful. I would suggest looking up the idea of the heroes journey and active imagination+Journaling.

Anyway i hope that didnt come off as a slur or antagonistic towards the idea of ego death, i just dont personally believe that it is the way to go, as it is currently being taught in the west (for the most part)
