Oxygen Not Included Tutorial - The ULTIMATE Beginners Guide Pt. 4 (2021)

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Need a Oxygen Not Included tutorial? Or some Oxygen Not Included tips? Or maybe you just want some good ole Oxygen Not Included gameplay? Then you are in the right place! In this Oxygen Not Included beginners guide I cover everything that you're going to need for this management sim! In this Oxygen Not Included update, you will learn everything necessary to get an up and running base! Enjoy!
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Nobody has mentioned that the coal generator is running 24/7.. You set the limits on the battery last episode, but you never attached an automaton wire between battery and generator to let the battery tell the generator when to turn off.


I’ve been using these to learn how to play oxygen not included and they’re really helpful. You deserve more subscribers considering the effort you put in.


Hey there, loving the content so far and can't wait to see more. Also you can give your little guys some hats based on their job. You can set them in the skills menu at the right side of the list of your peeps there should be a half circle drawn with a dotted line. I'm not sure if it does anything but they seem very happy when they put it on. Just thought I'd let you know.


Build Firepoles (pick a side along the ladder columns)
Priority Research > Gases 3 Decontamination (done offscreen)
Research > Liquids 2 Sanitation
Research > Food 3 Agriculture
YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO UPGRADE TO ANIMAL WRANGLING UNTIL NOW, but do it now i guess, as now is the time that you actually need coal and it saves you on food expenditure to wait.
Set up a water pump at the bottom of the reservoir (submerged in water, on a flat surface, near your central ladder column)
Research > Medicine 1 Pharmacology
Dig a tunnel that leads to a pocket where you can use your pipes to dispense of future Waste Water.(12:20 in the video)
Run a pipe into that room, and seal it off immediately to keep the air fresh- but you want a liq pipe and and exit pipe on the stinky end.
Watch the video for this part, its hard to describe


I Have started and restarted this game so many times and I always feel like im floundering, started again recently and your content has been a huge help and Im really enjoying the game and feel like I understand a lot more about it now. Hope you keep making content! Thank you.


My man, you gotta come out with part 5. This is a really good tutorial and I am enjoying it!


Looking forward to part V - I love your clear and calm explanation of how to play this game! I hope the recent Steam sale of ONI has given you more subs.


So thankful for these! I started playing a couple weeks ago and I've finally got a good base going, but didn't do things as efficiently or as well as I could have.


I love the way you explain and show how to be successful in ONI :) I was struggling so hard until I found your videos! Now it's much easier and I understand the game so much better :)


What I do is build a wall and door before breaking through a cave. It keeps everything separated and contained. You don't need to rush. Another thing I do is make one tile at the edges to stop spills from going to lower levels or water pools.


i love the lofi chillhop background, really make me comfortable here


I'm liking you series it's really given me some great starting tips that have gotten me to space for the first time. I have a few questions though. Why the 4x26 room size? I understand the 4 height but what's so good about the 26 width? How do I deal with the slime and germs that I had to dig through it's everywhere on my map? What do you do when you get too many hatches do you kill off the extras or start a 2nd stable?


Hello! How long until we get part V? You are really good at explaining things on this game and I'm following your videos. I'm not used to play "building games" and your videos are giving me a good idea on how to play those games. Thanks!


Love your tutorial! Can't wait for more episodes!


You’re killing me, Smalls! I don’t know what to do next!


Thank you so much, these are so helpful !!!!


Thank you. Really enjoying this series. I hope you keep it going.


Thank you for these videos, i like the calmness and that you easaly can pause and keep up.
Could you maybe show us a setup for those of us that didn't start with as much of fresh water? If you're not doing a infinite loop that is!
also, can I ask if you would name a dupe after me? Ellie!


Here's a comment for the algorithm, hope you make it big time one day


You're Awesome I love this series so far its extremely helpful! :D
