Fixes for the most common mid-game problems! Oxygen Not Included Tutorial

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"Solution" (the good one) map seed: SNDST-A-666490240-0

Intro: 0:00
(Old Base) Not Producing Enough Oxygen: 2:23
(Solution) Mid-Game Oxygen: 5:45
(Old Base) Not Producing Enough Food: 28:08
(Solution) Mid-Game Food: 32:31
(OId Base) Failing Power Grid: 1:02:20
(Solution) Mid-Game Power: 1:05:14
(Old Base) Not Enough Cooling: 1:40:00
(Solution) Mid-Game Cooling: 1:43:36
Stable Mid-Game Base Overview: 2:29:47
Рекомендации по теме

Bro said “final solution” so many times I started to think I was in ww2 history class.


Recent fan, working my way through these tutorials. Just wanted to let you know they are amazing. Dont sweat the length! Totally worth it for the depth. Been watching every minute.


I'd love to see how you can turn the 'broken' base around!


Hot dang that tip of using the gas shut offs with sensors instead of those bulky filters was mind blowing. Saved me a lot of energy and space. Your videos consistently help me either get over the fear of doing something new or help improve upon what I already know. Many, many thanks!


every time I hit a problem in my games, you release a video on the problems and it's like dude this guy is just on top of it all

edit: btw I wanna see you fix the base


this was amazing, thank you so much! 2 years have passed and i'm sure a lot has changed, but i've been struggling with heat management, and worse, with understanding a lot of the videos about it. this is all broken down fantastically, with reasoning, options, and open ended suggestions to help kickstart someone who's just more overwhelmed than anything else.


I feel like automation is the thing that really is what kills people though. What I mean is that for the most part I feel that if you at least read the description of all the stations and research things they seem to be pretty obvious in what they do and you can see what their draw backs are. Then when you have to start addressing all of these problems that you mention pretty much all of the solutions require an understanding of automation and how it makes everything better, but all of the automation stuff is barely even explained and I feel like it has very poor wording and control. I've honestly been playing the game trying to avoid automation as much as humanly possible because it is just a massive cluster fluff of awful word verbiage that is exceedingly not helpful at all.


After logging 80 (!!!!) hours in this game in the past week alone, I’ve finally reached mid game with no major problems lol, so this video could not have come at a better tune for me to avoid making any of the next level of mistakes!


I usually watch your videos in half an hour sections cause i get distracted or something but i appreciate that you include so much info.
I started a new run using your advice and even when i have no free energy source yet, with hatches and the CO2 going to space everything is looking very good.


Wow, the shutoff trick for filter replacement was a real lightbulb moment for saving power. I only had one liquid and one gas filter (gas was in my SPOM to make sure the tank only held hydrogen) but this saved me 220W of power just by itself. Thanks :)


I've spread out watching this over like a week because this is certainly the longest tutorial I've seen for this stuff. But holy guacamole I am learning SO much. Ty ty ty. You're making this seem so much more manageable. A hero to many.


Loved this I'm getting to the mid game and I didn't really know what to do from there before this.


I I am absolutely the person you were describing at the end of your video. For over 2 years now, I have played this game and restarted countless times simply because I was struggling to understand all of the different ways you can interpret the games mechanics. I would become overwhelmed by the vast options that were available to me, but this video helped offer me some things to focus on rather than becoming idle because I simply don't know what to do next. Thank you so much for taking the time to lay this all out for us. Once I master the base game, I hope to get the dlc, but I don't want to add even more to my game before I understand the complexities that Klei offered us at the start.


"I'm not gonna go into detail." proceeds to make 2 and a half hour video packed with detail. Great stuff. So many tips for planning my latest setup.


I didn't checked if anyone pointed that out already, pretty sure someone did.
But you are running your coal generators first, starting at 20 % battery or lower.
THAN the Nat Gas generators, starting at 10% or lower....
So basicly, coal will run forever and in addition to that, if it can'T keep up, nat gas will kick in and charge all the stuff to 70%.


SAVE THE DUPES FROM YOUR ORIGINAL SAVE! These videos are awesome. I'm glad you go so far into depth on this


watching you also for your way of talking, clear, not too fast or slow. KEEP UP MAN!


You put out amazing tutorial videos. Your channel deserves to be way more popular!


I really like this type of video that gives insight into real games. This helps me a lot and in doing so, makes me like the game even more. This game is so "open ended" that it's really hard to know what's next or even to identify the real cause of the road block. You insights are very nice.

Since you asked, here are some other things that would be of much interest to me:

- Advice on what to do and not to do for power management in early, mid, and late game. I know you did a tutorial on power generation, but what I'm missing is the overall plan for power. How much power should I be generating in order to get in late game? What to do and to avoid when setting up a power grid in order for it to be simple when you repurpose part of your base? Every time I use oil and petroleum, I end up with empty oil source real fast and having to "drill" new holes all the time. I feel like I'm doing something wrong in managing what I do with my power.

- Advice on the general flow of the game. I watch you walkthroughs and it helps a lot but I'm missing clearer objectives on each phase of the game. Maybe a video on seeing the different stages a bases should normally go through without showing us how to do it. I find that any problem or thing I want to do, I can search an find videos and help easily. What I'm struggling with is when and to what extend I should be doing those. in your video, you are really generous with your insights and telling us why you do something, but it's still very hard for me to have an overall strategy on what to do to win the game. I get sidelines on little projects that may or may not be helping me on the long run.

In any cases, I love your content. Watching you makes me want to play more. Thanks for everything.


little advanced tip for beginners that i found with brothgar's playthroughs of the game:

in early game, before electrolysers, oxygen diffusers are really inefficient.

if you really want a system that you can sustain for longer & that produces overall MORE oxygen than a diffuser...

then i recommand setting up algae terrariums, & to not displace the dirty water it produces.

the you want to go about it is you want to rush your ressearch towards unlocking the air cleaner( & don't expand your base further until it's unlocked)

then you want to start making a room with the ground covered in algae terrariums, with air cleaners right above it.

then you put an high priority on the terrariums & air cleaners & bam! you're now set for the mid game until you can make a proper electrolyser setup!

the reason as to why it produces more oxygen than a diffuser for the same amgae ratio is actually tied to the byproduct of alagae terrariums: bottles of polluted oxygen.

since the polluted oxygen water slowly evaporate into polluted oxygen, you gain an additionnal supply of free oxygen, that you only need the cleaners to make into pure oxygen.

that's a bit of setup for sure, but once it's in place it's a durable solution to supply your base with huge quantities of oxygen.

trust me, it's much better than spamming oxygen diffusers across your base.
