Oxygen Not Included - Tutorial Bites - Sustainability

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This tutorial bite for Oxygen Not Included looks at sustainability and the key topics for making a fully sustainable base.

0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Keeping dupes alive - Oxygen & Food
1:04 - Other systems - Cooling & Power
1:19 - The 4 key topics
1:44 - Sustainable Oxygen & Water
2:37 - Sustainable Food
3:56 - Cooling
4:18 - Sustainable Power generation
5:29 - Summary
5:42 - Full material sustainability - Geysers
6:03 - Full material sustainability - Space Mining
6:16 - Non-renewable resources
6:57 - Outro

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Isn't GA technically renewable through meteors?


Genius video from a YouTube perspective. People will search ONI sustainability, find this video, then get pointed to his other videos for a large watch session, many more views per video, and a higher chance for subscribing.


0:55 I remember back in alpha, there were no geysers, vents, or anything like that, no ice biomes either, and some people just farmed polluted water from duplicants as a source of sustainable water lol


People are sleeping on this channel, fantastic video!


I saw a base setup a while ago that was sustained on a poluted dirt cycle for oxygen due to a lack of water.
He used the lumber -> ethanol -> Pdirt -> sublimation station -> deodorizer production path.
Filtration medium was done sustainably with the use of clay -> ceramic -> sand path.
I think this was the most inventive I've seen so far to be honest.


Me living on mush fries for 220 cycles: what is sustainability


6:59: Note that for lead, other materials might not be an option if you want to make an lead suit. They only accept lead and not other refined materials. However, like the abyssalite case, there is usually enough present on a map, to prevent it being an issue


Loud and clear. The best summaries about ONI


Just finished binging your entire playlist, Fantastic! Thank you for all the info (clear and concise). Look forward to more "Bites"


I find using pufts for slime to turn into algae can keep algae terrariums running for a very very long time, and return most of the water they use as polluted water, which along with the polluted water from the algae distiller being run through a sieve keeps the water available for the terrariums, by just spilling the right amount of water on them from vents. Yes, your dupes have to come along and empty them, but algae can be easily be provided by an auto sweeper and a single conveyor output, so dupes are only needed to take the polluted water out of the terrariums and carry it away to the bottle emptier. Coupled with a closed bathroom loop with overflow, I find myself building more liquid reservoirs than I wanted because I don't have enough uses for the water until I build a super SPOM.


Dude keep it up love your O.N.I. videos all the other channels have infro from 2 years back and I wasn't confident in the accuracy of the info. But THIS is exactly what I needed


Bog Buckets only take polluted water, which makes them sustainable so long as you can make sure the input is polluted


Based on this tutorial it's safe to say... I have mastered 2% of the game lol


Electrolyzers aren't the only way to sustainably produce oxygen. You could use a Polluted Water (cool slush) vent/geyser (letting the water offgas) or a Polluted Oxygen Vent. Regolith can be harvested for infinite filtration medium if you want to clean the polluted oxygen, but like toilets that's not strictly necessary for survival.

Technically rust or slime/algae can be used and refreshed via space POIs, but while that may be sustainable it's definitely not practical. Morbs are also technically infinitely farmable for polluted oxygen, though that scales very poorly.


High quality content as per usual, many thanks!


6:16 Gold Amalgam is given in small amounts by meteor showers in a base game, enough to sustain a small Smoth Hatch ranch. Outside of that, there is no real reason to use metal ores after getting loads of Steel, Thermium and other refined metals.


Oh my God... Your... Your amazing, this is amazing, thank you so much


you can theoretically make infinite oxygen in other ways too, ie. Puft farming, rust POI mining, arbor trees > ethanol distiller > polluted dirt > deodorizer (sand from Pokeshells). Though all of these are far more complicated, provide less output given the space required, & are energy negative. While a SPOM is extremely simple to set up, can be quite tiny & **create** power too. Hence why their seen as the only good option.


"Really only one sustainable oxygen machine". I beg to differ. Trees-> polluted dirt -> liquid oxygen -> gas oxygen. It produces ~10x the oxygen for a given amount of water because most comes back from the petroleum generator. Instead of liquifying the oxygen, you can run it through pufts, and you end up with a net production of polluted water, though at much reduced output. Alternatively you can go the hatch route and smash ceramic for sand and just deodorise, or even just ignore the yucky lungs. Finally, if you are running a sour gas boiler and have some sulphur, throwing some grubgrubs into your tree farm also makes it a net producer. You don't need a lot of it, so a slickster ranch is enough.
Sublimators are viable right through the game, and make better end game projects. Electrolysers are easiest if you have plenty water, but sublimators have many more options and many of them are just better.


In your SPOM it's better to place the hydrogen pump one tile higher, against the ceiling, as it will be more efficient at pumping hydrogen and will make the electrolyzers stop less due to overpressure.
This happens because the pump extracts gas from 5 tiles in the shape of a + centered in the lower left corner of the pump. If the pump is below, the left and lower tiles are blocked by the door and the joint plate. When it's against the ceiling it can pump from one extra tile, and also all other tiles are closer to the hydrogen at the top.
The electrolyzers will work more and the oxygen pressure won't drop as much, ensuring the pressure sensors don't stop the oxygen pumps as much
