Feeling Lonely? You're Not Alone

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I believe we are in the midst of a loneliness crisis.

It's become quite common nowadays for people to struggle with feelings of isolation.
In fact, roughly one out of three people report having little to no friends or feelings of disconnection from people around them.
If you're one of those people, if you're feeling lonely, you're not alone.
It's a more common experience than you might realise.

In the last decade loneliness has been on the rise, without showing any signs of slowing down.
From the elderly who have nobody to talk to, to the young adults who are isolating themselves, nobody is immune.

But why is loneliness even a problem and why should you care?

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Always a great year when this man casually returns after 5 months


One of the worst experiences in life is to be lonely and isolated while surrounded by people having fun and socialising. That fear of missing out and being reminded that you’re worthless. And going home alone.

Not being picked for a team. Not being invited out. Being ignored. Having your ideas ridiculed. Being rejected.

This is not a new thing. I felt the same way in the 90s long before social media.


This video made me cry because I struggle with loneliness really badly. It’s to the point where I sometimes don’t even realize how lonely I am because it’s just become the norm for me. I sometimes feel like I’m going a bit crazy because of lack of close confidants. I’m naturally an introverted person that doesn’t mind my own company so for me to feel this way I’m EXTREMELY isolated.
My issue is. I feel I’ve been let down, hurt and disappointed by so many people that my trust in people is just gone. It seems as if every person I’ve ever put my trust in has broken it in the most horrific way possible. I don’t trust my own judge of character anymore and so, as much as being lonely feels terrible, I feel like it’s better than the alternative of being hurt and betrayed again and again. It’s sad but sometimes no company is better than bad company.


I'm almost 40 with no gf or wife. Most of my friends are dropping off because they have their own family. Being lonely really sucks


Why is that when I'm out the house and with people I just feel like going home? It's like its being with people just drains me.


The way I beat loneliness was by joining clubs and even church groups . It helped me so much .


I found out today, SOMETIMES individuals can appear to be tough and (excessively) cool, and even potentially harsh, but I greeted a stranger walking down the street with no motives other than to be congenial, not expecting anything of it, and probably just the "cold-shoulder" or a paranoid response, but the cool independent tough "robot" became humanized, facial tension melted, and I got a congenial reply. You never know, even something like that could encourage someone, break them out of a vicious-cycle of negative thinking or loneliness.


With how modern life works it's certain that everyone will lose their long term friends few times in their lifetimes. This didn't happen back in the day. Your childhood friends were your friends forever. Then you hang out around people that you can't relate with naturally through common life experiences and suddenly you are isolated.
Career chasing, how schooling system works, universities, decay of rural areas in favor of urban life etc. these are the reasons behind this trend.


I gave up making friends about 10 years ago. I got tired of people just getting flaky and saying no all the time. You can only hear no so many times b4 you just give up. Yes, I'm extremely lonely, and I want more friends, but I'm tired of people who don't give a damn.


The problem with getting older is that you become less mobile and your friends and acquaintances start dying. The worst of it is that it becomes part of normal life and you just get used to it and accept it.


I am in my 60s and still in the workforce. I do NOT want to be friends with my coworkers! They are way too competitive to be trusted as friends. I had good friends and some good family but they have all passed on. The couple of remaining family members are toxic so no contact. Too much of my life has been lived to make friends from scratch now. I get some social interaction at work, and busy myself with hobbies the rest of the time. Cherish the friends and family you have while they are still with you. There's no replacing them.


I left a toxic relationship last year and being alone is far better than being in a stressful situation. Life may get lonely, however, it's peaceful & calm with no toxicity.


Something you didn't get into that much is the quality of social interactions. I don't think it helps to interact superficially with fake personalities we create to not appal each other. Instead we need to find somebody we can open up to and just be ourselves and then there's another condition: understanding and approval. No matter how imperfect we are, we need somebody who affirms our self image. People often say you just need to reassure yourself of your value, but in the end we are social beings and we do care about what others think about us.


We need to go outside regularly and meet people.


Very accurate and relatable! Thanks for making the video


The world needs more of these videos to help people.


I was suffering from loneliness and suddenly i saw his video in my recommendation. Wow, thank you brother. I Don't know how i relate with you so easily. You taught me something today.


Anger, violence, and loneliness all go hand ✋ in hand and there is a direct correlation and probably a near causation between extreme loneliness and anger and violence…


Also, Broken Heart Syndrome can be just as deadly if not more so. I have that since my only daughter died 3 yrs ago. I have no friends as they have moved on with their lives & grandchildren or are dying suddenly. My family is distant emotionally & rarely communicate. My daughter's death & Covid changed everything & everybody. But for me, I have never felt so lonely knowing I cannot hear her voice on the phone or see her face ever again. 💔


This video is very needed in these times. The toxic mixture of social media, C 19 pandemic aftermath, and pervasive narcissism in our society has facilitated loneliness for many. I am glad that I have three wonderful children that I spend my time with. As my wife hangs out with my daughters and I goof off with my son. Yeah with that being said if I didn’t have them I think that the United States especially my native state of New York is probably the loneliest place in the world. And I’ve traveled to many different countries the culture is so different
