The brain may be able to repair itself -- with help | Jocelyne Bloch

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Through treating everything from strokes to car accident traumas, neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch knows the brain's inability to repair itself all too well. But now, she suggests, she and her colleagues may have found the key to neural repair: Doublecortin-positive cells. Similar to stem cells, they are extremely adaptable and, when extracted from a brain, cultured and then re-injected in a lesioned area of the same brain, they can help repair and rebuild it. "With a little help," Bloch says, "the brain may be able to help itself."

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I had a stroke since 7 months ago. My half body were paralyzed. Now I can walk without a stick at home. I'm getting better. My advise is never give up and be patience. Most of all, appreciate every little achivement you had. Cheers


I am so thankful for an amazing brain! 6 years after a stroke I am almost 100%!


The plasticity of our brain is amazing. For those who want to know more about this concept I recommend the book called The Brain That Changes Itself, it's gonna open up your mind to a whole new universe!


I expeirenced a brain injury from a motorcyccle accident in Nov, 2019 and this video gives me hope that I will eventually fully "be myself" again. I injured my brain within the accident and I had previously injured the middle and left hemisphere sections of my brain. It's been a lot of work, i'll tell you that and I still have slight incapabilities but, I recall the set backs I previously had while first recovering. It's almost been five years and i've had countless amounts of therapies but, I currently feel fairly capable mentally and physically now. If anyone would question "help" and disregard the benefits of it, just tell them healing is very slow for the brain and strenous but, it's possible and easier being guided and having direction to what would be diminnished and eventually will restore what one is incappable of within ones brain


My father is in coma since 27 days. Only sometimes opening his eyes little bit. He has a hemorrhage in brain. Aslo intraventicular hemorrhage. Devastating moment for our family. Please pray. He needs your prayer. Please Please


This gives me hope for my son. He suffered headtrauma due to a fall from stairs when he was 7 months old. He is now 14 and suffers from epilepsy becoz of the lesions in his brain. Also he has volume loss becoz of these lesions. His epilepsy attacks are mild but we havent been able to stop it with medications. I dream and pray one day there is possibility to repair these lesions in his brain. One day he will be able to go where ever he wants to go without somebody having to watch over him. One day he will not have to sleep off the terrible tiredness after an epilepsy attack.


I taught neurogenesis in adult brain is only occur in limited areas of the brain like dentate gyrus, olfactory bulb and etc. But the fact that adult brain has this cells in cortex is fascinating! Great talk i enjoy it a lot tanks to dr. Jocelyne Bloch and TED


She was fantastic. I actually understood what she was explaining.. when you speak to a person in plain English, instead of the technical terms or talking down to them, it’s amazing how easy learning can be!


Damn. If this was there in hospitals around the world 6 years ago maybe, my grandmother would be in this world with me today. Cheerios to the group doing such work and I really hope it comes to hospitals soon and help the other people who suffer so much.


Utterly amazing. This woman and her colleagues are brilliant.


Wow, this... this is a true unicorn: a TED talk that doesn't suck. Great work!


My 39 year old husband has had a stroke and is brain dead. I’m asking for everyone’s prayers for a miracle and if there’s any people doing studies like the one shown in this video on humans please contact me if you could help me with my husband. Thank you


I wish they had this tech in 1996 when i had a stroke after a VSD repair because of a Anesthesia dose miscalculation, my right side complete went limp and after 1 year of physiotherapy, it regained 60% strength and 80% range of motion. I am still alive but as i grow old i do feel the discrepancy in strength in my arms and legs


Now this is a TED talk, finally one worth having on here again, i was so close to giving up on the channel.


My son had an avm rupture in his cerrebellum January 16th, the doctors said he would not survive, my son has been in rehab for over two months and he has a trach and a feeding tube. He's is moving his legs, arms, pelvis, he understands everything around him, he can point and has minimumal motor skills. Today his trach was capped and he breathed on his own. Today he also tried to speak, we heard his voice but was unclear of the words. I wish he could have this procedure done, I believe this would help him improve at 100 percent rate. I hate that ppl/ children have to struggle due to laws that govern the money claws. Saving a life should be number one in everyone's heart. I believe so many ppl would still be with their loved ones if this was a medical option. I pray this procedure can be performed within my 14 year olds lifetime. As I dont no of his future but something in my heart believes a procedure like this would help him. God bless our health, soul and minds. These nuerosurgeons are definitely heaven sent.


This would be amazing for people with severe brain injury or dementia. God bless you Jocelyne Bloch!


Thank you so much for sharing this new ground-breaking knowledge/neuro strategy . Well done!


I don’t ever say this despite hearing impressive stuff but hands down, Can you say Nobel Prize in Medicine if this works out in human trials. This is amazing.


I am a 9 year massive stroke victim, when my brain was swelling so much they removed a piece of my skull to relieve the swelling. II have complete left side paralysis & basically chair bound now, I really need some kind of help to help with recovery. I can't understand why with so many suffering with stroke that there isn't more trial studies going on!


This is truly impressive and would take medicine to another level.
and this was 2 YEARS AGO !!
I really hope there will be a follow up.
