How to get out of Debt | Mind Your Money PT 8

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This is part 8 of my 20 part "Mind Your Money" personal finance series.
Debt free living is a goal that many, many people have. Yet, many of them either don't believe they can reach it, don't know how to start, or are too afraid to even look at their current debt situation head on. I'm here to say that none of those are necessary. Debt, is actually quite easy to get control over when you take a look at where you are, consider your options, and make a decision on what approach will work best for your current life situation, and just follow through. It truly is that simple. But why is it that so many people let debt consume them to a point where it is the largest financial stressor for so many? Well, I have my opinions on how big banks and businesses have done that to consumers on purpose, but that's for another video. But we simply CANNOT afford to ignore our debt, or it will chew up any hopes of financial freedom and spit them out, mangled and forgotten. Follow me in this video and learn how to look debt in the eyes, and see the path to your own victory, and learn to become debt free.... And stay that way.

Thanks for watching! I hope my video helps!
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