The Importance of Being Single

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One of the most important preconditions of a good relationship is a satisfactory perspective on being single. The more we are happy to be on our own, the more we will be able to exercise the correct degree of caution around finding a new companion. Discover why the bedrock of true love is happy singledom.


“One of the most important preconditions of a good relationship is a satisfactory perspective on being single. The more we are happy to be on our own, the more we will be able to exercise the correct degree of caution around finding a new companion. The bedrock of true love is happy singledom. Yet our societies do very little to help us to be calm or at ease in our own company. Singledom is framed as an involuntary, depressing and always hopefully temporary state…”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Na Na Na Studio
Leon Moh-Cah

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Vale Productions
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"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone” - Robin Williams


The only person you're with 100% of your life is yourself. So if you don't have a good relationship with yourself, odds are a relationship with someone else isn't going to fix that. ❤️


I've been single for most of my life, and I honestly really enjoy being independent. Of course, if the right person comes along, then it would be great, but it's important to love yourself first and foremost before anyone else can love you romantically.


This year i'll be turning 50 and celebrating my 25th year as a single person. I invested all my time, energy and care in me. Now it pays dividends. To all the young people out there i want to say know yourself, love yourself and do you. If someone comes along who understands and respects you and wants to walk in life hand-in-hand with you that's great. If not, life is still great because you got you. As Oscar Wilde once said :"To love oneself is the begining of a lifelong romance."


Being raised by parents who definitely we're not and are not happy with their relationship really taught me how important being at peace with being single truly is. It does not make you hasty when it comes to picking a partner and it honestly gives you time to figure yourself out imo.
Being single and happy and at peace is genuinely so much better than being in an unsatisfactory partnership


"When someone is starving, they will eat anything"
I can't believe how well this metaphor fits..


Being single has one problem only, it’s addictive. The peace and quiet is addictive. Mainly when you see people around you miserable and a whole batch of problems because they keep jumping from relationship to relationship. And even stable relationships bring a plethora of problems. So yeah, being single is addictive, when you have no problems with being single


I was single from 23 to 28 and during those times I made a lot of progress. From finishing some courses, switching jobs and to actually moving by myself abroad.


I’ve been single my whole life and having parents who had a toxic marriage didn’t really help motivate me. I used to get unbearably depressed, to the point I had to get myself to therapy. After turning 30 last year I started accepting myself for who I was, and surprisingly my depression started going away. This even helped me finally have fun and started going out more. Sometimes we try so hard finding happiness that we fail to forget it was in front of us this whole time.


I’ve hated my loneliness for awhile but I’ve finally started to fall in love with it. The quality of people in my life matter so much more then the quantity.


My last serious relationship was 12 years ago and I can tell you, being single has been trascendental for me. I've had enormous personal, spiritual, physical and intellectual growth that I'm 1000% sure would've taken me a lot more time to reach if any, with a partner. For some of us, we can only connect to powerful ideas while being alone. Is very hard to have the introspection you need to grow if you're always surrounded by people. So, don't feel bad for yourself if you've been single for a long time. You'll become a great person because of it, trust me.


My life is full of peace and tranquillity, but sometimes i tell myself it would not be bad having someone with you with the same vibes, not so easy when you're an introvert.


“We will only look for someone who can deeply contribute to our life. Not someone who can laundry with us or keep us company on sunday evenings”
Being single for the past 3 years made me realize this statement is true. What I am looking for is someone who can add value into my life. Being in a relationship for the sake of just not being alone can feel lonelier than being on your own. Looking for the right partner is just like finding the perfect job or the diet that works for you. It takes time. In the meantime, I am learning how to self-sustain whether I am in a relationship or single.


The more I see what’s out there, the more determined I am to remain single . And not even date.


I lost myself in a pretty dull relationship, and ending it was the best decision of my life. I had the time to understand my inner world, to choose the right education path for me and had the time to truly study the subject, to work on and resolve some of my anxieties and insecurities, to mature to be a more balanced and calm person (I hope), to travel alone often (it's such an amazing experience!), to learn to be more assertive, to overcome adversities, to be more self-sufficient and resourceful. To not to accept bad treatment or attitudes. To find pleasure in tranquility and silence, to enjoy quiet evenings with interesting books, movies, music at home with a nice dinner or a cup of tea, or picnics in the park. To go to bars or restaurants alone and feel free and at ease. To go on whatever event without the need for somebody to tag along. To have time for friends, volunteering, hobbies, sports, self-care, or laziness, to have the freedom to sometimes splurge on clothes, travels, books, events without guilt or shaming. To observe the relationships of others and see the issues, mistakes, the ugly realities of the insta-perfect couples, and to understand what I want and don't want in a relationship in case I decide I am ready for one. It's been 10 years since I am single and I am still very much loving my freedom! And I'm ok if I never change my mind 🙂The world is a fascinating place, with so much to discover, feel, achieve and experience! And while being in a relationship may teach you many good things too, I think being alone is also a valid, valuable and important experience and life decision.


I am 50, never married, and single my entire life. I've learned that society socially engineers women to conform to patriarchy. After observing the cycles of broken relationships, poverty, low or no education, and what I call “ struggle love, ” I wanted no part in a marriage and never will. I sincerely appreciate being Single. I live in Japan, on the island of Okinawa, where the longest-living humans live among this population. I've noticed that women connect to other women in social groups and settings to build and sustain friendships. My neighbor, who is 82 and still drives and works!! She has never been married and is childless. She speaks five languages and plays piano and the Shamisen (Japanese Guitar). She meets weekly with her friends for lunch and fun outings. Our primal need is security & protection as humans. Thriving friendships empower Singles to live happy & fulfilling lives. I love my singleness. I used to be ashamed of my lack of relationships, but now I rejoice because I have a balance of beautiful relationships with friends and sweet solitude at home...


Last night my mum made me feel so miserable about being single but Im glad I found this vid. I feel a lot better now before this day ends. Hope my parents know and understand this.


Being single for a long time has not made me desperate or lonely, it has made me more selective. Every day I am progressively happier with my peace. It is going to take a phenomenal person to make me want to give that up.


if youre single or in a relationship, good for you! do what matters to you. we're all humans on the same team. lets build each other up


Been single since 2017 (a 7-year relationship didn't work out), and since then:
- I've been the healthiest I've ever been (physically active, and mentally)
- Been financially stable
- Been to most countries in Southeast Asia
- Laughed and smiled the most in my life
- Closer than ever with my immediate family

Honestly, I don't think I'll be where I am - career-wise or personally in general - if we pushed that previous relationship.
