The Carnivore Diet Is Getting More Popular!

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My dr told me many yrs a go. Fat doesnt make you fat, sugar makes you fat. He was a very thin man.


I was carnivore over 50 years ago after the Dr. Atkins diet revolution book came out. The first week on his diet, you were 100% carnivore. But I took it a step further and I would stay on Carnivore for months every time I wanted to lose some weight. I regret going back to carbs. But now I feel like I’ve been saved, I am carnivore now since October and I’ll never go back to carbs. I love you, Dr. Ken Berry!


I'm on carnivore, from Algeria, Africa, thank you Doc, you helped a lot.


So true! Was laughed at and put down for being ketovore. Not now because everyone around me has health issues.


Hey. I just finished my 90-day challenge that you suggested. I don't think I will ever go back!!
I lost 10lbs. Not that I was doing it for that reason.
That's just an added benefit!! YAY!
I FEEL BETTER THAN EVER. And I've noticed hair growth, better looking skin, skin tags have fallen off, healthier nails.
I wish I had known about this WOL years ago!!


I'm so thankful that I am carnivore getting close to 2 years. Best decision I ever made. It was actually an imperative was reacting so badly to plant foods. I wish that I wouldn't have paid attention to the alarmist talk about ketones in the system. That was being talked about in the 70s and I thought about doing Atkins but I got scared off of it. Glad that the truth is coming out about the proper human diet. Thank you Dr Berry for being one of the greatest voices of wisdom.


We went Keto/Carnivore 4 years ago. People did indeed look at us like we had three heads. I'm not very good at keeping quiet lol. We now have multiple friends, family, and church members doing the same.


I went carnivore 9 days ago. I know I still have a lot to learn. I watch podcasts on the carnivore for hours on.I keep it simple. I got so tired of hurting all over. My legs, hips, knees, and back would hurt so bad. I feel amazing. I wake up with so much energy. I don't have cravings, and I take walks. My only problem is my insomnia. I am going to keep going anyway. Thank you.


I had stomache issues and as soon as I held up my veggies for like 3 days and just had a good size steak it cleared up.


I personally have converted almost 10 people and had probably twice that many ask me what I am doing to lose all the weight and look so good. I always find myself looking at people and dating, "I could help that person lose all that weight or feel a lot better" when I am out in public. I know that it can!


I am on carnivore right now, 21 year old girl. I am only 1 week in but all the cravings stopped, I am recovering from bulimia but I have notised that I don't feel any guilt on the carnivore diet. I have not felt the urge to puke. I just hopes it cures my anxiety as well. I have really big problems with anxiety. Sorry for bad english (I am from Sweden)


I still tend to say I'm low carb instead..even though I've lost 4 stone since start of year and feel great peeps are still very concerned about it here in UK


I actually learned of you from comments to a post Rogan did referencing carnivore last year..(wish I knew who made that comment so I can go back and personally thank them)..would love to hear you chop it up with Joe for 3 hrs.. can't help it would be nothing but beneficial information to listen to


People were concerned about me when they heard that I was on carnivore. Once friend said that she heard that you need carbs in order to have energy. “Are you feeling alright?” She asked. I told her that I sure didn’t feel any worse after just two weeks. Then as inflammation went down I actually did feel better.
The people who own the multinational corporations that own this country really want to get rid of that CO2 causing livestock for some real reason. They also do not want Americans getting healthy.


I am from Texas and was raised on beef. My Mom use to say if there’s “no meat 🥩” it’s not a meal!!! Got to have meat to feel satiated!


It’s changed my life completely but I do miss cheesecake and ice cream every damn day


I’m convinced that a part of our current society doesn’t want the common people to be strong. They wish to keep us weak, sick, and needing all those expensive meds.


Since the industrial revolution humans have invented technologies that makes living with any type of diet mostly carnivore easier.
Too bad the grain corporations doesn't want people to know the truth so they could maintain their profits😂


People still think I'm weird, and think I'm going to drop dead at any time due to high cholesterol. 😂


I'm carnivore for 1.5 months lost 17 lbs I didn't know I had to lose. Now I'm an evangelist for the diet for friends and family. Got my buddy on it, hoping it deals with gout and kidney issues for him and he's got close to 150lbs to lose.
