This Makes Him Fight For You & Not Take You For Granted

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My mom once said: " do not marry a man that you love, marry the one who loves you" women can learn how to love


At the end of the day ladies, wherever a man is, is where he wants to be.


I don’t know about other people, but I find it so exhausting to play games, playing hard to get and so forth. I would like to be myself and be appreciated for being a giver. I don’t mind repetitiveness, stability. What is boring for some, having a ready meal at the end of the day, good old cuddles in the evening, doing stuff together and sharing a vision… give it to me every day and I’ll never be bored. But no. It seems that you need to behave like a narcissistic monster in order to be respected by others… Am I the only one who finds it so EXHAUSTING, I wonder..


Lesson: When you play hard to get, you FORCE him to work for it. This creates the sense that his efforts are required. But once he gets you, there's no FORCE anymore, what do you think will happen?
However, when you don't play hard to get, but you don't make it easy either, you ALLOW him to work for it. This creates the sense that his efforts are appreciated, although not "needed" by you because you can do without him.
So the real lessons are:
1) 5:10 Be able to do without him. You must believe that you are enough for yourself.
2) 6:50 Want him, but don't need him.
3) 8:35 ALLOW him to work for it. Don't take away all the obstacles to make it easy for him to love you. Many times, the obstacles/stakes/risks are what made the relationship desirable to begin with.
4) 3:00 Show him your standards. Don't overcompensate and don't take any BS! Make him less important when, and stop giving what, he takes for granted.
5) 7:10 When you get him, don't suddenly make your life revolve around him. Still maintain your independence.
Thanks Brian!!!


I was in an abusive, toxic relationship for 5 years. I hid behind every excuse to stay. I left today with my kid. I'm in my car listening to this just because I needed to understand what a normal relationship should look like. I was taken for granted for 5 years. Wow. I hope I dont go back this time. Send good vibes my way plz.


People don't appreciate you until you're gone


Hahahaha 'if you cook him a dinner and he does not say thank you, popcorn it is for dinner next time'
Love that haha! Really a great example to keep in mind


This is so true. The less you need him, the more he will chase you. Need him but trust him that he loves you. Be positive and remind yourself that you are enough. Real man always comeback when he knows he’s woman has true intentions to him. I believe in LOVE.


I don't believe people fight for love anymore, if your to busy, they walk, if your to needy, they walk, its a no win situation. There is no such thing as a man being truly in love. They have to many options.


My mother advised me to marry a man who truly loves you. It’s better for a man to love you more than you love him. That’s an assurance he will treat you well.


Lauryn Hill taught me this with her song (Doo Wop - that thing) “plus when you give it so easily you ain’t even fooling him. If you did it then, then you’d probably do it again” “don’t be a hard rock when you really are gem, baby girl respect is just the minimum…”


At the end of the day, if our love is not reciprocated, or our needs not even acknowledged for them to step up, we should learn to let go.


I did it all wrong by giving too much and he started becoming extremely passive aggressive and disrespectful when he didn’t get his way! I stopped it all and had to reintroduce myself and now we are starting over again after 5 years of marriage and 3 kids. Giving your all is not always the best, it’s called codependency! Codependent no more 🥰


This hit home. I made my relationship to easy, I removed every obstacle so he didn't have a reason to do anything. It became a very one sided relationship. I didn't realize I was doing this until it was to late.


I don’t like men who play hard to get. I like men who pursue me tenaciously. I’m hard to get by nature. I’m high value. I have to see you in action for some years and know your character, before I commit to you. In order for me to love you, I’ve gotta trust you. I will only begin to trust you when I see that you can trust yourself in expressing your vulnerability. Pull out all the steps. Consistently show me progressive love. And I will do the same for you.


I left a relationship where HE did very little rowing ... so I ended it . I felt very undervalued and unappreciated . It was a learning curve ... now I’m with a chap who moves heaven and earth to be with me ... I don’t make it easy for exactly that purpose x it does strengthen my identity, my accomplishment ... I love this new empowered me .


Does anyone else love how simple and effortless Brian makes dating ♥️🙏🏼


Been with someone for a few years and I HAD To get two jobs I HAD to work hard. I left and I am on my own now and I am much happier.


He seems to expect me to pursue him. He’s failing on so many levels.I have communicated how it makes me feel…in a kind way. He still hasn’t changed. It’s long distance relationship but we’ve known each other for six years. When we saw each other two weeks ago he was all about us. And now that he’s back home he’s not really making an effort but yet texting me good morning beautiful. I’m tired of men thinking that that’s enough. I value myself more than that. And I deserve better. So I am the one who has backed off and decided to start dating again. I know I deserve somebody that doesn’t have to think twice about loving me or caring about me. Guys don’t seem to see the importance of this anymore. I refuse to be an option to anyone!!!


It's not about game playing but about not being clingy or too needy.
We women need to be independent and to love ourselves.
Your advice is 100 % right.
