The Gift of Speaking in Tongues

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Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, talks with John who wants to know about the gift of tongues.

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I am at a point of my closeness with the Lord is growing leaps and bounds. I have been wanting to witness, I feel I am being called to do it, this is time. I was raised to think speaking in tongues is the Holy Spirit speaking through you. Do you know you are doing it? What does it feel like? I feel I am being led also.. I am more than willing!!


I hope the speaker sees this. There was a time when I prayed in a tongues more. I would speak in my car, the shower, in the closet, etc. it was a time I believe God was strengthen me for the next season. This season no so much speaking in tongues. God uses it to edifying a believer, powerfully, and until one truly walks in it, one will not know the truth. If you never spoke in tongues and your speaking out against it, then you truly do not know. I’m not saying this condensely, but I once was a naysayers until I submitted everything to the Lord. I have been set free, and yes, I know people won’t agree, but I believe during that time, during that season, the gift from my Father and creator, my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, pulled me from the hands of the devil. And I will never deny there was a time where the spirit of pride seeped in, but by the grace of God he worked that right out of me. For the love of a God could only give good genuine gifts. If you want to know if this is true, seek after God and ask Him, I believe He will reveal more than you could ever imagine


1corinthians chapters 12 and 14 talks about it. Jude talks about it. Acts talks about it. Tongues are real folks. Definitely nothing to argue. I speak in tongues and i regard very highly much my christian brethren who dont speak in tongues. And yes satan counterfeits it. Hank has a very good teaching on this and went straight from bible on this. I had a pastor friend who didnt speak in tongues but did recognize it as scriptural when we had a message in tongues with interpretation in a service. In other words he wasnt a tongue talker but didnt speak against it.


A Baptist preacher in Mexico is preaching and he stops and turns to the translator, and says, are you going to translate? The translator turns to him and says, Sir, you are speaking perfect Spanish... Peter did not speak a hundred different languages at Pentecost, so it wasn't about Peter speaking, but the people hearing... He who has ears to hear, let HIM hear... Just my 2 cents... But it's Biblical... God bless...


The “tongues” Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians are producing today is an entirely self-created phenomenon. It is non-cognitive non-language utterance; random free vocalization based upon a subset of the existing sounds of the speaker’s native language, and any other language(s) the speaker may be familiar with or have had contact with. It is typically characterized by repetitive syllables, plays on sound patterns, and over-simplification of syllable structure. “Tongues” may be either spoken or sung. Due to the nature of how it is produced, no two people will ever have the same “tongue”.

There is _nothing_ that these ‘speakers’ are producing that cannot be explained in natural linguistic terms.

Conversely, there are no Biblical references to ‘tongues” that cannot be explained with respect to real language. Indeed, in the patristic view, “tongues” were seen as rational (foreign) languages.

Early Pentecostal/Charismatic ‘tongues-speakers’ looked for Scriptural references for what they were doing, since their original supposition (xenoglossy) definitely wasn’t it; however, Scriptural references were simply not there. The resulting implicit theology was not a synthesis of revelation and philosophy, but rather a synthesis of trying to make sense of the “tongues experience” in light of the narrative of Scripture.

In other words, a way to legitimize the modern phenomenon by ‘proofing‘ it in the Bible, despite the obvious overwhelming absence therein of anything resembling modern tongues – call it what you will, but the result was a virtual re-definition of Scripture with respect to the understanding/justification of modern “tongues” for this group of Christians.

Two of the best examples of this classic re-definition are the phrase “praying in the Spirit”, and the word “tongue(s)” itself.

The Greek word translated “pray in” can have several different meanings/nuances. It can mean “by means of, ” “with the help of, ” “in the sphere of, ” and “in connection to.” Praying in the Spirit does _not_ refer to the words we are saying. Rather, it refers to _how_ we are praying.

In the three places the phrase is used (Corinthians, Ephesians, and Jude), there is absolutely no reference to 'languages' in connection with the phrase. Therefore, “praying in the Spirit” should be understood as praying in the power of the Spirit, by the leading of the Spirit, and according to His will. In Pentecostal/Charismatic parlance however, the phase has come to be equated with 'pray in tongues'. A reading into Scripture of something that was just never there.

The word “tongue(s)” is simply a more archaic word for (real) “language(s)”, nothing more. Replace “tongue(s)” with “language(s)” in these passages and the whole modern Pentecostal/Charismatic concept of “tongues” begins to become difficult to posit – “language(s)” sounds a lot less mysterious. In Pentecostal/Charismatic parlance however, the phase has come to be equated with the modern concept of “tongues-speech”. Again, a reading into Scripture something that was never there.

“Tongues” is simply not what its ‘speakers’ want/need it to be.

Modern tongues is just another tool, like chanting or meditation, etc.; a way by which one may establish a closer relationship with the divine and strengthen one’s spiritual path. In this respect (i.e. as the _tool_ it is), it can be quite powerful to accomplish this goal, as attested by many of those who use it. Known by many different names, “tongues”, or more accurately “glossolalia”, is practiced by many cultures and religious beliefs from all over the world; it is relatively new to Christianity and certainly not unique to it.


Why would God waste the gift of Tongues on someone who will never leave their country to reach others of different languages? 🤔


Romans 8:26 NASB
In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;

This scripture is talking about angelic tongues, not actual languages like the disciples spoke at Pentacost. Tongues are definitely for today and God can use us to speak other languages for witnessing purposes or we can use angelic tongues. While in a church setting, it should only be used when an interpreter is present. While at home, use it during your prayer time. And while you're doing it, also be praying in your language as well. That way, your mind can be edified as well as your spirit. All christians should want everything God has to offer. We should seek and ask for all gifts, including the more important prophesying. Don't wait to get to heaven to have as much of God as possible.
